Sporting Goods and Fitness Equipment
Sporting Goods and Fitness Equipment
Volleyball is a team sport played between two teams of six players separated by net. In this game the main objective is to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court by following some set of organized rules. To play the volleyball sport as a professional level these equipment required are: Ball, Net and The Court. At this exclusive Sporting Goods Store you would get complete range of Volleyball Equipment and Accessories Online at very reasonable cost / price.
Volleyball: At our sporting goods store, you will get wide range of quality Volleyballs like Vinex Volleyball - Champion (Hand Stitched), Vinex Volleyball - Dura (Hand Stitched), Vinex Volleyball – Champion and Vinex Volleyball - Soft Touch.
Vinex Volleyball - Soft Touch: Vinex Volleyball - Soft Touch is VFI approved. This volleyball is made with best Japanese PU and available in official size and weight.
Vinex Volleyball – Champion: Vinex Volleyball – Champion is approved by VFI. This volleyball is made with quality PU and available in official size and weights.
Vinex Volleyball - Champion (Hand Stitched): Vinex Volleyball - Champion is Hand Stitched and made from high quality PVC and available in official size and weight.
Vinex Volleyball - Dura (Hand Stitched): Vinex Volleyball – Dura is approved by VFI. This volleyball is made with quality PU and Hand Stitched. This volleyball is available in official size and weights
Vinex Volleyball Net: You can be used it anywhere like lawn, backyard and beach. Vinex Volleyball Net is made of Nylon and ideal for use at school, club, Champion or Competition.
Volleyball Antenna: The perfect and quality material made antenna that is used to determine if the ball is in or out and placed on top of the outer boundaries of both sides of the volleyball net. Vinex volleyball antenna is made with best quality material.
Volleyball / Badminton Post: Volleyball / Badminton Post are made of heavy duty steel construction and easily adjustable for volleyball or badminton game events. This volleyball and badminton post have non marking wheel for easy transportation.
Sporting Goods and Fitness Equipment
Finding Your Rhythm
Manufacturer of home gyms, commercial fitness equipment, free weight equipment and accessories
World leading cardio and strength ranges
Designed for enjoying your life.
Leader Sport presents an amazing range of Mizuno Apparel/Footwear for both Men/Women who want to look perfect for every occasions.
Latest News
1. MIZUNO: How did you become a triathlete? What fascinates you about the sport and what does it give back to you?
JGN: I come from the swimming field. When I was a kid I trained and raced with the swim team of my hometown, Ferrol. At that time some triathletes came to swim at the same pool. They knew I was not like the other swimmers because I liked to run and ride for fun sometimes. One day, they encouraged me to go to a triathlon with them when I was 14. From that day I became fascinated with this sport which has given me everything; my friends and my social life are all around triathlons. It is a kind of lifestyle, because at the end, from when I wake up until I go to sleep, I am 100% involved with the triathlon. I am in debt to this sport.
2. MIZUNO: Many people struggle to find enough motivation to exercise and improve in one discipline. In triathlons, you need to be excellent in three areas: swimming, running and biking. Do you need to train 3x as hard? Where do you find your motivation?
JGN: I think that training for three disciplines is more rewarding than just for one. It is obviously very demanding, but I prefer to do one session of each every day, rather than just be focused on one of them. For me, motivation comes naturally, triathlons are my passion and it has become my job. I feel lucky for it.
3. MIZUNO: You compete in many different competitions around the globe, don’t you ever get tired/exhausted?
JGN: Yes of course, travelling is one of the key factors you have to face and must manage well, otherwise you take the risk of becoming injured. Flying, airports, and jetlag are also very tiring. They are some other factors of stress that make you busy.
4. MIZUNO: Your licence to compete internationally has been removed by the CSD not only once, but twice in the past. How did you bring up the strength and courage to fight this hardship twice?
