Amazon. com Amazon Currency Converter
Amazon Currency Converter
Den Amazon Currency Converter nutzen
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About Amazon Currency Converter Requirements
Use of Amazon Currency Converter is subject to certain requirements.
To qualify to use the Amazon Currency Converter:
- You must pay with an eligible American Express, MasterCard or Visa denominated in a supported currency. To view supported currencies by payment method, please go to Currency Converter Supported Currencies. Payment can include promotional offers or discounts, but not gift cards. Your purchase cannot include subscriptions or digital products, except for Kindle eBooks which may be eligible for purchase in Indian Rupees (INR). The estimated shipping date of all items must be within 14 days of placing your order.
American Express is currently only supported for select currencies. You can find a list of supported currencies on the Currency Converter Supported Currencies page.
Amazon. com: Amazon Currency Converter
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Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers - FAQ
Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers is an optional service that allows Amazon sellers to receive the proceeds of their earnings into their local bank account if that account is located in a different country or region from the marketplace on which they are selling.
My bank is located in a different country/region from the Amazon marketplace I am selling on. How do I register my bank account?
Follow the same steps as for a bank located in the country or region of the Amazon marketplace you are selling on.
In the Settings menu, select Account Info. In the Deposit Method section, click Edit. In the Deposit Method Details pop-up, click Edit in the section for the marketplace you want to change. Select Use a New Bank Account. Select the country or region of your bank account from the drop-down menu next to Bank Location. Fill in the requested bank account information. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers Agreement, then click the check box to confirm that you have done so. Click Submit.
If I register a bank account located in a different country/region from the marketplace I am selling on, how will I be paid?
Once your bank account is registered, all payments will be automatically made to that account in the local currency of the Bank Location Country using the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers.
Do payments made using the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers take longer to arrive in my bank account?
No. However, the first payment after you add or change bank account details might be delayed up to 14 days.
Are there any additional fees for using the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers?
All fees and charges related to your use of Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers are included in the exchange rate. You can view the exchange rate by clicking the View Exchange Rate button on the Payment Summary page you receive when transfers are made to your account.
What will appear on my bank statement when I receive payments from Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers?
Depending on your bank, the payment will have the one of the following names: Amazon, HSBC, or Amazon and HSBC. Contact your bank if you need more information.
Why does the exchange rate used by Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers not match the one I see in newspapers?
The exchange rates you see in newspapers or other print media are generally wholesale or inter-bank rates. Amazon works to ensure our sellers receive a competitive exchange rate.
Which exchange rate will be applied to my payment?
Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers uses the exchange rate of the day the transfer to your bank account is initiated. For failed disbursements, this is the exchange rate of the day the transfer is re-initiated.
What are the tax implications of my earnings being converted into another currency before being transferred into my local bank account?
Amazon is not in a position to provide advice or comment about your tax obligations. Contact your tax advisor with questions about your specific circumstances.
Will I receive documents denominated in my local currency that I can give to local tax authorities?
All documents provided by Amazon will be in the functional currency of the marketplace on which you are selling.
Can I choose the currency for my disbursements?
Disbursements can only be made in the home currency of the country where the bank account is located. For example, if your bank account is located in the UK, then disbursements can only be made in GBP, even if your bank account is capable of accepting deposits in both GBP and EUR currencies.
How can I obtain a Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) for inward remittances entering India?
See our instructions for Selling from India.
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