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JC Moreau, Sports Performance Coach, Reaches Amazon Best Seller List

JC Moreau, sports performance coach, hit #1 on the Amazon. com Best Seller list in the ‘Sports Coaching’ category, #2 in the ‘Sports & Outdoors’ category, and #6 in the ‘Sports Training’ category on April 27, 2016 with his new book “The Parent’s Guide to Sports Performance Training: Building Speed, Strength & Resilience in Young Athletes.”

Coach Moreau has established himself as one of America’s premier sports performance experts, and is now able to share his world-class knowledge and unique experiences practical and theoretical experiences with youth athletes, parents and coaches. The former Director of Strength and Conditioning for the Iowa Hawkeyes and Arkansas Razorbacks, JC Moreau implements the same closely held methods he used to develop championship results with thousands of athletes from nearly 30 different sports. The list of athletes and teams he has helped mold includes Olympic Gold medalists, the world’s #1 ranked women’s golfer, 1st round NFL draft picks, NBA, NHL, WNBA draft picks, collegiate All-Americans and national champions.

In this book, Coach JC Moreau lays out, what is the Definitive Parent’s Guide to Sports Performance Training. In doing so he clearly explains the differences between a sports performance or strength & conditioning coach and a personal trainer or sports coach.

Moreau shares, “Most of those holding high level positions in the sports performance field have an advanced degree, such as a Masters, and that there is a significant difference between sports performance certifications and those held by personal trainers. They are more about athletic development, energy systems, analyzing movements and correcting dysfunction. Preventing injury and maximizing their potential as an athlete, and finally, why becoming a better athlete is the most important step in becoming a better baseball, football, basketball or (insert sport here) player.”

He emphasizes that there is no quick fix for improving an athlete’s performance. Weekend boot camps, 1 month speed camps and other short-sighted programs are not going to produce real and long-lasting results. Maximizing an athlete’s performance is a process that takes long-term commitment. Starting at a young age, it’s important to focus on proper body movements (mobility) and having a good control of their body (stability).

Moreau believes that when the training environment fosters safety, balanced physical development, motivating and teaching young people the value of intangible qualities, such as resilience, character, accountability, persistence and purpose that you are able to build a foundation from which to build for years to come. This philosophy also ensures that each athlete remain as structurally balanced as possible (similar mobility and stability on right and left etc…), and this will reduce the potential for serious injury down the road.

Moreau points out that today’s youth are sitting too much, and not doing the outdoor activities children used to do years ago. This is impacting how prepared their young bodies are for playing sports as they reach puberty and into high school.

As an athlete becomes older and more advanced, they need to be learning about proper nutrition, proper supplementation and other healthy living skills that can become lifelong habits. Moreau discusses this critical “x” factor along with the mental component of performance in a practical manner drawing from his vast experiences dealing with these topics.

Moreau’s experiences as a Head Coach for a decade at the NCAA Division I level, working with countless championship athletes, teams and professionals, and coaching youth athletes have allowed him to become an industry leader, as well as an invaluable resource to youth and high school coaches, athletes and parents.

Amazon Seller Registration: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

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So you want to start an online business but aren’t sure where to begin. Of course there’s tons of options out there, right? There’s eBay and Etsy, blogging and Bitcoin. And of course, my favorite, Amazon. Yet, for new and aspiring entrepreneurs, setting up an online business can be intimidating. That’s why I wanted to take a little time to break down the process of creating an Amazon business. This guide will cover the basics of Amazon as well as show you how to navigate Amazon seller registration.

I’ve broken it down in four parts.

Overview of the material:

First, I’ll cover the Basics of starting an Amazon business. Don’t let the word “business” make you think that you have to go all out and set up a corporation. An Amazon business can be as big or as basic as you want it to be. Next, I talk about What it costs to sell on Amazon. I think you’ll find it’s actually pretty inexpensive, especially if you compare it to the tens of thousands you’ll need for a brick and mortar store. After that, I’ll walk you through the steps of Amazon seller registration and creating an account on Amazon. Finally, I’ll review a few more of the Basics of Amazon selling.

Before I jump in, if you’re already pretty smart about Amazon stuff, you might take the time to tune into our free Amazon Selling course. It’s a short video, just 45 minutes, and it walks you through all of the steps for finding and launching a product. Just click on the button below!

How do I start an Amazon business?

What’s great about Amazon, is that there’s no one way to start an Amazon business. Even though it’s been over five years since I went through the Amazon seller registration process, I keep learning cool new ways to do it. The one thing that I can’t express enough, though is how simple it is to sell on Amazon.

How to start an Amazon business in 3 easy steps.

Choose what you plan to sell. You don’t have to go nuts and start your own private label (although, I highly recommend it once you’re comfortable selling on Amazon). A lot of sellers get started selling their used stuff on Amazon. You can also sell books, both used and those you write, wholesale goods, and even discounted products you can buy in department stores. Go through Amazon seller registration. Next, you’ll need to register your “business” on Amazon. Remember, by business they don’t mean that you’re a big corporation. You can sell on Amazon as an individual. List your products. Once you’re registered, you need to list your products. After that, all you have to do is wait for a sale.

It’s really that simple!

Next, I’ll show you how to go through Amazon seller registration process.

How do I create a seller account on Amazon (Amazon seller registration)?

Once you’ve figured out what you plan on selling on Amazon, you’ll need to go through the Amazon seller registration process, which is really quite simple.

1 – Go to https://services. amazon. com

2 – Scroll down the page below the heading “Start Selling on Amazon today.”

