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Amazon. com Help Print a Tax Invoice for Digital Products & Services

Amazon. com Help: Print a Tax Invoice for Digital Products & Services

FBA offers three channels for uploading your listings to accommodate the scale of your business

Add a product - If you have a small number of items you want Amazon to fulfil for you, you can list them one at a time. Seller Central, our web interface for sellers helps you to select items in the Amazon. in catalog or add new ones. Once you have your items listed, you can simply convert it to by fulfiled by Amazon.

Flat file feeds - If you have large number of items, you can list items by uploading a flat file through our web tool. We provide an Excel spreadsheet template that you can use to build the file. This method enables you to directly list them for Fulfillment by Amazon.

API Integration - If you have large number of items and development resources available to you, you can integrate your own website or inventory management software with Amazon's inventory catalog. This method enables you to directly list them for fulfillment by Amazon.

    You must provide us with information we request about any of your products, or the fulfillment of your products, in a format and upon intervals that we request. This product information may include all information regarding all available product categorisation and sub-categorisations, item and packaging dimensions, weight and bar code data and product condition for all of your products if it’s not already in our catalogue.

Collect your packaged and labeled units and pack them in boxes to ship to Amazon fulfillment center. Print shipping labels for your packages. You can print from your seller account the list of products and quantities you intend to send us and use this list as a reference when collecting the products from your storage facility.

Pack your product units using as few boxes as possible. Protect the products from damage during shipping by adding cushioning material like styrofoam or bubble-wrap to the box. Check the sealed box to ensure the contents in the box will not shift during shipping and that the box is strong enough for shipping. Repack the box if necessary.

Amazon. com Help: Print a Tax Invoice for Digital Products & Services

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CreateSpace and KDP are One Service

We've moved all CreateSpace books to KDP. To continue working on your books, visit this page and follow the steps to access your books on KDP.

Top questions

Getting started on KDP

    Get to know KDP. Want our experts to introduce you to KDP? Join us for a webinar. Registration is hosted by GoToWebinar, so you'll visit their site to sign up. Can't join the live event? Watch a video recording. Differences. Learn about key differences between CreateSpace and KDP. Resources. Check out resources for completing common tasks on KDP.

Formatting resources

    Manuscript and cover templates can help you create print-ready paperback files. Build Your Book is a step-by-step video guide for formatting a paperback manuscript in Microsoft Word. KDP University offers webinars, videos, and end-to-end guides to help you successfully publish your book. Top formatting rejection reasons Book changes that may result in additional content or quality reviews

Top questions

Where are my books?

Video: How to Access Your Books on KDP

Which email do I use on KDP to access my books?

If you have a KDP account, sign in to that account. If you are new to KDP and don’t have a KDP account, you can create one. You do not need to set up a new KDP account with your CreateSpace login if you already have a KDP account. If you maintain separate business entities for your print and digital publishing activities, you may want to create a new KDP account in the name of the business entity that manages your print publishing activities instead of linking to your existing KDP account. Keep in mind that if you choose this option, you won’t have the consolidated payments, reporting, and book management that a single account would give you.

How do I order author copies?

Author copies are copies of your live paperback that can be purchased at printing cost. After an order has shipped, you can track your packages on Amazon or in the Amazon mobile app. After the move, it can take up to 24 hours for your KDP Bookshelf to show the option to order copies. Learn more about author copies.

Video: Ordering Author Copies

When will I get paid?

We are actively working to pay royalties earned through CreateSpace that didn't meet the minimum threshold before the move but have since become eligible for payment. If your CreateSpace royalties are not eligible for payment, we are working to move them to your KDP account and they will be paid per KDP’s normal payment schedule.

How do I access my historical CreateSpace reports on KDP?

After your CreateSpace books move to KDP, your sales will be tracked in your KDP reports. You can also access your historical CreateSpace report data in your KDP reports after the move's complete:

Go to your reports If your sales are within the last 90 days, go to the Sales Dashboard tab. The default is set to 30 days, so adjust it to see the 90-day timeframe If your sales are older than 90 days, go to the Historical tab For both reports:

    Choose the "All Marketplace" drop down to filter by marketplace "Createspace – US," "Createspace – UK," "CreateSpace - DE" Choose the "Life to Date" dropdown to see all sales or choose the timeframe

Do I have to publish an eBook on KDP?