JGN: At that time I was just a teenager that wanted to do what I liked, I was not thinking of being a World champion, winning races, etc. I enjoyed training as I do now. With that being said, there were some very hard and tough moments for me. The support of my family and my inner circle was very important to overcome the situation. Looking back, all the situations I lived through, made me mentally stronger.
5. MIZUNO: When thinking of Rio de Janeiro, most people think of the Copacabana and Carnival. What do you think of when you hear the word?
JGN: I think of Copacabana as well, because the triathlon will be hosted there, but not of the Carnival… haha. Rio is the main goal of this year, I am putting all my efforts into this race. Anyhow, nowadays, I am hearing this word “Rio” too many times, everyone reminds me repeatedly, encouraging me for the preparation, the race, etc. This is when you realize that the Olympics are different to any other race, many people even out of the sport, know about the Olympics.
6. MIZUNO: How do you prepare for Rio? Are you making any changes compared to your preparations in 2012?
JGN: Yes, I will probably race less than in 2012 before the Olympics. Rio is a different race course than London, the bike section has a steady hill, added to the humid and hot weather conditions we might find in Rio in August, the race will probably be different. I do not expect the running course to be as fast as we did it in London due to the demanding bike course; therefore you have to be very solid in the three disciplines to win the race.
7. MIZUNO: Do you have a pre-race routine that you go through before an important race such as Rio?
JGN: My pre-race routine is always the same for every race; I like to swim, bike and run a bit before the race, having the last meal 4 hours before the race time start.
8. MIZUNO: Imagine yourself standing at the starting line in Rio. What will be on your mind?
JGN: I will probably be very focused on the swim start horn, so I can be concentrated on swimming very fast until the first bouy. In a triathlon you can lose the race in the first buoy if you are not well located and the swim is fast, then the race can be broken, if you are not in the leading group, the medal options are over.
9. MIZUNO: You’ve won more or less every important international triathlon title already – except for Olympic gold. Is this the ultimate goal? What will come after Rio?
JGN: No, it is not my ultimate goal, but it is the most important now. What will come after Rio I do not know yet, I have to think if I will keep my focus on Olympic distance, or jump to long distance races. Honestly, I do not know yet, but I am not thinking on it right now.
10. MIZUNO: What comes to your mind when you hear the slogan ‘’Never stop pushing“? What does it mean to you?
JGN: I feel totally identified with this slogan, it is the way I understand this sport, not just in racing, but even more importantly in the daily training. Obviously you cannot go 100% in every workout, but I believe on having a daily routine and making sacrifices; to wake at 6am, no pain no gain.
I attended a high school that was known for its swimmers. They were the best in the country, and some of them competed in the Olympics. Before championship meets, you could overhear amusing discussions in the hallways about “shaving down” and “tapering” in an attempt to swim faster. As a member of the cross country and track teams, I was also interested in getting faster. So I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. “What were these odd-sounding things,” I wondered. “Could they work for me, too? Do swimmers have a secret?”
The idea of progressively reducing, or tapering, the training load has been a long tradition among swimmers, the most often-studied athletes in regard to tapering. While it’s not necessary to shave all of your body hair to run faster, marathon runners can benefit from tapering, which enables your body recover, adapt, and overcompensate to the training you’ve done so you’re prepared to run your best race.
There are a number of physiological changes that occur during the taper. Among the most prominent are changes in the characteristics of the blood, including increases in red blood cell volume, total blood volume, and reticulocytes (immature red blood cells), and improvements in the health of red blood cells. These hematological changes reflect a positive balance between hemolyis (the degradation of red blood cells) and erythropoiesis (the production of red blood cells), leading to a greater oxygen carrying capability and, often, an improved performance.
Tapering also increases muscle glycogen content (giving you more fuel), aerobic enzyme activity (allowing for greater aerobic metabolism), and muscular strength and power, and can increase maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max). A decreased level of creatine kinase in the blood (an indirect indicator of muscle damage), which reflects an increased recovery, has also been consistently found following a taper.