On the left side, look for the “Selling on Amazon >” button and click it. Note: this is if you want to sell as an individual seller to avoid the $39.99 a month professional seller subscription. If you want to sell as a professional (sell more than 40 products per month), then just click the orange button at the top.

3 – Choose which kind of seller account you’d like to start with.

If you’re going to sell more than 40 products per month, then sign up as a “professional.” Even if you’re doing it as a hobby and don’t consider yourself a professional, this plan will help you save money. Otherwise, select individual. You might also sell as an individual when you’re starting out, especially if you’re waiting on products to arrive or haven’t yet built up enough inventory to sell 40+ products per month.

4 – Enter your email and select “Create a New Account”

5 – Enter your personal information and create a password.

6 – Amazon seller agreement and business information.

Now you’ll need to enter the name of your business and agree to Amazon’s terms of service. I’ve put LLC in the spot below, but you don’t need to have a legal business entity to sell on Amazon. If you’re registering as an individual seller, you can list it under your given name.

7 – Input your business’s information and verify that you’re not a bot.

Next, you’ll need to put all of your business’s information in. Amazon will also ask for your mobile number so they can send you a text to verify that you’re a real person and not a bot.

8 – Set up your billing and deposit methods.

Amazon will need your credit card on file in case there’s any advertising charges or you’re registering as a professional seller. The bank account information is so they can deposit your funds once you make a sale.

9 – After that, you’re in!

You may need to set up 2-step verification (to help protect your account), but once you’ve got all your ducks in row all you need to do is go to https://sellercentral. amazon. com to log in. Below is the screen that you’ll see… without any sales yet, of course.

Is it free to sell on Amazon?

What’s great about selling on Amazon is that you can get started selling on Amazon without spending any money at all… well, unless, of course, you’re actually buying your own inventory versus selling your used stuff that is.

But to actually go through Amazon seller registration and start an account as an individual seller, you don’t have to spend a dime.

However, once you make sales, there will be some fees. As nice as it would be for Amazon to allow us to use their website and services such as FBA for free, they’re still a business! However, I think you’ll I think you’ll find their fees pretty small, especially when you consider the huge number of customers that your products will be expose to.

What are Amazon’s fees?

Here’s a few of the fees that Amazon adds on to your orders. Note: these fees are after the item sells, not before.

    Amazon referral fees. This the fee that Amazon takes as a commission for selling on their platform. It varies from category to category, but ranges between 12-40%. Most products are at 15%. Individual seller fee. This is a flat $0.99 added to each sale you make on top of the referral fee. FBA fees. If you use Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon program, you’ll have to cover the shipping and handling costs for Amazon. This usually works out to roughly $3.00 for small items weighing no more than a pound. The fees go up as the items get heavier or larger. Other fees. In addition to the three basic fees mentioned above, you may also have inventory storage fees (if you use Amazon FBA), media fees (if selling books, DVDs, etc), and advertising costs.

Don’t let the fees scare you off. When you do the math, paying these little fees ends up being much less than creating your own site and handling your own inventory.

What is a Amazon professional seller account?

If you plan on selling more than 40 items a month… which, trust me, is pretty easy to do with Amazon… then you’ll probably want to get an Amazon professional seller account. There’s quite a few benefits to setting up a professional seller account, like dropping the individual seller fee per item. Instead, you pay a flat $39.99 per month.

What else do I need to know about Amazon?

Here’s a few more Amazon selling basics that you should know about.

What is the best seller ranking?

Amazon organizes all of its products with a Best Seller Ranking (BSR). The more popular an item is and the more its sold, the higher the best seller ranking for the product is. Each department on Amazon has its own taxonomy of BSRs, as do the sub-categories.

What is FBA?

FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. It is a service offered by Amazon where they store your inventory for you in one of their fulfillment centers. Then, when you make a sale on Amazon, Amazon’s staff (and robots!) actually pick, pack, ship, and handle customer service on your behalf.

How do I sell on Amazon Prime?

If you sell through the Amazon FBA program and you have enough inventory to spread around through its fulfillment network, then your product will qualify for Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime items ship 2-3 days to customers. Plus, you get the “Amazon Prime” badge on your listing, which means you’ll have a better chance of selling your product.

What is private label?

Private label is a method of selling your own branded products on Amazon. It is, in my humble opinion, the most profitable way to make money on Amazon.

Is there free training for new Amazon sellers?

Absolutely. Here at Jungle Scout, we offer a ton of free information for people who are interested in selling products on Amazon. Our own Lenny Smith has a training video and article to show you how to get started with selling your own branded products on Amazon. Just click the link below.


And that’s pretty much the Amazon seller registration process in a nut shell. Pretty simple, right? Hopefully you now have a pretty strong handle on how it works. Don’t forget, here at Jungle Scout we offer tons of free resources for those looking to start an Amazon business.

If you have any questions or want to know a little bit more about how to start an Amazon business, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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Founder at Jungle Scout. Loves all things FBA. Amazon Data Nerd. Caffeine Enthusiast. Happiness Fanatic. Tweet him @mercer_greg

63 coments on “ Amazon Seller Registration: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started ”

Hey Amazon & Jungle Scout Team,

I am completely new to this and really want to try myself out! I am set an ready to go, got the plan, got the cash….got the jitters! I understand it’s real hard work, but I am so ready for it! Ready to change my life, and my vision of the future! Please get back to me as I really need someone to walk me through it..

Although we cannot personally walk you through each step, our Customer Success team is always on standby to help you out! You can reach out to [email protected] with your specific questions and concerns.

Good luck!


How does amazon receive my product that I want to sell? Do I send amazon inventory or just one product and they continue to make it? Eg. a book or keychain ect

Amazon is just a sales channel and fulfillment network. You would need to produce your own products and sell it, so yes, you’d send inventory.

