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Amazon. com Help Notice to Illinois Residents

Amazon. com Help: Notice to Illinois Residents

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Digital Pricing Page

Last Updated: August 5, 2019

This Pricing Page changed on the date listed above. You can choose between two royalty options for each of your Digital Books, the 35% royalty option and the 70% royalty option, described below.

1. Royalties

35% Royalty Option 70% Royalty Option
A. Available Sales Territories If you choose this Royalty option for your Digital Book, it will apply to sales of your Digital Book to customers in any territory. If you choose this Royalty option for your Digital Book, it will apply to sales of your Digital Book to customers in the following Available Sales Territories:

    Andorra Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Brazil* Canada Egypt France Germany Gibraltar Guernsey Hong Kong India* Ireland Isle of Man Italy Japan* Jersey Jordan Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Kuwait Lebanon Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macao Mexico* Monaco The Netherlands New Zealand Oman Qatar San Marino Switzerland Spain Taiwan Thailand United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vatican City

Your Royalty on sales to customers outside the Available Sales Territories will be as provided under the 35% Royalty Option (i. e., at the 35% Royalty Rate calculated as indicated for that Royalty option). B. Royalty Rate 35% 70% I. Royalty Calculation for List Price The 35% Royalty Rate times the Digital Book's List Price exclusive of VAT.

35% Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

See Matching Competitor Prices below for exceptions. The 70% Royalty Rate times the amount equal to the Digital Book's List Price, exclusive of VAT, less Delivery Costs, for sales to customers in the Available Sales Territories indicated above.

70% Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

See Matching Competitor Prices below for exceptions. Ii. Royalty Calculation for Promotional List Price The 35% Royalty Rate times the Digital Book's Promotional List Price, exclusive of VAT, set under the Kindle MatchBook program or the Kindle Countdown Deals program.

35% Royalty Rate x (Promotional List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

See Matching Competitor Prices below for exceptions. The 70% Royalty Rate times the amount equal to the Digital Book's Promotional List Price, exclusive of VAT, less Delivery Costs, for sales to customers in the Available Sales Territories indicated above.

If your Digital Book is eligible to earn the 70% Royalty Rate based on sales of the Digital Book at the List Price, the same 70% Royalty Rate will apply in calculating royalties based on sales of your Digital Book at a Promotional List Price set under the Kindle MatchBook program or the Kindle Countdown Deals program.

70% Royalty Rate x (Promotional List Price – applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

See Matching Competitor Prices below for exceptions. C. Delivery Costs Not applicable - we don't deduct Delivery Costs when calculating your Royalties. Delivery Costs are equal to the number of megabytes we determine your Digital Book file contains, multiplied by the Delivery Cost rate listed below.

    Amazon. com: US $0.15/MB Amazon. ca: CAD $0.15/MB Amazon. com. br: R$0.30/MB Amazon. co. uk: UK £0.10/MB Amazon. de: €0,12/MB Amazon. fr: €0,12/MB Amazon. es: €0,12/MB Amazon. in: INR ₹7/MB Amazon. it: €0,12/MB Amazon. nl: €0,12/MB Amazon. co. jp: ¥1/MB Amazon. com. mx: MXN $1/MB Amazon. com. au: AUD $0.15/MB

We will round file sizes up to the nearest kilobyte. The minimum Delivery Cost for a Digital Book will be US$0.01 for sales in US Dollars, INR₹1 for sales in Indian Rupees, CAD$0.01 for sales in CAD Dollars, £0.01 for sales in GB Pounds, ¥1 in JPY, R$0.01 for sales in Brazilian Reais, MXN$1 for sales in Mexican Pesos, AUD$0.01 for sales in Australian Dollars, and €0.01 for sales in Euros, regardless of file size. For sales in JPY, we will not deduct any Delivery Cost for books 10 MB or greater. D. Matching Competitor Prices The price at which we sell your Digital Book may not be the same as your List Price. For instance, we might sell your Digital Book at a lower price to match a third party's price for a Digital or Physical edition of the book. Or, we might match Amazon's price for a Physical edition of the book.