The goal of tapering is to recover from prior training without compromising your previous training adaptations. In other words, you want to decrease fatigue without losing fitness. Here’s how to taper to see better results at your next marathon.
Increase your training volume immediately prior to the taper. Spend a few weeks at this higher volume. The more you run before the taper, the more you benefit from the taper. For example, if you run 60 miles per week before you taper, you reap a greater benefit from your taper than if you run 30 miles per week before tapering. It’s hard to taper down something that hasn’t been built up. Expect a much bigger difference in how your legs feel at the starting line when dropping weekly mileage from 60 to 20 compared to dropping mileage from 30 to 20.
Reduce your weekly mileage quickly and exponentially for 2 to 4 weeks. Cut mileage 30 percent for the first week, 50 percent for the second week, and 65 percent for the week of the marathon (not counting the marathon itself).
Keep the intensity high with interval training. A large reduction in volume accompanied by an increase or maintenance in intensity improves training-induced adaptations. But don’t introduce intense workouts during the taper that you haven’t already done prior to the taper, since that will cause fatigue, which is a big no-no during the taper.
Decrease training intensity slightly during the second week of the taper.
During the week of the marathon, include one interval workout early in the week, cutting back on the pre-taper number of reps.
During the week of the marathon, include a daily reduction in volume over the last few days that mirrors the pattern of the weekly reduction.
Over the final 1 to 2 weeks before the marathon, increase the percentage of calories from carbohydrates to 70%. Women need to also consume more total calories to get the same carbo-loading effect as men.
Germany won the Men's EHF EURO 2016 ahead of Spain and Croatia. Many great battles in four Polish cities captured the hearts of handball fans army across the globe. Sports brands had also their own "championship". The winners are measured in numbers of players who choose their shoes to play on the last big handball event in Olympic cycle.
European champion is Mizuno Handball. Mizuno shoes had 97 players (38% of all EHF EURO 2016 players), the most of them in Iceland and Montenegro. Adidas is on the second place with 72 players, Hummel "took the bronze" with 30, while Asics (25) and Nike (13) were also in TOP 5 shoes brands in handball world last January.
With the colder temperatures and, above all, with the time change, light hours are less and less and it is time to run at night. This is why JOMA presents the new Hispalis with reflective knitting, to be seen especially at night.
New Hispalis are done for runners who have a neutral footstep and who are looking for an intense training shoe. Its main characteristic is the excellent cushioning which is possible because of the Pulsor System (gel), a technology that contributes the footstep impact and the push.
Also, Hispalis adds Flexo, a flexing system that improves the footstep transition. In addition, Joma has reduced the weight of these running shoes and it has added more resistance with the propose to avoid injures and to increase its useful life.
Hispalis are a great reference for Joma in the running. Its last edition adds new characteristics that converts them into an identity signal in the running world thanks to its flexibility, cushioning and protection.
Call on 03 6234 5796
The minimum hire period is 3 months in an 80km proximity of Hobart (minimum 4 months outside of this).

Air Bikes (3)
Exercise Bikes (8)
Treadmills (12)
Elliptical Cross Trainers (9)
Spin Bikes (5)
Merger News
April 26, 2018 by Adam
Bryan and Janine Sinclair and pleased to announce the merger between Sinclair Fitness Equipment and Health and Leisure. This will take place by 30th June 2018.
Sinclairs Fitness Equipment has been trading at 51 Collins Street, Hobart for quarter of a century and Bryan and Janine have since acquired Health and Leisure 125 Murray Street, Hobart. This site is 850m up the road.
With the amalgamation of both Sinclairs Fitness Equipment and Health and Leisure, we have built a Family owned / Tasmanian owned Fitness Equipment Superstore. The new site for Sinclairs Fitness Equipment offers a bigger retail space, convenient parking, warehousing so we can keep more equipment in stock and a fully equipped workshop for any service needs.
The new superstore will be known as Health and Leisure (Incorporating Sinclair’s Fitness Equipment).