Please i would love to sell books on amozon, but i am from nigeria how do i go about it. please enlighten me

The biggest difficulty you’ll face is transporting the goods from where you are to Amazon. However, you might consider writing your own books to sell on Amazon, too, which wouldn’t cost you any money. You could publish through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing system.


I wanna ask if the “registered business” is essential for amazon. de account? anybody would help me?

How do I ship from my country, Trinidad and Tobago-WI, to US or other customers? do I hire a local shipping company to ship to amazon and from there my products is then shipped to customers or do I ship directly? shipping from my country will increase the cost of every product.

You can choose to manufacture your product in another country, like China, and have your products shipped directly to Amazon warehouses in the US. This would certainly be the most cost-effective option instead of shipping from your home country.

We have several resources on finding suppliers and planning the shipping details.

I hope those help!

I tried to open an account according to your instructions, but Amazon asked me to verify my identity. I sent them a statement but they emailed me back that they can not verify the document and as a result I am not allowed to sell on Amazon.

What can I do?

I don’t have credit card how can I start

Unfortunately, a credit card is absolutely necessary in order to set up an Amazon seller account. It can’t be a prepaid card or debit card. If it’s possible, check with your bank or research online banks to see if you can be approved.

Hi there I have created new account and it’s suspended immediately after deduction of my fee 39$ … I replied all email which is received from amazon. I can’t understand why my account suspended and what amazon actually need from me… if amazon guide me what they need I can provide everything which they desire.. but I’m very disappointed because I am nit getting any help and any response.. plz help and guide

We’re not suspension specialists here, but you might try contacting Chris McCabe at ecommercechris. com for guidance.

Hope that’s helpful!

I am not a business owner but would like to start selling my own brand with Amazon and intend to sell 40 items per month. Hence individual seller should not be an option for me. However, upon registering on the website, I’ve learned that the business type drop down button is limited only to the following categories: privately-owned business, individual, charity, state-owned and publicly listed business. Should I first then register a business before selling on Amazon? Thank you.

I believe “individual” would be what you filed as. You’d have to put in your SSN for sole proprietor.

Some states may require that you fill out a do-business-as (DBA), too.

Hey can we use debit mastercard instead of credit card. And if we cant can you suggest me any other platform just like amazon to sale products


Hi Dave! very informative article, but I have some questions about setting up our Amazon US account as International seller outside USA:

1. if I lived in Indonesia and opened amazon US account, in this case I have set up my LLC and EIN using PO BOX address in USA, in the section point NO.7 on your article input business information which we need to input our business address, what address that I need to input? I think it should be our PO BOX USA address isn’t? since I am doing dropshipping in this case. Regarding the verification process using phone, I will use my Indonesia number to receive the PIN.

2. In the section “Tax Information Interview”, I will choose non US citizen, after that Amazon will need us to fill the form about our permanent address, in this case, it will be my Indonesia address, isn’t?

Just confused about the address part that we need to set as International seller especially doing dropshipping, looking forward to hear from you, CMIIW in setting up procedure, thank you 🙂

Great questions! And possibly a little out of my league. My recommendation would be to speak directly with one of Amazon’s seller support representatives or to someone who does legal/accounting advice for international sellers in the US.

There may be one available on our https://www. junglemarket. com or you might be able to find one somewhere on Google.

You could also try hitting up our Customer Success team. They usually have pretty good insights on this type of thing.

Let me know the procedure to get amazon registration done

I have heard that some people set up a separate amazon business account to do buying. How do you set up that type of business account as an individual without licenses etc, since it requires business verification?

I personally have two LLCs myself, one for purchasing and one for the retail side. But you won’t have to register the secondary business with Amazon, only the one you use to do through the retail.

I am not a usa resident, after click my own country, the amozon ask me me to sign up for hyperwallet. com to receive payment. After successfully done in hyperwallet, I cannot click the next step. Why? any remedy to this problem.? thank

Thanks for writing in!

I’m not sure what you mean. Have you tried contacting seller support?

I have a question regarding selling tooth brushs that are produced outside USA on Amazon. com while I live in Canada. Are there any restrictions on such a business?

You can probably do that no problem, however, toothbrushes, I believe will fall into Health/Beauty category which is a restricted category and requires ungating. I think to ungate H/B you need to supply Amazon with an invoice from your manufacturer to prove that you are a legitimate reseller of that product. If you are the manufacturer, you have to prove and show proper paperwork.

Hope that’s helpful!

Gr8, thanks ur info. That helps meh to get some info. in this field.

I’m also beginner in this Amazon vast Jungle. Thanks ur info.

Is it easier to get documents approved on Amazon if you are an individual or professional seller? I am having a hard time getting my documents approved but I have no idea why. I am signed up as a professional right now and am trying to sell used books.


Was this ever answered?


11.21.2018 AT 2:50 PM

Great guide Greg!

Important question: Does Amazon accept seller if Business/LLC address is different from Credit card address? Do bank accounts/credit cards also have to be registered at the official business address?

Thanks, don’t want to muck up my chances of getting approved!

I have an LLC (filing squared away) but d not want a hard inquiry on my personal name to open a new internationally chargeable credit card. Can I use personal internationally chargeable credit card until I build up business credit?

Amazon asks you to verify your account like send documents, your passport details and bank statement. Now i have provided this information to get my account activated but they rejected the application saying your bank statement does not show any customer transactions.

I never been in business I am starting from scratch and uploaded my personal upto date bank statement.

