Ruined a classic
Ruined Radio - >
While I sit waiting for the next mid-life crisis to show up, it occurs to me I have lived through about four sunspot cycles.
Each one had me going through hoops to get the best out of the kit I had at the time. Hence all those catastrophic mods listed in these pages. Anyway, it's good therapy writing about it.
Some history. About this time, thirty some years ago, a grey Rover with my initials on the plate pulled away from Derby School on our first run up to The Rose and Crown. As I write this, the Rover brand is heading to be as collectible as Eddystone and the custom plate was only a coincidence.
When you take a pub, most folk think you own the place. Not so. You rent them, then go into a thirty year war with the brewery over getting any repairs done. The Crown was an ex-coaching inn with stables at the back and lots of disused rooms.
Mine was Room 2 with an off-suite olive green bathroom and a view over the stable block and the incinerator. It got the sun for about half an hour on the morning of the solstice. It was the start of a long and happy time when everything seemed so simple - just like the bloke writing this.
Mr Barlow's car radio was powered from Dad's battery-charger, memorable for its INCREASE CHARGE rheostat and a haunting cherry-red POWER indicator. The radio was in a white wooden box, a desperate attempt to silence the steady droning hum, the reason Mr Barlow got rid of it. The vibrator PSU would wake my brother Bill when we shared a room before pub life set us up in opposite wings at The Crown. A close family.
It had the ECH Series of valves - the radio, not the pub, running from that noisy HT supply. Can't remember what I did for an antenna here but at the pub with extensive carparks and random trees, it would have been an over-the-top long-wire.
The extra stations I thought I heard were just cross-mod.
It was, after all, a car radio designed to work off a car aerial. Such was my knowledge of impedance matching, I thought bigger had to be better. Did I really try to run it off the huge mast antenna that came with the 52 Set?
Heard Athlone for the first time. Another country, another way of life. And, even then, learned from it. The tension that became The Troubles was not news to me when the story broke over here.
Radio One would have been a year away then but I can't think what the offshore scene was doing at that time. Reception must have been major stations only, the poor thing so mismatched it must have been quite deaf.
Spoiled by all this space, the engineering criterion was get as much wire in the air as possible. Antenna length was determined by the distance from the bedroom window to that tree over there.
The chaps on 80 AM spoke of these allegedly magical 66-footers but for me, size was everything. And you needed the height. The pub was three storeys high and had a valley roof. This meant you could climb out there with tremendous confidence until you looked over the edge. Then the vertigo would kick in and you'd quietly hum Nearer My God To Thee until it passed.
Eric: No. I only live around the corner.
How to Ruin a K-Pop Classic
How to Ruin a K-Pop >Published: December 31, 2017 | 10:34
Last week, YG finally let Black Pink out of the dungeon so that we could get new fap material from them, but in the process, ruined a classic Wonder Girls song.
At least the girls look hot, so mute the video.
12 Comments on Anti Kpop-Fangirl: How to Ruin a K-Pop >on December 31, 2017 | 15:54 Rescue Cat said :
"There are many people who think this is better
I personally don't like it, I think people mostly think this because they don't remember the original "
Classic Cartoons
Andrea/Duck Dodgers here. I friendly welcome every fan of animation at my blog. The goal is to support the love and rediscovery of Classic Theatrical Cartoons from the Golden Age of Animation, keeping meanwhile an eye on Golden Age "Funny Animals" Comics as well as on modern animated productions! Every SUPPRESSED ethnic caricature to be sometimes presented here is just for HISTORICAL and EDUCATIONAL purpose and NOT to offend anyone. Stay Tooned and Enjoy the place!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Here you have what is always cut in the TV prints of this early Woody Woodpecker cartoon.
Gone is the title card.
Now we go right to the end. After endless antics, we find Woody's opponent, a dopey cop, in the "Jerk Ward"
Here the TV prints end, omitting the following scene, the cop going completely insane, as well as the cartoon credits.
Posted by Duck Dodgers at 6:42 am
A Warm Salutations to You, Andrea, from me, Leviathan.
TV Censors have ruined a lot of classic cartoons, heven't they? It's especially sad to see a classic Woody Woodpecker cartoon have it's ending cut. Thankfully we can see screens from it here.