The company’s focus will remain on Fitness Equipment Hire and Sales, Commercial and Domestic Fitness Equipment, Sporting Hardware, Sports Clothing, Aftersales Service and Installation.
Our new Contact and Bank Details will be:
Bank Account Details: (Will remain the same)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 067 – 000
Account Number: 1035 0829
ABN: (Will remain the same) 75 100 963 335
Address: Health and Leisure 125 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone Number: (03) 6234 5796
Email: admin@healthandleisure. com. au
Websites: www. sinclairsfitness. com. au & www. healthandleisure. com. au
If you have any questions regarding the merger please contact Jordan Watson at Sinclairs Fitness Equipment on 03 6234 1244 / admin@sinclairsfitness. com. au or Adam Baker at Health and Leisure 03 6234 5796 / admin@healthandleisure. com. au
5 Reasons Why Eggs Make a Great Breaky
We know eggs are a great breakfast food, but lot of us are still opting to eat toast or cereal. We remind you in this blog why eggs are the best breakfast food and why eating them in the morning can assist you in your weightloss/ fitness journey.
Eggs are full of protein. Eggs keep you fuller for longer. Naturally good for you, not processed. Nutrient rich. Eggs can be made hot and delicious! Perfect for Winter.
If you’re stuck for time in the morning, we recommend boiling a few eggs at once and keeping them in the fridge so that you can grab them on your way out in the morning.
Any Exercise is Better Than No Exercise
You may be lacking in motivation and don’t feel like doing those 30 crunches, but it’s important to stay moving. Even a walk can do wonders for your whole body and your waist!
5 Ways To Stay Fit During Winter
Sometimes it can be hard to keep motivated during the Winter months. It’s harder to get out of bed and there’s less daylight hours to work with. If you struggle to stay fit during Winter, see these 5 ways to keep going.
Commit to shorter, high intensity workouts rather than long drawn out over-an-hour workouts. Do you cardio at home inside, maybe set up your exercise bike in front of the TV. Work several muscles groups at once, for example combining squats with bicep curls. Find some easy, healthy Winter recipes you love and buy all the ingredients needed. Stay positive. It may be dreary outside but remember why you work out in the first place – to feel good!
Tips for Women Strengthening Their Upper Body
Here we share our top tips for women who are training arms and chest,
Focus on exercises that target both biceps and triceps while also other body groups. That way you train the arms but also burn more calories. I. e, combine bicep curls with a squat. Use heavy resistance when you work out your upper body. Start your routine by targeting back and chest first as smaller muscles fatigue more quickly and won’t be able to offer the support.
As always, if you have any questions or need any advice about building upper body mass, come and visit us in store!
We Sell & Hire Statew >
Keep it convenient and hire our fitness equipment on a month by month basis (Minimum 3 month terms)
George Town
St Helens
Port Arthur
And any Nook and Cranny within Tasmania!
Sporting Goods and Fitness Equipment
Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 7 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday: 11 AM - 4 PM
Welcome to C & S Sporting Goods
The Palo Verde Plaza 7822 N 12th Street Phoenix Az 85020
Our location at 6311 N 7th street Phoenix Az 85014 is NOW CLOSED
C&S Sporting Goods is a family owned and operated New and Used Sporting Goods & Fitness Equipment store.
We Buy, Sell, Trade and Consign New & Used Sporting Goods and Fitness Equipment. We have a huge selection of Fitness equipment including treadmills, ellipticals, free weights, home gyms, exercise bikes, vibration plates and all equipment to meet your fitness goals. We also have a huge selection of New and Used Sporting Goods. We have what you need for camping, baseball, Softball, football, disc golf, golf, water sports, winter sports, hockey, wheeled sports, snowboarding, and just about anything you are in need of for your sports enthusiast. We are always looking for quality used equipment. So when your little one grows out of their equipment please bring it on in and trade it for some new gear or put some cash in your pocket!
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