Additionally, from time to time your book may be made available through other sales channels as part of a free promotion. It is important that Digital Books made available through the Program have promotions that are on par with free promotions of the same book in another sales channel. Therefore, if your Digital Book is available through another sales channel for free, we may also make it available for free. If we match a free promotion of your Digital Book somewhere else, your Royalty during that promotion will be zero. (Unlike under the 70% Royalty Option, if we match a price for your Digital Book that is above zero, it won't change the calculation of your Royalties indicated in B above.) The price at which we sell your Digital Book may not be the same as your List Price. For instance, we might sell your Digital Book at a lower price to match a third party's price for a Digital or Physical edition of the book. Or, we might match Amazon's price for a Physical edition of the book.

If we price-match your Digital Book, your Royalty will be:

The Royalty Rate indicated above, multiplied by the price at which we sell the Digital Book, less taxes and Delivery Costs, for sales to customers in the Available Sales Territories.

Royalty Rate x (Amazon price - taxes and Delivery Costs) = Royalty

By "price-match" we mean where we sell the Digital Book in one or more of the Available Sales Territories at a price (net of taxes) that is below the List Price to match a third party's sales price for any Digital or Physical edition of the Digital Book, or to match our sales price for any Physical edition of the Digital Book, in any one of the Available Sales Territories.

If price-matching your Digital Book results in the Amazon price falling below the minimum 70% List Price requirement, you will earn 35% royalty. E. Pre-Order Price Guarantee for KDP Pre-Orders If you lower the List Price of a Digital Book while it is available for pre-order, we will charge customers that pre-ordered that Digital Book before the price decrease the lower price. Your Royalty will be based on the actual price we charge customers as a result of our Pre-order Price Guarantee, net of refunds, bad debt, and any VAT, sales or other taxes charged to a customer or applied with respect to sales to a customer. If you lower the List Price of a Digital Book while it is available for pre-order, we will charge customers that pre-ordered that Digital Book before the price decrease the lower price. Your Royalty will be based on the actual price we charge customers as a result of our Pre-order Price Guarantee, net of refunds, bad debt, and any VAT, sales or other taxes charged to a customer or applied with respect to sales to a customer.

Royalty and Delivery Cost Calculation: When calculating delivery costs, we will round the cost up to 2 decimal places for all currencies except JPY, which will be rounded up to the next whole number. We will also round up to 2 decimal places, or to the next whole number for JPY royalties, when calculating royalties.

*70% Royalty in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. Digital Books enrolled in KDP Select will be eligible to earn 70% royalty for sales to customers in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. The List Price you set for Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India must also meet the 70% List Price requirements for sales to customers in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. If your Digital Book is not enrolled in KDP Select or you do not meet the 70% List Price requirements, you will earn 35% royalty.

2. Royalty Calculation Examples

I. Example:

• U. S. Dollar VAT Inclusive List Price = $0.99.

• We aren't matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 0%:

0.35 x ($0.99 - $0.00) = $0.35

Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 20%:

0.35 x ($0.99 - $0.165) = $0.29

Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x $0.825 = $0.165. $0.825 + $0.165 = $0.99

In this example, we deduct $0.165 for taxes, equal to 20% of the tax-exclusive sale price. Effective January 1, 2015, when we sell a Digital Book to an EU customer, the price includes value-added tax at the rate applicable to that customer based on their country of residence. As of January 1, 2015, the UK VAT rate applicable to ebooks is 20%. Tax rates for sales in other countries vary.

Ii. Example:

• Same as above but we're matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty is zero.

I. Example:

    UK Pounds VAT Inclusive List Price = £1.99. UK Delivery Costs = £0.10/MB Book's file size is 1 MB Applicable VAT in UK is 20% We don't price-match your book.

    Your Royalty per sale to a UK customer from Amazon. co. uk is:

    0.70 x (£1.99 - £0.33 - £0.10) = £1.09

    Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

    Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x £1.66 = £0.33. £1.66 + £0.33 = £1.99

Your Royalty per sale to a Republic of Ireland customer from Amazon. co. uk is: Applicable VAT in IE is 9%

0.70 x (£1.99 - £0.16 - £0.10) = £1.21

Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

Applicable VAT calculation: 9% x £1.83 = £0.16. £1.83 + £0.16 = £1.99

Ii. Example:

• Same as above except we price-match your book to a competitor's tax-inclusive price of £1.39.