You can publish both eBooks and paperbacks on KDP. You don't have to publish an eBook on KDP, but you can easily create an eBook edition of your paperback by clicking + Create eBook next to the book on your KDP Bookshelf. Publishing in both formats can help you reach new readers. Learn more about publishing eBooks on KDP.

What if I had a book in process on CreateSpace?

When we moved your books from CreateSpace to KDP, your incomplete book information moved along with your account details and available books. There are some differences between book statuses on CreateSpace and KDP:

CreateSpace status KDP status after moving
Incomplete Draft
In Review Draft
Proof Review Draft
Awaiting Proof Draft
Available Live
Retired Unpublished

Is anything changing about my agreement with CreateSpace?

If your books were moved to KDP automatically and you have not signed in to KDP to claim your titles, your Member Agreement with CreateSpace continues to be in effect. However, the rights you granted to CreateSpace under the Member Agreement have been transferred to the Amazon entities listed in the KDP Terms and Conditions. The CreateSpace Member Agreement has also been updated to be consistent with KDP's policies and guidelines, including royalty and payment terms and content guidelines. Once you sign in to KDP after linking your CreateSpace account, you'll need to accept the KDP Terms and Conditions to continue using KDP.

D >The survey is hosted by Qualtrics, so you'll visit their site to fill it out.

Access your books on KDP

Here's an overview of the steps you'll take to access your books after we've moved them to KDP.


Make sure the email address we have is associated with the right CreateSpace account.


If you already have a KDP account, click Link your Kindle Direct Publishing account. If you don't have a KDP account, you need to create one before you can access your books.


Once you've linked to your existing KDP account or claimed a new one, click Go to your books. When we're done preparing your account, you'll be sent to your KDP Bookshelf.

D >The survey is hosted by Qualtrics, so you'll visit their site to fill it out.

Start using KDP

When your books moved to KDP, your reports, payment, and tax information also moved. You can review your payment and tax information in Your Account and view your reports from your Bookshelf.

Getting Started with KDP video

This video is a recorded webinar. It covers need-to-know information and introduces you to KDP.

    What is KDP (0:33) Logging in to KDP (1:56) Tour of the KDP Account (2:08) Account Set-up (4:35) Contact information set-up (5:02) Getting Paid Set-up (5:16) Tax Interview (5:55) Account Changes (7:09) Creating a new book (7:34) Book Details tab (8:06) Book Content tab (8:16) Book pricing tab (8:32) Creating multiple formats (9:00) What's behind the … (9:46) Author Copies (10:10) KDP Help pages (10:40) KDP Jumpstart (11:08) KDP University (11:38) Kindle Create (12:32) Print Previewer (13:26) Creating Covers (14:15) Royalties and pricing (15:53) Reports (16:45) Historical report (18:07) Month to date report (18:31) Payment Report (18:39) Pre-orders/promotions (18:58) Prior months royalties (19:15) Making changes (20:15)

Differences between CreateSpace and KDP

Overall, the self-publishing process on CreateSpace and KDP is the same. Just as you did on CreateSpace, you'll create covers, format interior files, choose print and distribution options, and buy copies on KDP. There are minor differences between the two sites, which we've included in this table:

Payment schedule Prior to the move, CreateSpace paid royalties every month, approximately 30 days after the end of the month in which they were earned. KDP pays royalties every month, approximately 60 days after the end of the month in which they were earned. As a result, you'll be paid in January for royalties earned in November on KDP and so forth, as long as they meet the minimum threshold. Expanded Distribution royalties will be paid 60 days after the end of the month in which our distributors report their sales.

Ordering author copies When you order your copies of your book on KDP, you do so through your Amazon cart and can use Amazon order tracking. Also, copies for the U. K. and the rest of Europe are manufactured and shipped from within Europe. To order copies on KDP, you need to make your book available on Amazon. Learn more about author copies.

Unsupported languages Authors and publishers can upload and sell books on KDP with content and book details written in these languages. Books currently available in unsupported languages from CreateSpace will continue to be available for sale on Amazon. This means that you cannot update or publish new books in unsupported languages. If your unsupported language book moved to KDP in a draft stage, you will need to publish it in a supported language. That said, we continue to evaluate which features and services we offer in the future, including supported languages.