Keep up the good work, Andrea. This is interesting
Chris Sobieniak said.
This cartoon did get a VHS release in the early '80s from MCA with these scenes intact thankfully.
Classic Physique Builder
Welcome to the world of Classic Physique Builder! Find information and inspiration from the steroid-free, Golden Age of Classic Physique Building to help you build a muscular, powerful, symmetrical, healthy, and attractive physique.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Just started training @ Golds Gym Harrisburg, Pa - Has to be the best equiped gym I know of - There are a lot of guys that are in great shape and many who have muscle imbalance as well - The thing I like about the gym is that it has a ton of equipment I'll find it easier going thru a Steve Reeves Program (no waiting for equipment) - I will not say breeze thru but it should cut back the time I spent at other gyms - A couple of dollars more a month, but the savings will come from time spent - I know that quite a few guys there are juicing, that is their business(fools) but it is good to workout with people who have intensity even if they are misguided - I'll be 57 years old this summer and my grandkids never seen me at my best, but I have lost quite a few pounds so far, the strength level is good, free weights doing 225lbs on the Inclines Bench press for over 20 reps - getting better at my pullups too - nice to see the progress I'm making - Hoping to be around 220lbs this mid to late summer @ a true 6.1 feet - Just is cool getting it back again after so many years -
When i used to go to a gym i was seeing a lot of people who had no gains at all. I mean there were strong people but for example the weights that they used stayed always the same. They alway or almost did always the same exercises.
But when i´m looking now at the time i spent at the gym, i see people with no dedication and wrong motivation and no inspiration at all. They wanted big muscles but no symmetry and there was not any ideal.
I remember there was somebody who always trained his arms when i saw him. But what else can you expect when the walls are full of steroid abusers and freaks.
I have noticed that quite a lot of the champions from the pre-steroid era stressed the importance of the mind-muscle link. Steve Reeves has a chapter on it in his book, and I read somewhere that Vince Gironda said that champions tended to be people who could visualize what they wanted to look like and believed without doubt that they would achieve it. This is not something I ever read about when I was reading the mainstream roid based literature (and making zero gains following their advice in the gym!)
I think if you are actively visualizing what you want to achieve, and using extreme concentration on the muscles you are exercising during your workouts you are much more likely to build an attractive balanced classic physique - you are a lot more involved mentally in the process. Heavy roid users would still grow even if they didn't turn up to the gym - so it is an almost passive way to develop - so I think they are much more likely to develop imbalanced physiques.
It sounds as if the 'big chain' gyms in the US are a lot better than the UK - its almost impossible to find one with free weights in the UK. The last one I went to had a 'no squating or deadlifting' rule as these were deemed to be too noisy! :-D
I believe the No Gains rule stems a lot from a couple of things. First is nutrition. Second is not giving your muscles a REASON to grow. Like you guys said, if you are doing the same thing every time over and over the body adjusts. Lastly I would say focus. If you cannot visualize the physique you want clearly how can you expect to achieve anything?
UK Steve, we have a lot of pussy gyms here in the us as well - no disrespect to the women readers if there are any, but once we went coed the hardcore gyms went down hill - not saying women themselves are the main reason why gyms have become wussyfied but ownwers are trying to be to mainstream - I said once before that it doesn't bother me if the guy next to me is juicing long as he is intense with his training that matters - I guess it has come full circle Anthony and that being gyms started out in some ones shed, basement or garage and now it seems to be returning to the grassroots all over again (might be a good thing)- I don't want anyone telling me that I'm grunting to loud or lifting to heavy - It seems we can be intense in a cardio class, but once we hit the weight lifting room we have to be prim & proper - I say bullshit - Hit it hard and take no enemies - So my advice for a brother in the UK is keep looking for that dungeon where you can be you or start your own. I tell ya guys, I like this kind of exchange.
Nutrition is 80+% of bodybuilding is another falsehood probably encouraged by the great crooks - the supplement sellers.
Consider this: a trainee who eats a pristine diet but does not train vs. someone who performs grueling, ideal workouts consistently. Who will look buff?
Here is a quote directly from the floor of the original Gold's Gym: " Exercise builds - diet defines"
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