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How much do Dell laptop computers cost compared to other laptops?

Dell Laptops are the medium range in computing. and as such is priced right in the middle. However, in today's computer market there are a variety of factors that will determine a price of a computer. As a simple way to make sure you always get a good deal, look for computers at least a year old. It wont be shiny and new, but it will get the job done at a fraction of the cost.

What are Laptop Computers?

Laptop computers are portable personal computers. Like desktop computers, laptops contain a display and a full keyboard. However, instead of a mouse, most modern laptops' tracking devices are touch pads. For power, laptops use A/C adapters as well as a rechargeable and replaceable battery. Full-sized laptops feature a full-sized QWERTY keyboard. Notebooks, another type of laptop computer, are smaller, lighter and less powerful than full-sized laptops. Other laptop types include tablet PC's and rugged laptops.

What brands of laptop computers give you the best value for the money?

The brands of laptops that give you the best value for your money are Apple computers. They last longer than most laptops and they have more capabilities than other laptops.

What does the laptop do?

Laptops are mobile computers. they allow you to communicate, play games, schoolwork and many other things.

Where to find the best laptop computers?

For a laptop that is stylish and a good price, I suggest Gateway. They have laptops that run many applications for under $500. They are comparable to many other laptops that sell mainly for the name.

What can the Dell 6400 do that other computers can't?

The difference between the Dell 6400 and other laptops is the 7,200 rpm hard drive which is about the same as desktop computers. This means that the Dell 6400 has a higher performance compared to other laptops.

Agilos business blog

Ever wondered how you compare to others in your business domain?

Remark: This case study will be of interest to all of those who want to share benchmark information through a BI extranet, and who need to pull and push data from different data sources wherever they may be.

The healthcare business in Belgium, mainly university and public hospitals, has been able to benchmark its performances without jeopardising confidentiality and security.

Belgian hospitals, like many others around the world, have been facing cuts to their budgets meaning that they have to do more with less. Pressure from the Ministry of Health to meet set targets for the treatment of certain pathologies in terms of overnight stays in the hospital for example, has increased the need to know and monitor just how long a typical procedure or illness takes in a hospital and how other hospitals are coping with these targets.

“The platform is intuitive enough that our users don’t need informatics knowledge”. Emeritus Prof. M-C Closon, in health economics

The right data at the right dosage

Well versed in Business Intelligence techniques, Agilos became involved early in the process helping C. I.B. E.S. locate the precise information from each of the hospitals to deliver this benchmarking service. From the beginning, the aim was clear … the solution had to be accessible and easy to use. It was, for example, important that both healthcare professionals and the managing staff at the hospitals were able to easily use and consult the available information particularly as previous efforts to gather data had been too complicated leading to an inadequate and low adoption rate by the hospitals. With the Agilos and Qlik solution, C. I.B. E.S. manage the access rights themselves giving those who use the report (healthcare managers and doctors) the information they need in an accessible and easy format, thereby letting them do the respective healthcare work that they are paid to do.

The data – coming from a variety of different sources and systems - also had to remain anonymous, so that no hospital would ever feel that their confidential information was being compromised. It meant defining just the right levels of data in terms of the collection and what detail would be exposed as part of the benchmarking exercise. With Qlik technology and Agilos expertise, this is guaranteed.

“The spread of information is unlimited, every collaborator of the hospital being able to connect and visualize info”. Emeritus Prof. M-C Closon in health economics

Start with the problem

It’s important to understand the business issues of the problem before collecting any data: on one side, the hospital management was obliged to be compliant to certain government defined indicators, while on the other there were doctors and healthcare professionals with other more important goals, namely the health and well-being of the patients. Add to this the linguistic divide in the country, and it was a complicated puzzle to unpack and assemble. The fact that a solution had to be found quickly just added to the pressure, after all with society changing faster than ever, it was vital that the latest business intelligence was delivered quickly and accurately so that decisions could be made with the most up-to-date information possible. Fortunately Agilos’ expertise and the Qlik Analytics Platform could quickly and easily handle the different sources of data and aggregate them into one central benchmarking database with ease.

Agilos works from the bottom up … it starts with a good understanding of the business issues and then builds the technical infrastructure around a defined problem, making it scalable, easy to use, and secure, with just the right level of detailed information required.

Agilos worked closely on this project with CIBES and his hospitals medical and financial experts.

How Do Dog Flea Collars Work Compared to Other Flea Control Products?

From economical Dog flea collars to fast acting monthly treatments, pet owners have many choices when it comes to flea control. No method will eliminate fleas forever so it is important to follow replacement directions and throw expired medication away.

Flea Collars

Flea collars are light weight, plastic collars that can be purchased at most pet supply stores. Flea collars are generally inexpensive and can be used to prevent a flea infestation on your dog. Flea collars however, are not as effective if your dog already has fleas. Most flea collars are only target adult fleas and may not kill fleas in areas away from the collar such as the underside and rump of your dog.

Most flea collars also have an odor that many people find unpleasant. They can also leave a chemical film on your dog as well as your hands after petting. For these reasons, many veterinarians recommend a monthly liquid treatment such as Frontline or Advantage.