• Your royalty per sale to a UK customer from Amazon. co. uk is:

0.70 x (£1.39 - £0.23 - £0.10) = £0.74

Royalty Rate x (Amazon price - taxes - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x £1.16 = £0.23. £1.16 + £0.23 = £1.39

I. Example:

• U. S. Dollar VAT Inclusive List Price = $1.99.

• U. S. Dollar VAT Inclusive Promotional List Price = $0.99.

• We aren't matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 0%:

0.35 x ($0.99 - $0.00) = $0.35

Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 20%:

0.35 x ($0.99 - $0.165) = $0.29

Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty

Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x $0.825 = $0.165. $0.825 + $0.165 = $0.99.

Ii. Example:

• Same as above but we're matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty is zero.

Iii. Example:

• Same as above but book is listed as a Free Book Promotion through KDP Select.

• Your Royalty is zero.

I. Example:

• U. S. Dollar VAT Inclusive List Price = $5.99.

• U. S. Dollar VAT Inclusive Promotional List Price = $1.99.

• U. S. Delivery Costs = $0.15/MB

• Book's file size is 1 MB

• We aren't matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 0%:

0.70 x ($1.99 - $0.00 - $0.15) = $1.29

Royalty Rate x (Promotional List Price – Applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

• Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 20%:

0.70 x ($1.99 - $0.33 - $0.15) = $1.06

Royalty Rate x (List Price – Applicable VAT - Delivery Costs) = Royalty

Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x $1.66 = $0.33. $1.66 + $0.33 = $1.99.

Ii. Example:

• Same as above but we're matching a free promotion on another sales channel.

• Your Royalty is zero.

Iii. Example:

• Same as above but book is listed as a Free Book Promotion through KDP Select.

• Your Royalty is zero.

3. Changing Your Royalty Options

If you would like to make changes to your Royalty options, just visit your Bookshelf. For information on timelines, including details on new publications and updates to published books, see our Help page.

4. Setting Your List Price

If you choose the 70% Royalty Option, you must set and adjust your List Price so that it is at least 20% below the list price on Amazon for any physical edition of the Digital Book.

5. Additional 70% Royalty Option Terms and Conditions

I. Book Eligibility: Books that consist primarily of public domain content are not eligible for the 70% Royalty Option.

Ii. Distribution Territory: If you select the 70% Royalty Option for a Digital Book, you must make it available to us for distribution in each territory for which you have appropriate distribution rights, and you must comply with any other restrictions or requirements we may provide from time to time for the 70% Royalty Option in the Program Policies.

Iii. New Features: Any new feature incorporated into the Program will apply to all Digital Books distributed under the 70% Option even if we make the feature optional for other Digital Books.

Iv. Non-Compliance: If at any time your Digital Book does not meet the requirements for the 70% Royalty Option, the Royalty for the Digital Book will be as provided in the 35% Royalty Option and we can adjust previously reported or paid Royalties based on the 35% Royalty Option.

6. Other Pricing Terms

Note that if your Digital Book is eligible for the 70% royalty option, your Digital Book will earn 70% on each sale of the Digital Book at a Promotional List Price set under the Kindle MatchBook program or the Kindle Countdown Deals program regardless of whether the Promotional List Price is within the maximum and minimum list price requirements for the 70% royalty option.

Ii. Price Matching Determinations : If you notify us through Contact Us (by selecting the topic Pricing & Royalties – Price Matching) that you believe we have made an error in price-matching your Digital Book, we will review the issue and make best efforts to correct the error, if any, going forward as soon as practicable.

Amazon. com Just Fired Me

All in one week Governor Quinn has abolished the death penalty, and gotten all us lowly little Amazon. com affiliates fired. Ugh. This is the 2nd “blog income” blow to me this week. You may have seen me tweet about the other. I may post about that soon. Anyway, it’s not like I was making a ton of $$ off of Amazon, but it was always a pleasant surprise to see a deposit from there. I had JUST started thinking about doing a little more with my store. Oh well. Such is life. Here is the email that I got from Amazon:

For well over a decade, the Amazon Associates Program has worked with thousands of Illinois residents. Unfortunately, a new state tax law signed by Governor Quinn compels us to terminate this program for Illinois-based participants. It specifically imposes the collection of taxes from consumers on sales by online retailers - including but not limited to those referred by Illinois-based affiliates like you - even if those retailers have no physical presence in the state.