Cover Creator If you used Cover Creator on CreateSpace, the design won't be compatible with Cover Creator on KDP. We moved your CreateSpace files and can print your book using your existing Cover Creator cover. If you want to update your cover after the move to KDP, you're welcome to design a new one using KDP's Cover Creator. You can also use our templates.

Expanded Distribution On CreateSpace, it was not required to make your book available on Amazon to enable Expanded Distribution. On, KDP, it's required. CreateSpace books that aren't available for sale on Amazon. com moved to KDP in a "draft" status and are no longer enrolled in Expanded Distribution. To re-enroll in Expanded Distribution, you'll need to make your books available for sale on Amazon. com by publishing and enabling Expanded Distribution through the KDP Bookshelf. It can take six to eight weeks for your book to become available again in Expanded Distribution channels. Learn more about Expanded Distribution.

Author bio Your author bio you entered on CreateSpace continues to display on your book's detail page. You can manage your bio on Author Central. Don't have an Author Central account?

Printing costs On KDP, some low-page count books being printed in Europe (color books less than 30 pages and black-and-white books under 110 pages) will see an increase in printing costs. This affects a small number of titles. Use this calculator to determine printing costs.

Content and quality review On KDP, if you update your book details (e. g., title, description, categories), manuscript and cover files, or publishing and territory rights, we'll review the updated version to ensure it meets our guidelines for book details, content, and quality.

Common tasks on KDP

The table below includes tasks you're used to doing on CreateSpace and resources for doing them on KDP. For how-to videos, guides with insider tips, and webinars hosted by Amazon publishing experts, check out KDP University.

What We Do

Amazon Listing Optimization Services

Multiple listings for variations of the same product Misspelled Terms (e. g. Product type “Shirt” – misspelled as “Shrit”) Inconsistent Product Data (Incorrect, duplicate and conflicting product information) Product Title longer than 80 characters with no keywords Incomplete Product Listings Miscategorization (e. g. Men’s shirt under Women’s section) Small Image Size & Poor Quality (which may result into suppressed listings) Features / Bullet Points missing Product Description plagiarized from the manufacturer’s site Higher Price than that of competitor for the same article

There is a direct cost to poor product data. If your users can not find the information they need, they may exit to another website that provides it, leading to lost revenue and unfavorable testimony for your business.

Optimized Search Terms Keywords promoting the product/brand

Terms separated with a space

Terms entered in logical order Optimized Title Title uses brand name

Data elements separated by commas

Optimal title length (80 – 250) maintained Parent/Child Variations Product Discoverability Relevant Product Content

Product Reviews

Search Keywords

Product Images

Product Images

Fulfillment Method

Landed Price

Inventory Quantity

Sponsored Products

The quality and clarity of product data influences buyer behavior. Let AmzLion. com help you optimize your product listing pages to enhance both the discovery and conversion of products on your Amazon Store.

Amazon Consultancy

AmzLion works alongside online merchants to support them right from setting-up their Amazon store, running product ads through to managing day-to-day tasks like order processing and inventory management. We are proficient at working with both, Amazon Seller Central and Vendor Central.

Catalog & Content

With a well-managed catalog, help customers find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. AmzLion ensures that your product listings are complete and optimized with details like titles, descriptions, attributes, images, meta data, up-to-date pricing and availability status, etc.


From chalking out a robust digital marketing strategy to planning its tactical execution and reporting, we have got our eyes on your ROI. Our experts optimize product listings and reviews, and create product ads & sponsored ads, while ensuring optimal outcome and helping you stay ahead of the curve.

AmzLion offers complete back-office support to Amazon retailers, including product sourcing, supplier management and negotiations, updating product prices, order processing, shipments and invoicing, managing inventory levels, and delivering customer support, return and refunds.

Amazon Store Setup and Management Services: Our Specialization Areas

    Amazon Store Set Up

    Amazon FBA Setup and Management

    Amazon Analytics

    New Product Listings List directly from MS Excel/ CSV file

    Create bulk listings quickly and accurately

    Create bulk variation listings

    Manage and update live product listings

With end-to-end Amazon store management services, let AmzLion support you in building a strong presence on Amazon. com, expanding internationally and making your brand a household name.

