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Hand-painted glassware, drinkware and decor
Иллинойс, США 82 Sales On Etsy since 2009
Shop owner
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Really nice item, shipped so quickly! Quality is great, hand painting is really lovely.
Paris is always a good idea - hand painted small coffee/latte cup
Paris is always a good idea - hand painted small coffee/latte cup
Spnshfrk on 13 окт 2014 r
Seller allowed for personalization for a birthday gift. Answered questions quickly and received the item really fast. Just perfect!
Set of two hand painted espresso cups - Paris (Ooh La La)
Set of two hand painted espresso cups - Paris (Ooh La La)
Carriessnyder on 03 июн 2014 r
Beautiful little cup - perfect for espresso.
Paris (Ooh La La) - hand painted espresso cup
Paris (Ooh La La) - hand painted espresso cup
Jan Brown on 27 янв 2014 r
Beautifully and delicately painted. I love the design. I love it full stop. Oversees buyers be aware that we have 'foreign' electrics so the bulb/plug issue has to be resolved.
Hand Painted Lamp - Iris
Hand Painted Lamp - Iris
Shelzi Belle on 23 ноя 2013 r
So charming, I proudly display it in my office. Beautiful find, happy to have it. Thank you!
Tuscany - original painting on mini canvas - Custom order for shelzi23
Tuscany - original painting on mini canvas - Custom order for shelzi23
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Circleware Dome De Fromage Mini Glass Cheese Butter Dish Dome with Tray Plate and Handle, Limited Edition Glassware Serveware
Product Statistics Best Sellers Rank* > # 107181 in Kitchen category
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Color: Clear Glass
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