We had opposed this new tax law because it is unconstitutional and counterproductive. It was supported by national retailing chains, most of which are based outside Illinois, that seek to harm the affiliate advertising programs of their competitors. Similar legislation in other states has led to job and income losses, and little, if any, new tax revenue. We deeply regret that its enactment forces this action.

As a result of the new law, contracts with all Illinois affiliates of the Amazon Associates Program will be terminated and those Illinois residents will no longer receive advertising fees for sales referred to Amazon. com, Endless. com, orSmallParts. com. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned prior to April 15, 2011 will be processed and paid in full in accordance with the regular payment schedule. Based on your account closure date of April 15, 2011, any final payments will be paid by July 1, 2011.

You are receiving this email because our records indicate that you are a resident of Illinois. If you are not currently a permanent resident of Illinois, or if you are relocating to another state in the near future, you can manage the details of your Associates account here. And if you relocate to another state after April 15, please contact us for reinstatement into the Amazon Associates Program.

To be clear, this development will only impact our ability to continue the Associates Program in Illinois, and will not affect the ability of Illinois residents to purchase online at www. amazon. com from Amazon’s retail business.

We have enjoyed working with you and other Illinois-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program and, if this situation is rectified, would very much welcome the opportunity to re-open our Associates Program to Illinois residents.

The Amazon Associates Team

What worries me most about this is that I know that Amazon was NOT the only online retailer affected. There are others out there. It may just be a matter of time before we receive more emails just like this one. Ugh.

Kris McDonald is Chicago mom to 2 sets of twins, wife, photography nut, gadget addict, travel addict, and tech blogger who has worked in IT for over 20 years. She figured out a while ago that she was destined to be really busy (hence the 2 sets of twins), and she has found peace with that. Read More…

Amazon And Peyoneer. How?

I've just got approved for US payment service and I wanted to add it to my Amazon associates account, but reading their FAQs they strictly say:

So non-US citizens aren't able to use direct deposit even with US payment service. Is that correct?

Any way around this?

I checked Amazon's payment rules:

"Please note that you can change your threshold at any time but it must be submitted by the first day of the payment month to be effective. For example, if you would like to raise your threshold to $500, it must be entered by 3/1 to be effective for January earnings paid in March. If you change your threshold to $1000 on 3/15, if will be effective for February earnings paid in April."

This is discussing the threshold, not the payment method. Either way, like we mentioned earlier, we won't be changing the accounts today or anything, we were just giving you advance notice about the change that we will have.


I've done a search on this topic and managed to confuse myself even more!

I'm selling books on Amazon. com using their Amazon Kindle Direct service. Amazon dont pay EFT if you do not have an American bank account (I'm in South Africa).

Is there a way I can use Payoneer to receive my Amazon. com Amazon Kindle Direct payments?

Sorry for the newby question!


Masha du Toit


I've done a search on this topic and managed to confuse myself even more!

I'm selling books on Amazon. com using their Amazon Kindle Direct service. Amazon dont pay EFT if you do not have an American bank account (I'm in South Africa).

Is there a way I can use Payoneer to receive my Amazon. com Amazon Kindle Direct payments?

Sorry for the newby question!


Masha du Toit

Thank you for visiting our website.

You can use our US Payment Service to receive the payments from Amazon. Please PM me for further details.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

Thank you for visiting our website.

You can use our US Payment Service to receive the payments from Amazon. Please PM me for further details.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I'm new to Payoneer and have pending funds from books i've sold via Kindle that I want to release to my Payoneer debit card. Can you please PM me with more details on how to do that?

Thanks in Advance! ' />


I'm new to Payoneer and have pending funds from books i've sold via Kindle that I want to release to my Payoneer debit card. Can you please PM me with more details on how to do that?

Thanks in Advance! ' />


Thanks for your interest, I will PM you with further details.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

Yes, our US Payment Service will allow you to receive US Direct Deposit transfers from Amazon directly to the Payoneer card. If you already have a Payoneer card, please PM me the e-mail address on your account and I will be happy to provide you with further details.

