Amazon. com Help Listing Books on Amazon. com
Amazon. com Help: Listing Books on Amazon. com
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Browse Categories
Browse categories are the sections of the Amazon site where customers can find your book. Think of browse categories like the sections of a physical bookstore (fiction, history, and so on). During title setup, you'll choose a BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communications) code. The codes you choose, along with your selected keywords, are used to place your book into certain categories on Amazon.
After your book has an Amazon listing, your book's category will appear under the Product Details section of your listing. This is the path customers can follow to find your book. To make your book appear in the right categories, choose the categories and keywords that best describe your book. Learn more about BISAC subject codes and keywords for category assignment.
Note: Book categories are automatically mapped based on the Kindle Store category selected during publishing.
Choosing categories
Video: Keywords and categories
- Be accurate. Choose the most accurate categories based on the subject matter of your book. Do not choose categories that are not relevant to your book's central topic or storyline. Do not choose one category that's explicitly fiction and another that's explicitly nonfiction. Inaccurate categorization can lead to unexpected or confusing search results and provide a poor customer experience. We do not tolerate categorization that misleads or manipulates our customers. Be specific. Choose specific categories instead of general ones. Customers looking for specific topics will find your book more easily. We'll display your book in the general categories as well. For example, a book in the "FICTION > Fantasy > Historical" category will also show up in searches for general fiction and general fantasy. Choose a "General" category only if your book is a general book about a broad topic. Don't be redundant. Choosing a single category will display your book in a variety of searches, so don't list your book in a category and its sub-categories. For example, don't choose "FICTION > Fantasy > Historical" and "FICTION > Fantasy." One specific, accurate category is more effective than a redundant second one. Find examples. To find out which categories are the best fit for your book, search for categories on Amazon. For example, look for relevant browse categories on the left under the Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks header. You can also search for books like yours and find the browse categories assigned to those books. To do so, scroll down the book's detail page to the section "Look for Similar Items by Category."
Add or update categories
Go to your Bookshelf and click the ellipsis button ("…") under the KINDLE EBOOK ACTIONS or PAPERBACK ACTIONS menu next to your book. Choose Edit eBook Details or Edit Paperback Details. Under the "Categories" section, make your changes. Go to the bottom of the page and click Save and Continue. On the book Pricing tab, click the publish button at the bottom of the page.
Note: Companion books, also referred to as summaries, study guides, or analysis books, can't be added to additional browse categories on Amazon.
See current categories
To see the categories currently assigned to your published book:
Go to your KDP Bookshelf. Find the book you want to see the categories for. Copy the book’s ASIN (paperbacks have 10 digits, eBooks a mix of 10 digits and letters). Go to the Amazon site (e. g., Amazon. com, Amazon. co. uk, Amazon. de) where you want to see the categories. Paste the ASIN into the search bar and hit Enter. On the left, under Department, click Books (paperbacks) or Kindle Store (eBooks). Click each department to see sub-categories within that department. Each category and sub-category listed is assigned to your book.
Restricted categories
Some Kindle Store categories are restricted. Publishers can't enable them.
Categories with keyword requirements
To list your book in certain sub-categories on Amazon. com and Amazon. co. uk, you need to add search keywords to the categories you choose:
Textbooks: for textbooks, you need to add the following search keyword exactly as it appears here, including the underscores, so that your textbook appears in the Textbook category: kdp_textbook_submission
Amazon. co. uk
Categories with keywords in other languages
Categorize books published in languages other than English by adding language-specific Search Keywords. Choose a language and click the categories to see the keyword requirements.
French categories
German categories
Italian categories
Children's or teen and young adult categories
Want to list your book in the Children's or Teen & Young Adult categories on Amazon. com, Amazon. co. uk, or Amazon. de? If so, you must choose at least one Juvenile Category (BISAC Subject Code). For Children's categories, you'll also need to set the minimum recommended reading age to 0 – 11 years old.
For Teen & Young Adult categories on Amazon. com and Amazon. co. uk, set the minimum recommended reading age to 13 – 17 years old. For Amazon. de, set the minimum recommended reading age to 12 – 15 years. On Amazon. com and Amazon. co. uk, titles with a Juvenile Category and a minimum recommended age of 12 may be categorized in Children’s or Teens. This depends on other information about the book. Keep in mind that an independent category will show for Amazon. co. uk, Amazon. de, Amazon. es, and Amazon. it.
Series categories
We're regularly adding to the list of Series categories. However, we're currently unable to accept requests for new Series categories. Check back later to see if the Series you're looking for was added to the list.
Amazon. com Help: Listing Books on Amazon. com
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Download Free Books for your Amazon Kindle
Amazon’s Kindle store has more than a million books that you can download and read on your Kindle e-book reader.