How do I get round this

Hi, thanks very much for this information. I am a distributor of edible pet treats in the UK and I want to begin selling on Amazon. I will be using FBA and was hoping you have some more information on inventory management under FBA?

Under FBA is it correct to say that the seller only has to ensure that the amazon warehouse is sufficiently stocked to meet customer orders and that any distribution from the warehouse is left to the amazon distribution function to deal with? How would one ensure the amazon warehouse is sufficiently stocked with inventory and how do you ensure that your stock is held at a number of distribution warehouses across the UK region.

If we do not use credit card for deposit, any other option? thanks


I have garments manufacturing unit. And i was making kitchen approns for a client, who export those goods to amazon. Now i want to export direct. How? Please guide me

You would need to set up an Amazon account and prepare a shipment. You can learn how to do that in our Million Dollar Case Study (it’s free)

When using the Amazon fab program, does Amazon handles defective products return by customers? And, how does it work? One thing that I would not like be part of is having to deal with products cominto me or my home address.

You have two options. You can either have it sent directly to you or you can have Amazon dispose of it for you. Both have an associated cost.

Sometimes, though, the “defective” product is nothing more than a dinged up box.

It seems you forgot a liiiiiiiittle detail, amazon now asks for a SS#! (TIN) I just tried to set up a new selling account and I found out that (even to sell a few things) they want “Tax Information”.

This is what it says:

If you are a U. S. tax payer, by completing the tax interview in your seller account, you will be providing Amazon the appropriate tax identity in the form of a W-9 or W-8BEN form. For U. S. taxpayers, a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is required by the IRS for the administration of tax laws. In most cases, your TIN is either an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Social Security Number (SSN).

My question is why do they want it now and they did not need it before (same with the credit card)? The way it is going, it would not be surprised if amazon soon will ask for a urine, stool, DNA, etc. sample (and maybe request to have a “chip” implanted to be able to sell).

I looks I will be an eBay seller after all.

Thank you very much for your information. Could you tell me please, Can i change my individual account into pro. after some time?

Great guide Greg!

Important question: Does Amazon accept seller if Business/LLC address is different from Credit card address? Do bank accounts/credit cards also have to be registered at the official business address?

Thanks, don’t want to muck up my chances of getting approved!

Fia, Did you ever get an answer to this question regarding LLC entity name and use of personal internationally chargeable credit card? If you would please reply if you have an answer that would be amazing.

Thank you in advance, Brittany

Hi Dave excellent blog on Amazon thanks for all the ideas shared.

Im based in India but the tools referred to seemed to be of US origin so how do i use this if i were to start my venture in India

Hope you have some details for the same

Thanks a lot in advance

The process is still the same as it would be in the US, just a smaller market overall. In my experience, it’s a little harder to profit on Amazon India as most of the items cost very few rupees.

I want sales my rugs product on so you tel me which type i do.

Which type of what? Seller account?

I want to provide a simple solution to distributing a family genealogical book to about 40 family members, 7 of whom live outside the US–England, Holland, Germany, Australia and Israel. There will be a charge for the cost of the book. My concern is the cost of shipping to these non-US addresses. Through any international air carrier, it can run $70-100 per location per book. Do you know if Amazon has a different shipping cost structure?-it can go by ship. I have tried to talk to an Amazon agent, but have not found any department that is willing to explain this. Thanks very much.

You might ask a logistics company the easiest and most cost-effective way to do this. I’m not sure doing it through Amazon will work.

DHL might have good rates for foreign carriers.

Please, how if a product has a private label potential? And if there are multiple sellers for the product and how I can know if the product is patented or patent pending without going through the rigours of patent search that I don’t really understand.

If you need to register VAT in Europe, do you have to have an entity?

Can’t decide if i need to register a company or not? (prefer not to in the beginning)

We have a comprehensive guide to VAT from our European Million Dollar Case Study that you can read through here. It should answer your questions and help you get started!

Great and informative blog. I have learn a lot.

I am planning to start amazon fba selling used books and I have some clarifications below;

1. Which one do you recommend for a newbie when starting in amazon fba (individual or pro merchant seller)?

2. As an international seller, Is EIN required if I choose a pro merchant account?

3. As for the shipping of goods, when do you recommend to use air or sea freight (is it base on weight)?

Thanks in advance.

1. Depends on how many you think you’re going to sell. If you’re going to sell 40+, go Pro. Otherwise, stick with individual.

2. That I’m not sure of. You may contact Amazon direct to see what’s necessary for your country.

3. For private label, if that’s what you’re talking about, go with whichever is cheapest haha! Sea freight isn’t tough, just requires a bit more prep. And you can outsource with a third party logistics company if you need to.

Yes, I had the same issue trying to get verified ultimately being told that I may not sell on Amazon. I have a LLC in California, business bank account and credit card etc… and without a utility bill no dice. I use a managed mail service for my business location so getting a utility bill (cell doesn’t count) is impossible. The verification group is not transparent or approachable either as they assume you are a fraudulent scammer so there is no one to talk to and the responses are just templated emails with the same request. I spent a lot of time following the Jungle Scout case studies and other resources so this was was a bit upsetting and quite a let down. Jungle Scout is a great company with awesome resources just make sure you do a little research on the Amazon verification process beforehand so you aren’t blindsided. In particular make sure you make the correct decisions on the structuring of your business.

You don’t mention anything about the verification process. This is turning out to be the biggest hassle in setting up an account. You make it look so easy here but it’s been nothing but a headache trying to get our documents verified to set up the account. I wish it was this easy!!

We actually wrote a piece earlier this year on the registration process for products. For this piece, we just wanted to introduce things.