If you do not, you can apply for a card using this link: http://bit. ly/IfpVNT

Thanks for coming and visiting our forums.

I have passed on your information to our approval department.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

I read with interest about your US Payment service as an alternative to having a physical bank account in the US.

For users like me who are based outside of the US, it can be virtually impossible to setup a regular banking account.

I am looking for a way to receive funds from Amazon Payments and your service looks like it might do the job.

I read on some other posts that it should work with Amazon but I wanted to know if you know of any Amazon accounts that have been successfully established and funded using your service. Is there anything in how the accounts are setup that would allow Amazon to block this in future?

Do you have any information about this service as I could not find it on the site other than in these forums.

I have had a Payoneer card for many years and this could be a great way to extend the relationship.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

I read with interest about your US Payment service as an alternative to having a physical bank account in the US.

For users like me who are based outside of the US, it can be virtually impossible to setup a regular banking account.

I am looking for a way to receive funds from Amazon Payments and your service looks like it might do the job.

I read on some other posts that it should work with Amazon but I wanted to know if you know of any Amazon accounts that have been successfully established and funded using your service. Is there anything in how the accounts are setup that would allow Amazon to block this in future?

Do you have any information about this service as I could not find it on the site other than in these forums.

I have had a Payoneer card for many years and this could be a great way to extend the relationship.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for coming and visiting our forums.

You have heard right the US Payment Service allows for people to receive their Amazon payment to their Payoneer Card.

We have had many people successfully and happily use this service.

I am going to PM you with further details.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

An e-mail with further details have been sent out to you. Please reply with the requested documents/information, and we will be able to continue in processing your US Payment Service application.

I have sent you a message with the questionnaire for the US Payment Service, please fill it out and respond to the email.

We look forward to hearing you.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

Dear Payoneer Team,

I sent email to Payoneer Support four days ago, but still have no answer.

I need help with Amazon Payments using US Virtual Bank.

My ticket number: LTK529020429369X

Thank you in advance.

Dear Payoneer Team,

I sent email to Payoneer Support four days ago, but still have no answer.

I need help with Amazon Payments using US Virtual Bank.

My ticket number: LTK529020429369X

Thank you in advance.

I have passed on your ticker and you should be hearing from customer support soon.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

I have sent email to support but no reply. I need to know several info on payoneer.

Please check these info which needed to be supplied at Amazon. com before able to receive payment from them.

I need to confirm that, the bank name is Payoneer, am I wrong?

Bank account type: Savings?

Routing Number / ABA Number?

My email is tarmizi. ramly "alt" gmail. com if you need to help me through email.

Thanks in advance

I have sent email to support but no reply. I need to know several info on payoneer.

Please check these info which needed to be supplied at Amazon. com before able to receive payment from them.

I need to confirm that, the bank name is Payoneer, am I wrong?

Bank account type: Savings?

Routing Number / ABA Number?

My email is tarmizi. ramly "alt" gmail. com if you need to help me through email.

Thanks in advance

The information of what to fill in (including bank name) can be found if you log in to your "My Account" page and click on the US Payment Service tab under the "Service" option on the toolbar.

The bank type you will choose is "Checking", when you fill in the information.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

The information of what to fill in (including bank name) can be found if you log in to your "My Account" page and click on the under the "Service" option on the toolbar.

The bank type you will choose is "Checking", when you fill in the information.

After log in into My Account page at https://myaccount. payoneer. com/ , There are "Account Information", "General Information", "Tools" and "Withdrawal"

There are no "US Payment Service tab" and "Service" options on the toolbar. None of the tab options contain information on "what to fill in (including bank name)" like mentioned above.

I see you have not yet applied for the US Payment Service.

In order for this information to appear you need to have been approved. Please fill out the questionnaire that was sent to you with the requested information.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

I'm wondering, can I use my US Payment Service to receive payment from amazon? but I haven't got the payoneer card and haven't activated it yet. Approximately the payoneer card will arrive at 18 Agust 2012.

I really want to receive my next month payment from amazon to my payoneer card or US payment service.

The problem is changing payment methode in amazon, must be done at the end of this month.