Find and Download Free Books for Kindle
While most eBooks available on the Amazon Kindle store are paid, here are some simple ways by which you can find and download free Kindle books for your reading pleasure.
#1. Sources for Downloading Free Kindle Books
Are some popular websites that offer a large collection of classics and public domain (copyright expired) books in standard formats like MOBI that you can easily transfer to your Kindle over USB or Wi-Fi.
Google Books are available in ePUB format which is incompatible with the Kindle but you can use the free Calibre software to easily convert Google ebooks from. epub to. mobi, a format that Kindle can understand. Calibre does not however support conversion of DRM protected ePUB files to Kindle format.
Also, the Internet Archive website mirrors the free eBooks that have been scanned and digitized by the Google Books program and here they also offer the same title in MOBI format that you can read on your Kindle without conversion.
#2. Find Free Kindle Books on Amazon
Amazon. com isn’t just a place to “buy” stuff, they free eBooks as well and unlike Google Books where you’ll mostly find public domain books, Amazon may sometimes even offer some of the newer ebooks as free downloads. Here’s how you can discover free Kindle books on Amazon:
#2.1 Top 100 Best Sellers – This is like a Pinterest style listing of Kindle Best Sellers that are currently available for free and the deals are generally good for 2-3 days. You can also keep track of this list on Twitter (Zero Dollar Books) and get alerted when new Kindle title are added to the freebies list.
#2.2 Kindle Book Search – Add the Kindle search engine to your web browser and you’ll be able to find free books on Amazon directly from your browser’s search box. Alternatively, you may use the search box at hundredzeros. com to search Amazon for free Kindle books.
#2.3 Sort by Price – When you search for a Kindle book on Amazon. com, it displays search results by relevance.
If you change this default sort order from “Relevance” to “Price: Low to High”, you’ll get a list of all Kindle books that match your search keywords but are available for $0.00 (see the above screenshot).
#2.4 Popular Classics – This is an official listing of all ebooks that are available as free downloads on the Amazon. com website. These are Public Domain Books that have been converted from print to digital format by Amazon.
#2.5 Listmania – This is another resource where you can discover Kindle books that are available for free.
Listmania Lists are basically a list of products compiled by Amazon users. You can use search phrases like “free kindle books”, “kindle freebie”, “penny kindle book”, etc. to discover lists that are built around free books you are looking for. For instance, here’s one Listmania List of classic books for Kindle that are absolutely free.
#3. Use Google to Find Free Kindle Books on Amazon
Here’s an unofficial method to help you find Kindle books that are available for free on Amazon. com.
You can use the following search query in Google to search the Amazon store for free Kindle books – just replace the search-phrase in green with the name of the book, author, book category, etc.
For instance, here’s a list of free Kindle books related to Abraham Lincoln while here’s a list of Kindle books on Shakespeare that are again free.
#4. RSS Feeds for Free Kindle Books
Here are some RSS feeds that you can subscribe to and get alerts when new titles are available:
Kindle eBook Pricing for International users
If the price of a Kindle book is mentioned as $0.00 on the Amazon Store, it may sometimes show up as $2.00 if the country associated with your Kindle account is not United States. This happens because Amazon charges a $2 roaming fee for “international downloads”.
If that’s the case, you can either temporarily change your Kindle country to US or transfer via computer and you may not be charged that extra $2 Whispernet fees.
Read Kindle Books without the Kindle Reader
How to List and Sell Your Self-Published Book on Amazon. com
If you would like to sell your self-published book on Amazon, you'll need to know how to get it listed for sale on the website. There are two main methods for getting your book listed for sale on Amazon, as well as a couple of ways to make your book more attractive to readers.
Self-publish your book with CreateSpace, a division of Amazon. Because it's a part of Amazon, the process is fairly automated. When you set up a book title through Amazon's service, you simply choose the "enable" option for Amazon. com Retail Sales. This is listed in the Sales Channel Management section of the Title Setup tab. When your book is published and made "available," CreateSpace will automatically send your book's information to Amazon. It will then take a few days at most for your book to appear on Amazon's site. One caveat to watch out for is that CreateSpace will send whatever information you have set up on its site, so make sure your book description is in tiptop form.
The second method requires that you join Amazon's Advantage consignment program. You apply online through the website. If accepted, the annual fee is $29.95 as of 2011 and Amazon requires that you sell the item to it at 45 percent of your list price.
Once your book is listed on Amazon, you will want to spruce up the Book Details page to help sell your self-published book. One of the best ways to do this is to utilize the "Search Inside" feature that allows people to browse through your book's contents and sample pages. To do this, you will need to submit a PDF file of your book to Amazon's Search Inside program.
Amazon also offers an Author Central program in which you can create an Author profile and a blog right on Amazon or one that pulls an RSS feed from your blog to help promote your book.
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