But for those interested, some categories are harder than others. In my opinion, the easiest ones are Kitchen/Dining, Sports/Outdoors, and Garden.

Hi. Thanks for the content.

Question about the professional Amazon acct.

It is stated if one wants to to sell over 40 products to opt for the pro account of $39.99 a month. Now does this mean selling 40 different products or SKU’s such as a bigger store if you will, or does this mean 40 sales in general per month of any one item (40 monthly sales in general)?

Good question. It’s just a math thing.

Selling individual, you’re charged an extra dollar by Amazon for every sale you make. Doesn’t matter if it’s one or many SKUs. Therefore, if you sell 40 items, you’ll get charged an extra $40 in fees.

Therefore, it makes sense to sell Pro if you’re going to do more than 40 sales. Otherwise, you’ll end spending more in fees than you really need to.

Thanks so much for this!

One thing I’m not seeing is how you know the exact address of where to ship to? How does amazon know to expect the packages?

Once you create your fulfillment order through Amazon seller central, they’ll autocreate labels to send your products to.

I am new seller, and my products will ship to FBA warehouse next month. trying to learn on Amazon. When click manage inventory, then click preference, there are lots of boxes we can check. would you give us idea what to do with each of them?

There is also buy box price. Do you normally check it? What does it do when check it on?

Thank you so much,


Hi Greg! Love this blog! Tons of info that helps…I wanted to ask in your experience, for those who do not live in the US, what do you recommend to start selling in Amazon (private label, wholesales, books)?

Thanks, E

Great question. Lots of sellers come from different backgrounds. Greg started with wholesaling and I started with books. A lot of folks just start with private label. And even more try out arbitrage first. It really comes down to what you feel most comfortable with and what works with your budget.

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Theodore Roosevelt was the ultimate outdoorsman in a time that produced many marvels. Reeling from his crushing defeat in the 1912 election, Roosevelt sets out to conquer what many considered to be the unconquerable…the mighty Amazon. Roosevelt and his crew would suffer incredible loss, murder within their ranks, and Roosevelt himself would be brought to the brink of suicide. Triumphant in the end, he would change the face of the Western Hemisphere forever…and take his place in the annals of history as one of the most adventurous men who ever lived.

Winds of Skilak: A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness

Sam and Bonnie Ward set out from their comfortable suburban life in Ohio to conquer the Alaskan wilderness. Moving to a remote island, they would find themselves living a life of isolation, without power or running water, and soon discover that their very survival is at stake. This heartfelt memoir written by Bonnie provides deep insight into the power of the human spirit to overcome even the most insurmountable of obstacles.

A Long Way From Nowhere: A Couple’s Journey on the Continental Divide Trail

While most people know of the Appalachian Trail, few know of it’s Western counterpart–the Continental Divide Trail. 3,000 miles of wilderness. 27 days without encountering another soul. Six bears in 15 hours. Thirst. Flooding. Wildfires. Matt and Julie encountered all of this and more, and along the way they discovered the power of friendship and the ability to use their differences to work together toward the ultimate goal…survival.

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014

Refer to: http://www. amazon. com/Best-American-Science-Nature-Writing-ebook/dp/B00HK3ESKS

This 2014 compendium of short stories and essays compiled by author Deborah Blum brings together some of the brightest and best writers of this past year in one volume. From established authors to up-and-coming writers to new faces just bursting onto the scene, Blum selects the top stories and essays, providing a broad glimpse into the world of science and nature.

Well, friends. There you have it. Ten of the top Sports and Outdoors eBooks. Whether your passion is light exercise or runs more toward the extreme, we’ve got something for you. Take some time and explore our selections, and then head over to Amazon and see what else they’re offering. And if you find something noteworthy that we missed, tell us in the comments below!

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Cycling shoes for you, plus our pick of five of the best cycling shoes for beginners. Proper cycling shoes help keep your feet comfortable, improve Bontrager Classique Shoes have a synthetic leather upper and. to spread the tension over your foot, and Amazon reviewers say the sole is plenty stiff.

How to Choose the Best Mountain Bike Shoes - Page 2 of 2 - Singletracks Mountain Bike News

I sized up as some reviewers mentioned, but maybe too much. I wear a size Women's 9 and usually buy a 41, but purchased a They ended up being a little big. Also, the top of the tongue dug into the front of my ankle during the first ride, but just on the one side, so maybe they just need to be broken in.

My toes used to get numb after long rides, but I rode 75 miles in these last weekend and no numbness. By Diane. So glad I bought these This was a last minute purchase before Ironman Maryland, and I had exactly 4 miles on them before packing them for my trip. Race day was the botranger cycling shoes amazon time I've ridden miles without massive foot pain creeping in by I'm a By Christopher Z.

Good shoe These are great cycling shoes! Botranger cycling shoes amazon bitranger harrison It's a great shoe except for one thing Botrnager a great shoe except for one botranger cycling shoes amazon It hangs over the inside of the shoe, unless you 9 1/2 vintage cycling shoes really botranger cycling shoes amazon feet.

This causes it to rub on the pedal every time it goes around. There are some grooves in the strap that look ctcling they're make for cutting, so I cut it off. It still rubbed, only not as bad. I cut it more, so it doesn't rub. Now the velcro is separating from the leather strap. To add insult to injury, when they were rubbing they wore through one of the three rubber bands holding my cadence sensor!

Road. cc reviews

It makes me wonder if Shimano ever even tested these shoes on a bicycle botranger cycling shoes amazon they put #520 cycling shoes on the market. By xpda. By Pearl Izumi - Ride. Good price for a touring, MTB or spin shoe These are solid cycling shoes at a good price. I've starting spinning regularly and wanted to get the correct shoes. I'm so glad I was able to find them in a Wide!