The point is, can I start to use my US Payment Service even I haven't receive and activated my payoneer card?

I'm glad to hear it Nissim.

Thanks for the info.

When setting up Amazon to pay through the US Payment Service it asks for the following information:-

Bank Name

Bank Account Holder Name

Bank Account Type

Bank Account Number

Routing Number / ABA Number

You provide all the information on the "My Account > Services - US Payment Service" page except for the Bank Account Type. The choices are Savings or Checking?

Which one do we select? Checking?

We have many card holders receiving payments from Amazon to their US Payment Service. This notice may be general, and mainly meant to explain that you can only be paid to a US bank account under your name.

I would suggest trying to add the account as a payment method, and if you have any issues please let me know.


It seemed to be added successfully, but since I didn't get payment this month, I asked Amazon Associates support when will changing payment method take effect and this is their answer:

I apologize for any misunderstanding. In order to qualify for the direct deposit of your Associates earnings, all three of the following conditions must be met:

1) your payee address must be in the United States

2) your bank must be a United States Financial Institution

3) you must have a U. S. tax ID number or a Social Security number.

Since your payee address is in Serbia payment by direct deposit isn't available to you. However, you still have the option to be paid by Amazon. com gift card or check.

So, this isn't possible for international users.

Now, I am wondering what's the point of US payment service at all? I can't use it on Amazon, nor on their subdivision MTurk. I guess I wont be able to use it for adsense too, since they offer payment methods based on your country.

I understand that many of your card holders are receiving payments through US Payment Service, but are those US based users?

I am wondering why would they need virtual bank account at all

Anyway, I still need to try with Clickbank. They may be my last chance

The US Payment Service is used mainly for cardholder outside the U. S.

Regarding your issue with Amazon please private message me with the email associated with your account and I will look into it.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

Yes, the US Payment Service allows you to transfer the money from your Amazon account to your Payoneer card without needing a SSN and TIN.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

Thank you David for the quick reply, hope to get the card approved to apply for the US payment service too. unless i can do that before.

Once the card is approved you will receive information regarding the US Payment Service.

Sign up for Payoneer and the US Payment Service

I am a Payoneer cardholder from South Africa approved for the US Payment service and would like to withdraw my Amazon Associates earnings to my Payoneer card via Direct Deposit. My problem is that Amazon has, within the last week or so, completely removed the Direct Deposit option from my account, leaving me with only "Pay by gift card" and "Pay by check".

I searched the Amazon Associates discussion boards and found similar reports from Non-US Associates (including Payoneer cardholders), where their Direct Deposit option had mysteriously disappeared as well.

Note: I did have the Direct Deposit option before, and had successfully entered my US bank routing and account number, but now I don't see any of that any more.

Now I understand that Payoneer may not have any answers for me right this moment but I would love to know if you are 1) aware of this issue, and 2) able to provide non-US Associates like myself a workaround or solution to this problem. I have also emailed Nissim about this directly, however I haven't heard back from him yet.

As you mentioned, it appears that the Direct Deposit is no longer listed for international affiliates looking to get paid from the Amazon Associates program. We are looking in to this issue and hope to have more information. Of course, Payoneer has no control over Amazon payment methods; the only way to get paid from Amazon is to have a valid account with the option of receiving direct deposit transfers.

Once we have further information, we will be sure to notify you.

Yup, I'm in the same boat too and would really appreciate a solution to this as soon as poss.

Also (and I did email David on this but no response), can you tell me whether what I have done is OK or totally bang out of order:

I'm from the UK. I could not get the direct deposit check box to show up, so I changed my address details on my Amazon. com account to the bank address details for Payoneer (just as a test). I was then able to access the direct deposit field.

I'm figuring that I really should change the address details back, but if push come to shove and Amazon insist on non US residents having a US address would Payoneer customers be able to use the US bank address given to them as a workaround?

**EDIT: I've just found out that Amazon Associates US (I called and spoke to an affiliate mgr so this is accurate) do not currently pay via the Payoneer system for non US residents however, they are actively looking into this and this may very well change soon. I was told to check my associate account in a week or so.

I did ask about using the Payoneer bank address (after I changed mine back of course) and this is a no-no.

So I guess we'll all just have to wait it out and hope Amazon come to their senses.