Experts in Managing and Updating Amazon Stores for Diverse Industry Verticals

    List products along with their information including product names, descriptions, images, prices, etc., via Inventory File Templates

    Optimize product listings by using search-engine friendly URLs, unique & keyword-rich titles, high-volume keywords and HTML Descriptions

    Accurately assign products to Browse Tree Gu >Create product display ads to increase traffic and product sales

    Support product multi-variations

    Resolve ASIN conflicts, upload errors, active quality alerts or any other issue

    Manage inventory across your eCommerce store and online channels where the products are listed

    Upload products in bulk using Amazon Volume Listing Tools

Our experts strictly follow Amazon’s product upload guidelines along with product search algorithm: A9 to create optimized product detail pages with accurate, current and standardized product details. As part of Amazon marketplace management services, we help you.

Boost Manufacturer Revenue and Distribution on Amazon through Vendor Central Management

    NIS (New Item Setup) creation

    Product listing optimization as per Amazon’s A9 product search algorithm

    A+ content creation that includes detailed product descriptions, technical specifications, images, v >Order entry, handling and processing, invoice processing, shipment tracking and handling returns

    Inventory management

Further, we use Amazon Retail Analytics (ARA) and provide you with detailed insights about pre-orders, competitive benchmarking, customer behavior and geographic sales so that you can make informed decisions for product development and sales optimization. Our experts also support in changing/ adding new images, revising product prices, updating descriptions, margining duplicate product offerings and promoting products via Amazon Sponsored Ads & Product Display Ads.

Streamline Operations and Reach More Customers with Amazon Seller Central Management Services

    Product Listing

    Product Listing Optimization/ SEO

    Product Descriptions

    Product Image Editing

    Inventory management

    Order Processing

We can also conduct competitor analysis to know the pricing strategies of specific competitors and update your product prices accordingly. Our rich experience of working with online retailers across a range of industry verticals and niches has provided us extensive expertise in handling projects of any size and level of complexity.

Amazon Product Upload Services: Managing Amazon Product Detail Pages

    Categorizing products appropriately

    Creating effective, keyword-rich product titles

    Writing precise, informative and engaging product descriptions that compel the visitor to buy your product

    Editing product images to ensure they are clear and eye-catching

    Creating a list of product features, attributes and technical specs

    Writing well-balanced and credible product reviews that highlight product features and benefits

    Managing back-end tasks like inventory and customer orders

As part of Amazon product listing services, we can also help eCommerce entrepreneurs in collating product details from a myriad of sources like physical product catalogs, manufacturer’s/ supplier’s website, competitor’s site, etc. Holding extensive cross-industry experience, our experts can create product lists for online merchants dealing in apparels and accessories, electronic equipment, luxury watches, jewelry, pet supplies, etc.

Amazon Store Maintenance Services: Keeping Your Store Up-to-Date with Complete Product Data

    Regularly updating product titles, features, attributes and descriptions

    Adjusting and revising product prices as per competitors

    Tracking inventory and updating products’ availability status, as and when required

    Adding new or refining existing product images

    Updating tax and shipping information

Our Amazon store update services are aimed at providing an outstanding online shopping experience to the customers while maximizing your product sales.

Amazon Product Taxonomy Services: Creating a Tree of Categories to Drive Channel Growth

    Product attribute definition

    Attribute data localization

    Attribute data cleansing

    Collection taxonomy definition

    Presentation taxonomy mapping

    Logical, Hierarchical Structure:Logical, Hierarchical Structure

    Product Attributes and Values

    Facilitate Way-finding

    Enhanced User Experience

As part of Amazon taxonomy and organization services, we help in identifying similar products and classifying them correctly in suitable categories and sub-categories. Our experts have in-depth domain expertise and work in tune with the industry standards & international classification coding systems to create a string of categories and provide intuitive classifications for customers to navigate through the Amazon store.

ECommerce Data Normalization & Standardization Services for Amazon Sellers

    Amazon Store Normalization Services
      As part of Amazon product data normalization services, we evaluate the existing technical specifications, measurements and units of each product to ensure that they are in compliance with a uniform set of standards. The process includes normalizing values and units by converting measures and weights between metric and imperial system of measurement, thus enabling online shoppers to make s >Amazon Store Standardization Servicesn
        To further help you deliver a uniform customer experience to online shoppers, experts at Data4Amazon analyze your product data and classify it appropriately. We split existing product data into standard files like product title, description, features, technical specifications, attributes, uses, etc., thereby providing information in a standard, consistent format.