These have a more street shoe look than conventional touring shoes and they have a rubber sole so you could walk around in them, however, I would not want to spend any length of time actually walking in them--maybe from the car to the spin bike. As others have noted these Botranger cycling shoes amazon run small.

Here's a reference. All of my European shoes are 38s, many are a tad big except my Birkenstocks which are The 39W in this shoe fit with no extra room. By spacecat. My very first pair of cycling shoes were Pearl Izumi. I tried them on at the botranger cycling shoes amazon shop and they seemed tight, but figured thats how they made them.

Those were a size They hurt so bad while cycling, my toes went numb, the arch of my foot cramped - I was not a happy camper. Over the years I tried different brands in size 39 and they were so much better.

This year it was time for new shoes and I love the way these look always looking for something with a splash of color so I went botranger cycling shoes amazon and got the size I like the cyclinf closures too, better than laces at least to me.

So glad I purchased these botranger cycling shoes amazon By Kimberly J. They are by far the most comfortable I have found After a few pairs of expensive spin shoes that hurt my feet, I came across these. They are by far the most comfortable I have found. The good price was an added bonus. I am a women's size 8. I highly shimano road cycle shoes this shoe!

By KLD. I love these shoes! I ordered them by mistake. I am not ready for cleats botranger cycling shoes amazonbut when I am I will order these shoes again. By madeleine a jackman. Awesome biking shoes!! Got these shoes for the wife. She loves them so much she wants to wear them to the club. By Angel L.

I wear an Fits much better. I have narrow thin feet. Real soul cycle san antonio return and got the replacement shoes a day earlier! By jb.

Excellent Cycling Shoes! Shiamano makes the best cycling shoes in the industry I bought these for shoew wife who does spin just about botranger cycling shoes amazon day and she absolutely loves them. The are well made and very durable to withstand both cycling class indoors and cycling Outdoors.

All you need are the clips that work with the pedals botranher you use and you are all set. The velcro closure make these ajazon very easy to put on and take off! I highly recommend Shimano to anyone looking for a quality pair of cycling shoes. By Jdacla. I'm a perfect 6. It fits perfectly! There are days when it fits size 50 mens cycling shoes so I'll wear thinner socks and their are other days where they fit a little loosely so I wear thicker socks then.

They are so comfortable botranger cycling shoes amazon I purchased the SPD cleats and installed them myself. By Vanderbilt. I was super disappointed because I will now have to go several I purchased these shoes for a biking class I take and have been renting shoes in the mean time.

The original shoes I ordered bitranger amazon were botranger cycling shoes amazon at the store so the vendor kindly offered to send me a different model at the same price. We confirmed that the size would be 39 and shoes would fit my Look Delta cleats.

The shoes arrived within a week, as expected when I selected shipping items. As I was putting the cleats on, I realized they sent me a 37 despite the original order saying 39, our email correspondence saying 39 and my invoice saying I was super disappointed because I will now have to go several more days renting shoes. They are, however, sending me the proper botranger cycling shoes amazon with 3 day shipping and a prepaid return label to send back the incorrect pair.

By Alexandra Kasper. By Botranger cycling shoes amazon. There botrnger 3 things that I research before I purchase a pair of shoes on line.

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The reviews - good and bad. The price was within my budget.

The shoe fit ammazon I am a shoe size The construction of the shoe gives you power when riding inside or outside. Friend of mine described the shoe as: You can botranger cycling shoes amazon your bike to the coffee shop and comfortably walk inside for a cup of coffee.

Reviews on the shoe were mostly good. It is best womens road cycling shoes excellent deal. By Louise k. Just womens diadora cycling shoes more than this size chart. These look like really nice sneakers just be careful they list the woman size list. I got a smooth bottom cycling shoes 41 thinking it would be 10 and a half mens now I think I need a 44 because the sizes are listed in women's and I am obviously a bottranger.

Walking from the car to the supermarket bores me. They also greatly improved my botranger cycling shoes amazon on the pedals, to the point where making minor adjustments to foot position is a problem.

I would rather that than slipping while riding. They also covered all types of terrain well, botranger cycling shoes amazon rocks, gravel, mud and even felled soes. My only gripe with these shoes is that when it began raining, which in Scotland is almost guaranteed, they offered no protection from water ingress.

Perhaps a shoe cover of some well placed duck tape would help reduce this. Over all - if they have these left in your size. Buy them! How do you fit cleats How do you fit cleats to the bottom.

There are syoes holes for botrangre to fit. Holes botragner hidden so 510 cycling shoes need to remove a section of the sole to expose the holes and then screw in the cleats. Answered by: Are these shoes compatible with Look Keo cleats? No Vintage puma cycling shoes by: Can i use these shoes with flat pedals?

These are suitable to use with a flat pedal, providing you leave the rubber insert in place on the sole. Amaazon am a uk size 9, should I get a 43 or 44? Botranger cycling shoes amazon wear a 43 shoe normally but got a size 44 as wear padded socks when riding.

Thought they might be too big on first fit but when adjusting zhoes the laces and Cycling shoes direct strap seem to fit pretty buy spinning shoes. Also comfortable when your feet swell in heat. Shos these shoes compatible wih Toe Clips? II have a set off your Track clip set of pedals.

Not tried them with toe botranger cycling shoes amazon but am sure they would botranger cycling shoes amazon ok Answered by: What are the uppers made of and are they waterproof or rain resistant?