Associates Program Operating Agreement

Welcome to Amazon’s website for associates (the “Associates Site”), where you can manage your affiliate marketing relationship with the relevant Amazon entities as set forth in Schedule 1 (“Amazon” or “Us” or similar terms).

Any person or entity that participates or attempts to participate in our associate marketing program (the “Associates Program” and such person or entity, “You”, or an “Associate”) must accept this Associates Program Operating Agreement (this “Agreement”) without change. By registering for or using the Associates Site, you agree to this Agreement, including the Program Policies (defined in Section 12), which are incorporated by reference (for example, our Associates Program Participation Requirements, Associates Program IP License, Associates Program Fee Statement, and Associates Program Trademark Guidelines.) Please read them carefully.

1. Description of the Associates Program

When our customers click through the Special Links to purchase an item sold or services offered on the Amazon Site or take other actions, you can receive program fees for qualifying purchases, as further described in (and subject to the limitations in) the Associates Program Fee Statement. In order to facilitate your advertisement of these items or services, we may make available to you data, images, text, link formats, widgets, links, marketing content, and other linking tools, application program interfaces, and other information in connection with the Associates Program (“Program Content"). Program Content specifically excludes any data, images, text, or other information or content relating to product offerings on any site other than the Amazon Site.

2. Associates Program Compliance Requirements

You must promptly provide us with any information that we request to verify your compliance with this Agreement.

If you violate this Agreement, or if you violate terms and conditions of any other applicable Amazon marketing agreement, then, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to us, we reserve the right to permanently (to the extent permitted by applicable law) withhold (and you agree you will not be eligible to receive) any and all fees otherwise payable to you under this Agreement, whether or not directly related to such violation without notice and without prejudice to any right of Amazon to recover damages in excess of this amount.

3. Amazon Customers

4. Warranties

We do not make any representation, warranty, or covenant regarding the amount of traffic or fees you can expect at any time in connection with the Associates Program, and we will not be liable for any actions you undertake based on your expectations.

5. Identifying Yourself as an Associate

6. Term and Termination

We may hold accrued unpaid advertising fees for a reasonable period of time following termination to ensure that the correct amount is paid (for example, to account for any cancelations or returns).

Upon any termination of this Agreement, all rights and obligations of the parties will be extinguished, including any and all licenses granted in connection with this Agreement, except that the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 of this Agreement and as specified in the Program Policies, together with any payable but unpaid payment obligations under this Agreement, will survive the termination of this Agreement. No termination of this Agreement will relieve either party for any liability for any breach of, or liability accruing under, this Agreement prior to termination.

7. Disclaimers

8. Limitations on Liability

9. Indemnification

10. Governing Law and Disputes

12. Additional Provisions

You acknowledge and agree that (a) we and our affiliates may at any time (directly or indirectly) solicit traffic on terms that may differ from those contained in this Agreement, (b) we and our affiliates may at any time (directly or indirectly) operate sites or applications that are similar to or compete with your Site, (c) our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement, and (d) any determinations or updates that may be made by us, any actions that may be taken by us, and any approvals that may be given by us under this Agreement can be made, taken, or given in our sole discretion and are only effective if provided in writing by our authorized representative.

You may not assign this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our express prior written approval. Subject to that restriction, this Agreement will be binding on, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable against the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

This Agreement incorporates, and you agree to comply with, the most up-to-date version of all policies, appendices, specifications, guidelines, schedules, and other rules referenced in this Agreement or accessible on the Associates Site (“Program Policies”), including any updates of the Program Policies from time to time. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any Program Policy, this Agreement will control. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and your agreement with an Amazon affiliate under a separate affiliate marketing program that agreement will control with respect to such separate program. This Agreement (including the Program Policies) is the entire agreement between you and us regarding the Associates Program and supersedes all prior agreements and discussions.

Whenever used in this Agreement, the terms “include(s)", “including”, and “for example” are used and intended without limitation.