    As part of Amazon taxonomy and organization services, we help in identifying similar products and classifying them correctly in suitable categories and sub-categories. Our experts have in-depth domain expertise and work in tune with the industry standards & international classification coding systems to create a string of categories and provide intuitive classifications for customers to navigate through the Amazon store.

    Create Product Descriptions that Convert and Boost Sales with Amazon Copywriting Services

      Long and Short Amazon Product Descriptions
        Our product description writers collate information from manufacturer’s site, competitors site and supplier’s website, helping you create long as well as short product descriptions. Bes >Bulleted List of Features
          To make it easy visitors to know about your products, our Amazon product description writers create bullets that highlight all the key features in an easy to understand and concise language.

        Product Specifications
          Our eCommerce copywriters create a list of accurate product specifications.

      Richer Product Descriptions, Optimized Images and Detailed Product Specs: Amazon A+ Content Pages

        A+ Plus Content Creation

        A+ Plus Detail Page Layout

        High-Resolution, Optimized Images

        SEO-friendly Product Descriptions

        Metadata and Keyword Selection

        Vendor Central Detail Page Creation and Content Uploading

        Boost the rate of conversion

        Improve organic search engine ranking

        Gain customer’s buying conf >Prov >Promote brand awareness

      Focusing on increasing buyer’s confidence and conversion figures, AmzLion supports online merchants in crafting A+ pages that give customers a wealth of information in the form of detailed product descriptions, a myriad of images and lifestyle shots, bulleted feature lists, product specifications and benefits, comparison charts and tables, and a lot more.

      Perfect Your Product Listings with eCommerce Image Processing - Editing & Enhancement Services from AmzLion. com

        Amazon Image Editing and Enhancement

        Amazon Image Retouching Services

        Image cropping and resizing

        Amazon Image Background Removal

        Noise Reduction

        Orientation Adjustment

        Color, Brightness and Contrast Correction

        Resolution and Lighting Enhancement

        Removing Borders, Watermarks & Shadows

        Image Masking

        Image Naming

        Amazon Image Processing

      We also rename product images with unique product identifier (like Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, JAN, EAN, or UPC, followed by apt file extension) and optimized Alt Tags, ensuring they are search engine friendly. With our Amazon image retouching services, we can help you increase conversions and maximize sales.

      Product Listing Optimization Services That We Offer To Rank Your Store High On Amazon

        Basic Data in Product Listings on Amazon

        Product Categorization

        Image cropping and resizing

        Product Specifications

        Search Term Optimization

        Title Optimization

        Product Descriptions

        Product Discoverability

        Product Reviews

      It is no secret that Amazon gets three times more search volume for products when compared to Google. However, understanding optimization requirements is the key to a successful Amazon listing optimization strategy. Data4Amazon. com helps you leverage the largest eCommerce search engine - Amazon, through our product listing optimization services.

      Amazon Store SEO & Copywriting Services

        Site Architecture Analysis

        Product Content Optimization

        Keyword/Phrase Selection

        Product Page Titling

        Meta Descriptions

        Metadata Management

        Ratings, Reviews, and Pricing

      It is no secret that Amazon gets three times more search volume for products when compared to Google. However, understanding optimization requirements is the key to a successful Amazon listing optimization strategy. Data4Amazon. com helps you leverage the largest eCommerce search engine - Amazon, through our product listing optimization services.

      At AmzLion, we believe we can fuel your growth and help you gain competitive edge by enabling you to capitalize on every opportunity and meet every challenge head-on. We make it easier for online merchants to sell through Amazon – the world’s largest online marketplace – and innovate their way to success.

      AmzLion is a full marketing service agency for Amazon sellers. Offering Amazon conversion optimization, copywriting & Amazon consulting, we're specializing in launching & growing brands on Amazon and increasing product sales & revenue.

      Contact Us

      Address: 601 Sherwood Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92404, United States

      Phone: (123) 456-789


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      How to Write an Invoice for Payment for Services Rendered

      Updated: March 29, 2019

      This article was co-authored by Michael R. Lewis. Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. He has over 40 years of experience in Business & Finance.

      There are 21 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

      If you work as an independent contractor or own a small company that performs a specialized service, the odds are that you will need to learn how to write an invoice for services rendered so you can be paid. The information you need to include on an invoice varies depending on the specific services you perform, but most invoices should include your contact information along with some other basic header information. An invoice should also include a listing of the services rendered for your client within the billing period, as well as the sum total owed to you.

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