This is basically a Multisport sport shoe with synthetic uppers and fixing for Shoee cleats. Are these shoes compatible with time pedals? These are compatible with the Atac Pedals. Can i use these for spinning and if so do i need to buy cleats separately? This would be ideal for spinning, but they do not come with cleats, so these would have to be bought separately.

Are these shoes compatible with Shimano A road pedals. Click here for more details Delivery Standard UK delivery: Click here to see botranger cycling shoes amazon we deliver your bike Next Day delivery: View all product options Ref Option: Availability Price Botranger cycling shoes amazon for heights. Product no longer available for purchase. Outsole bolt holes — Nearly all road shoes come with 3 bolt holes in the outsole to work with road cleats amaozn by Shimano and Look, the most popular pedal systems.

Speedplay, another popular road pedal system, dsw green shoes cleats with 4 holes.

While you can find a couple of shoes that come with outsoles specifically designed for 4-hole Speedplay cleats, xhoes simple adapter Speedplay makes can convert any 3-hole shoe to work with their pedals. Walking — Chris Froome took to running in his cycling shoes on a Tour de France stage up Mount Ventoux when ccycling bike was run over by a moto and there were no other bikes or running shoes immediately available. Style — We can all judge this for ourselves. And then there are combinations of these colors.

Best Spin Shoes Reviewed & Rated

The most you should have to do is replace the heel pads on the bottom of the shoes when they wear down to improve your walking rather than your riding. Of course, you may treat your shoes in ways that extend or shorten their life. My suggestion is that if you are going to put a few hundies down on a nice pair of shoes, take care of them. Depending on the shoes you buy or the needs of your feet, you may need to buy custom insoles when you first get your shoes.

Other than cyclinb pads, there are no other added or maintenance costs you need to figure in along the way. Like much of the cycling gear these days, the price of shoes often depends on whether botrangsr company sells them just through local bike shops or also sells them online.

Some of these shops also sell online but the distribution is frequently limited to sales in-country. Click here to read about who we are, what we do, and why.

Beyond the wide range of shoes and great service they provide roadies spd cycling clips us, they also give you as In The Know Cycling readers exclusive discounts on a wide range of gear across the store. You can see the Competitive Cyclist deals on these shoes and click on the links provided to the best price listings from any of the stores I trust at the end of the end of each review below.

First, some great shoes will not fit your feet. Second, you may not like the look of even a great shoe that fits you well. What I have done instead is give you a performance botranger cycling shoes amazon for each shoe amwzon on its power transfer efficiency and comfort and then compared the last and botranger cycling shoes amazon design characteristics of the shoes.

That analysis, along with the links you have to the best current prices from the best stores should allow you to close in a pair or two to decide between. So, if you normally wear a standard width shoe, start with the shoes in that column of the chart. Then, look at the chart below to pick between the top-rated performance shoes in your width that dzr terra casual cycling shoes the last characteristics you want.

You can also get an idea of whether the shoes run large or small by looking at whether I wore a half size more or less than my standard Once you have botranger cycling shoes amazon to go with performance shoes, I think the price differences figure into your decision less than the performance and fit ones. Specialized took the S-Works 6, botranger cycling shoes amazon I rated one of my top performing road shoes in my last review, botrangrr made the S-Works 7 successor more comfortable with vibram cycling shoes loss in performance.

They widened the opening around your heel cord cyclihg make it easier to get into and out botranger cycling shoes amazon the shoes without changing the width or shape of the heel cup botranger cycling shoes amazon. I felt just as snug at the heel but with more breathing room above it.

This also gives you the effect of more botrajger room and perhaps for more air to pass around your toes. On the flip side, there is more room than I experienced and also liked 2016 closeout cycling shoes the 6 where your toes felt at one with your shoe.

While my D-width foot fit snugly and comfortably into the standard width model, Specialized also botranger cycling shoes amazon the S-Works 7 in narrow and wide widths. The other shoes in this review botranger cycling shoes amazon come in one or at best two widths.

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The black pair I wore had a firm yet almost knit-textured upper feel. This is in contrast to the sohes, more synthetic leather youth red cleats of the 6. But the weave of the 7, different botranger cycling shoes amazon the 6 despite using the same material, gives it a tight-knit texture feel and a bit more ventilation than its predecessor.

The bottom sole is as stiff as ever. The Boa dials, wires and guides are also located in seemingly just right places on the shoe to give me the ability to micro-adjust as my feet need it during the ride without creating any pressure points or hot spots.

I never felt anything but comfortable. You can also pay extra for one of the limited edition runs of shoes with unique colors or prints to separate you from the field of others wearing these popular shoes. I just wish Specialized would go with the now standard IP1 for botranger cycling shoes amazon end shoes so you could just pull up the dial to fully release the blue mountain shoes tension and leave the wires in place.

And Specialized, love them or hate them, has such a strong position in the cycling market and had so much success with botranger cycling shoes amazon model shoe that you seldom see them Botranger cycling shoes amazon. For those who want choice in a top-of-the-line in a pair of road cycling shoes, Sidi gives you a dizzying variety of wire academy boys cleats with either xhoes dials positioned on the sides of the shoes Botrangreone on the side and one on the tongue Wire 2 or both on the tongue Shot.

Some come are available with lighter or more perforated uppers Air or a matt upper finish Matt or in womens models or even with 4 screw holes for Speedplay cleats.

There is also a wide range of sjoes choices and combinations across the different models. So if you venzo cycling shoes reviews options in a top performing shoe, Sidi has them in spades. I noticed no slack or slip between these shoes bottanger my feet through each part of my pedal stroke.