Any information relating to Amazon or any of its affiliates that we provide or make accessible to you in connection with the Associates Program that is not known to the general public or that reasonably should be considered to be confidential is Amazon’s “Confidential Information” and will remain Amazon’s exclusive property. You will use Confidential Information only to the extent reasonably necessary for your performance under this Agreement and ensure that all persons or entities who have access to Confidential Information in connection with your account will be made aware of and will comply with the obligations in this provision. You will not disclose Confidential Information to any third party (other than your affiliates bound by confidentiality obligations) and you will take all reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information against any use or disclosure that is not expressly permitted in this Agreement. This restriction will be in addition to the terms of any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement between the parties.

You and we are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between you and us or our respective affiliates. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our or our affiliates’ behalf. If you authorize, assist, encourage, or facilitate another person or entity to take any action related to the subject matter of this Agreement, you will be deemed to have taken the action yourself.

13. Modification

In these schedules translations are provided for ease of reference; provided that, unless otherwise required pursuant to applicable law, the English version of these materials will control in the event of any inconsistency.


Location Amazon Entity Amazon Site
Canada Amazon. com. ca, Inc. Amazon. ca


Amazon Site Governing Law and Disputes Provision
Amazon. ca Any dispute relating in any way to the Associates Program or this Agreement will be resolved by binding arbitration, rather than in court, except that you may assert claims in small claims court if your claims qualify. The Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration law and the laws of the state of Washington, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us.

There is no judge or jury in arbitration, and court review of an arbitration award is limited. However, an arbitrator can award on an individual basis the same damages and relief as a court (including injunctive and declaratory relief or statutory damages), and must follow the terms of this Agreement as a court would.

To begin an arbitration proceeding, you must send a letter requesting arbitration and describing your claim to our registered agent, Corporation Service Company, 300 Deschutes Way SW, Suite 304, Tumwater, WA 98051. The arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) under its rules, including the AAA’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes. The AAA’s rules are available at www. adr. org or by calling 1-800-778-7879. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA’s rules. We will reimburse those fees for claims totaling less than $10,000 unless the arbitrator determines the claims are frivolous. Likewise, we will not seek attorneys’ fees and costs in arbitration unless the arbitrator determines the claims are frivolous. You may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, based on written submissions, or in person in the county where you live or at another mutually agreed location.

We each agree that any dispute resolution proceedings will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated, or representative action. If for any reason a claim proceeds in court rather than in arbitration, we each waive any right to a jury trial. We also both agree that you or we may bring suit in court to enjoin infringement or other misuse of intellectual property rights.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, we may seek injunctive or other relief in any state, federal, or national court of competent jurisdiction for any actual or alleged infringement of our or any other person or entity’s intellectual property or proprietary rights. You further acknowledge and agree that our rights in the Program Content are of a special, unique, extraordinary character, giving them peculiar value, the loss of which cannot be readily estimated or adequately compensated for in monetary damages.


Amazon Site Tax Provision
Amazon. ca Except as otherwise provided, you may charge and we will pay applicable national, state or local sales or use taxes or value added taxes that you are legally obligated to charge (“Taxes”), provided that such Taxes are stated on the original invoice that you provide to us and your invoices state such Taxes separately and meet the requirements for a valid tax invoice. We may provide you with an exemption certificate or equivalent information acceptable to the relevant taxing authority, in which case, you will not charge and or collect the Taxes covered by such certificate. The advertising fees set out in the Fee Statement include all applicable taxes except for Canadian Goods & Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) and Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If you are legally required to collect GST/QST or HST we will add the applicable amount of tax to your payment, but only if you provide the information required under Payee Tax Information for Canadian residents. We will remit the applicable tax to you in the same form as the Standard Program Fees and Special Program Fees (e. g., direct deposit, gift certificate, or check) to which it applies.

If you become registered for GST/HST and/or QST, we will add applicable taxes to advertising fees that accrue beginning with the first calendar month after we receive notification from you.

By registering for or using the Associates Site, you authorize us to contact the CRA and the MRQ to verify that you are registered for GST/HST and/or QST purposes. If the CRA or MRQ are unable to verify your GST/HST or QST registration, we will not pay any GST/HST or QST to you and the advertising fees payable to you will include all applicable taxes including the GST/HST and QST. We do not have any obligation to notify you whether the CRA or MRQ verified your GST/HST or QST registration. You are responsible for remitting the GST/HST, QST, and any other applicable taxes to the appropriate tax authorities.

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