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Supported eBook Formats

You can upload and convert your eBook manuscript file from several supported formats. For the best results, we recommend a Microsoft Word DOC/DOCX or a KPF file created with Kindle Create. As you prepare your eBook, consider whether your content should have a fixed or reflowable format. For help formatting a quality eBook, see this step-by-step guide.

Want a formatting tool that turns your completed manuscript into a beautiful Kindle eBook? Try Kindle Create. In a few clicks, it can help you format your title page, table of contents, and individual paragraphs and change you book's look and feel by applying themes. We’re still working on Kindle Create, so there's limited support for images. Tables, footnotes, and endnotes aren’t supported yet.

Microsoft Word (DOC/DOCX)

Most DOC/DOCX files convert well to eBooks. However, some files with complex formatting may not convert as well. Use the previewer to make sure your book converted successfully, especially if it has graphics or tables. Readers can choose to view Kindle books in different font sizes, so page numbers, font sizes and margins don't apply. Use Microsoft Word's "Page Break" feature to create intentional page breaks for chapter endings and to separate sections as needed.

Use Word's "Insert" function to insert images into your eBook. Don't copy and paste. Upload your entire manuscript in one DOC/DOCX file. Don't include a cover image in this file. You'll be prompted separately to create your cover image with Cover Creator or to upload your own cover image, and we'll automatically incorporate this cover into your Kindle book. See our step-by-step guide for details on formatting eBooks in Word.

For more information on how to use Microsoft Word, check out their support page.

Kindle Create (KPF)

You can use Kindle Create to create a "reflowable" or Print Replica Kindle Package Format (KPF) file.

Why use Kindle Create?

    Reflowable. Reflowable eBooks allow the reader to resize text and are available on all Kindle devices and free Kindle reading applications. If you have a DOC/DOCX manuscript, we recommend using Kindle Create to transform it into a professional eBook. With Kindle Create:

      No need to worry about where your book is being read: Kindle Create takes care of typesetting your eBook so that it works well on all Kindle devices and applications, including tablets, phones, and E-readers. Select from a variety of themes and styles to customize the look and feel of your eBook. Easily create a table of contents page and Kindle Interactive TOC for your eBook. Insert and place high quality images in your eBook. Preview how your eBook looks before publishing.

    Print Replica. You can also convert your PDF file to a Print Replica textbook using Kindle Create. Print Replica eBooks maintain the look of their print editions and offer many of the advantages of standard Kindle eBooks, but they do not allow the reader to resize text and are only available on certain devices. Each page in a Print Replica textbook displays words and images in the same position as the corresponding print edition, while adding features such as notes, highlights, and the ability to sync your last page read across multiple Fire tablets and Kindle reading apps. You can also add interactive elements such as audio and video to your eBook (available for FireOS and Android devices only).

If you want to change from reflowable to Print Replica or vice versa, you can unpublish the previous version and then add it as a new title using the desired format.


Save your HTML file as Web Page, Filtered (HTM / HTML) (PC) or Web Page (HTM) (Mac). This will create one folder containing the HTML manuscript file along with the image files, which you'll need to compress into a ZIP file before uploading to KDP.

If you don't have images in your manuscript, you can upload your HTML file directly without compressing it into a ZIP file first. For more details, see our HTML-specific Help topics:

MOBI is a reflowable file format. We don't allow fixed layout MOBI files. Also, MOBI (.prc) files created with the legacy program MobiPocket Creator are no longer supported.

We support unzipped ePub files. Before uploading, we recommend validating the file with Kindle Previewer. You can also validate the file by using this ePUB checker tool.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

We support RTF files.

Plain Text (TXT)

We support TXT files for manuscripts that do not contain images. Since KDP converts plain text to HTML, image locations referenced in a TXT file will not convert successfully.

Adobe PDF (PDF)

We accept PDF files, but they can contain embedded formatting and/or images that don't convert well to eBooks. If you'd like to upload a PDF file for your book, preview it before you publish. If you see any issues or if your book doesn't look the way you want it to, we recommend converting your PDF to a Word document and formatting it according to our eBook Formatting Guide. You can also try using the Kindle Create. This is a downloadable tool that helps you convert PDFs that contain rich graphics like charts, graphs, and equations. Learn more about Kindle Create.

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