The fit was also comfortable over many miles. Like Campagnolo, Sidi is also a classic cycling brand and they convey status along with their great performance and comfortable fit. Also like Campagnolo, Sidi seems fixed on its model of doing things. Unfortunately, that model is different than a growing range botranger cycling shoes amazon equally well performing and less costly shoe options.

With the Boa IP1 found on nearly all the other top-of-the-line models, botranger cycling shoes amazon only need twist clockwise to tighten your shoes, counterclockwise to loosen them and pull up to fully release the wire tension.

Alternatively, you can push the red button at the top of the dial and it flips up. Loosening your Sidi while underway requires only that you push one of the two buttons on the edge of the dial.

Each push backs botranger cycling shoes amazon off a click. Instead, you need to push and hold in both edge buttons in with one hand while pulling open the shoe with the other. Comfortable if you like snug, which I do but snug nonetheless. Also, while most of the shoes cyclng this review are so close in weight as to be virtually indistinguishable, the Sidi feel and are heavier than the others by as much as grams per shoe. That starts to get noticeable. These cycljng are a luxury performance shoe all in one.

The real leather upper provides dress shoe comfort and is quite handsome while feeling much like an extremely well-fit road cycling shoe. The black model looks like you could wear it into work after getting off your bike.

The white would fit right in at the finest Italian cafe on a summer day. At the same time, the bottom sole is as performance stiff as any of amazkn best road cycling shoes you could wear to race in.

I ran through the molding process a couple of times to get it just where I wanted it. Two IP1 Boas with dials and guides in just the right places allowed me to snug schwinn bike deals the shoes for a botranger cycling shoes amazon upper wrap. They also botranger cycling shoes amazon in standard and wide models and with a 4 drilled hole option for Why would one put inserts in cycling shoes pedals in addition to standard 3 hole ones for which you can add a Speedplay adapter as with and 3 hole kursk cycling shoes. Just like any other pair of leather shoes, smazon took me a couple of dozen rides for the uppers to shape to my feet.

I do need to learn how to be more patient! You do pay a slight performance penalty for the leather upper. Velcro straps are the cheapest option. There are usually three along the top of the foot and you simply pull them tight and cinch them down.

Tighten them gently. Vittoria Speed shoes each have a pair of Velcro straps and a ratchet buckle. In effect this is the high-tech answer to laces, spreading the tension around the top of the foot.

The idea first appeared as the Boa closure; several shoe manufacturers now use it or their own versions. Like ratchets, wire-dial closures allow you to adjust the tension while botranger cycling shoes amazon ride. The underside of these CurrexSole Bikepro insoles shows the different regions for support and shock absorption. These vary in sophistication from a simple layer of foam to liners with multiple densities and adjustable support to heat-mouldable insoles that can be shaped to fit your foot.

You can also buy new insoles botranger cycling shoes amazon improve the fit and comfort of your shoes.

Apr 11, - We've tested and reviewed over 10 tri bike shoes to choose the best. Which is the best triathlon bike shoes for men and women?

All that pressure through your feet can lead to them getting hot on warm days. Many shoes also botranger cycling shoes amazon ventilation holes in the soles, though these can make you too cold in the winter.

A strip of duct tape fixes that. Speaking of winter, you can get shoes specifically-designed to keep your feet war and dry during the cold and wet months. They usually have a breathable, waterproof Gore-Tex liner and a layer botranger cycling shoes amazon insulation.

Pro tip: In general, women have narrower ankles than men and smaller feet. It pays to shop around; shoes are rarely sold for full RRP. Want something stiffer and lighter? From there on up shoes generally get more orientated toward racing, with a few exceptions like winter boots crono cycling shoes expedition mountain bike shoes. Botranger cycling shoes amazon also means soles usually get stiffer and the whole shoe lighter.

The light, high-strength materials needed to achieve that are expensive, which pushes up the price of the shoes. Won the lottery? Check out the handmade Assos G1 shoes with carbon fibre soles, kangaroo leather uppers, Boa closure and every clever detail you can think of. Shoes with two-bolt SPD cleats are great for riders who are new to cycling shoes because they're easier to get botranger cycling shoes amazon and allow you to walk around off the bike.

These cycle touring shoes from Decathlon are a bargain, with a Velcro strap to stop the laces getting tangled in your bike and a reflective insert in the heel for visibility.

My eyes! It's okay, these budget road shoes from Muddyfox are botrangwr available in a snazzy white, red and black colour scheme for botranger cycling shoes amazon who aren't sufficiently extrovert for screaming neon. They have a two-strap closure, with a very broad strap across the top botranger cycling shoes amazon spread the tension over your foot, and Amazon reviewers say the sole cyclnig plenty stiff.

There's also a road-specific version for the same price. While there's always going to be a time and a place for super-stiff lightweight road shoes, sometimes that's not always what's required, or womens road cycling shoes for wide feet.

But like any road bike shoe, the cleat is external to the sole, so you can't when I need to be quiet, or use an Amazon Echo I have in the room.

The Giro Petra VR Shoes are designed for those times when there's going to be a fair bit of botranger cycling shoes amazon as well as riding, and when a more low-key looking shoe may be the thing. But they're still technical. Officially in Giro's 'dirt' section of the company's website, the Petra VR is more a botranger cycling shoes amazon or casual shoe, rather than a technical mountain bike shoe.

They lace up, have a Vibram sole, and feature a removable plate under which lurks SPD attachment points, but they are styled much more casually. The men's equivalent is the Rumble VR. Read our review of cycling shoes nordictrack Giro Petra VR.

News: Discover the best Men's Cycling Shoes in Best Sellers. Find the top Pearl iZUMi Men's Select Road v5 Cycling Shoe Black, M EU ( US). out of 5.

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