Monthly Flea Treatments

Most monthly treatments come in liquid form and can be purchased in three or six month doses. Each dose contains a small amount of liquid that is placed on the dog's skin between the shoulder blades. This location is an area most pets cannot reach and therefor are less likely to lick the area. Monthly treatments work quickly and usually kill the majority of fleas within 24 hours.

The downside to monthly treatments is they tend to be rather expensive. Prices range from $25 to $65 depending on brand, number of doses, and the size of your pet. Monthly treatments are available at most pet supply stores and veterinary offices.

Avoid an Adverse Reaction

The best way to avoid an adverse reaction to flea medication is to be sure to only use products that are designed for your species of pet. Dog and cats may respond differently to a variety of flea treatments. Check the box and make sure you are giving medication that is appropriate for the age and weight of your dog. If your dog does have an adverse reaction to the flea treatment, contact your veterinarian immediately. Even if you have followed the instructions, your pet could still be allergic or sensitive to the chemicals used in these products.

Don't Forgo Flea Medication Altogether

Many people are hesitant to use flea products because they fear the chemicals are too harsh and may cause other problems for their pet. Although adverse reactions to flea treatments are possible, they are relatively uncommon and the benefits of using a flea treatment may far outweigh the risks.

Fleas can carry disease and will likely cause great discomfort for your pet. The bites and constant itching and irritation can cause anxiety and may lead to more serious medical problems such as a bacterial infections or anemia. Some pets are severely allergic allergic to flea saliva and can develop Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Flea Allergy Dermatitis is the most common allergy found in dogs. Some signs your pet may have this condition are excessive grooming, hair loss, hot spots and chewing on the tail or other areas of the body.

Wart and verruca frequently asked questions

Here you will find the answers to many common questions about warts and what causes them.

Are warts contagious?

Warts and verrucas – small, raised areas of skin that are usually rough to the touch – are very common, especially among children. But are warts contagious? The short answer is yes; warts can be transmitted both through direct and indirect contact. Finding the source of infection is usually difficult since the viruses that cause warts are ubiquitous and it can take anywhere from two to six months before you start experiencing any wart symptoms

There are two main ways to become infected with warts:

    Direct contact

    Warts can spread from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact, for example through a handshake. It is also common for warts to spread to different areas of your own body. This can happen if you pick on a wart and then touch a skin area that has lesions in it. Indirect contact

    Any object that has been in contact with a wart can potentially transmit the infection. Sharing personal items such as towels and shoes, as well as walking barefoot on floors of public changing rooms and in swimming pool areas can cause warts to spread.

Why are warts contagious?

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which triggers rapid cell growth in the top layer of the skin. There are over 100 types of HPV, and different strains of the virus are responsible for different types of warts. HPV is easily transmitted from one carrier to the next but not everybody that comes into contact with it develops warts.

Children with underdeveloped immune systems or those with a weakened immune system are more prone to developing warts than healthy adults. It is important to warts as soon as they appear to avoid spreading them to other people

How do I know if it is a mole or a wart?

Most adults have one or more moles, and around one in ten has a wart or verruca. 1 Although they can look alike at first glance, sometimes appearing similar in shape and colour, there are some important differences between moles and warts. Knowing if you have a mole or wart is important, since wart treatments should not be used to treat moles.

These are some common characteristics that can help you determine whether the growth on your skin is a mole or wart.


    Are generated by pigment cells in your skin. Cannot be transmitted between people. Can become cancerous (melanoma). Are either flat or elevated from the skin. Sometimes have hair growing from them. Are usually one colour and do not change from month to month. Will darken during hormonal changes, for example during adolescence and pregnancy.


    Are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Are contagious. Are usually harmless. Normally grow outward from the skin (except verrucas, which occur on the feet and tend to grow inwards due to the pressure from your body weight). Often have small black dots in the centre - tiny blood vessels that provide warts with nutrients. Can grow anywhere on your body but are more likely to occur in certain areas, such as feet, hands and fingers. Usually, disappear on their own after a couple of years although it can take longer.

How to remove moles and warts

Moles should only be removed if there is a risk of melanoma developing or if you find them embarrassing or difficult to cope with, for example when shaving. Contact your doctor for advice on mole removal.

Warts should be removed to prevent them from spreading to others. The easiest way to remove warts is to use an effective over the counter treatment, such as EndWarts ® FREEZE or EndWarts ® PEN. Formic acid, which is the active ingredient in EndWarts ® PEN, can be used by the whole family and has been proven to remove nine out of ten warts. 2-3

What is human papillomavirus (HPV)?

Warts and verrucas – which affect one in ten adults and one in three children 1, 4 – are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). But what is human papillomavirus? HPV is a very common virus that infects the top layer of human skin or mucous membranes. Over 100 different strands of the virus have been identified and of these approximately 60 varieties cause warts on the hands and feet, as well as the face. These types of HPV are generally harmless. The rest are transmitted through sexual contact and can cause genital warts. Not all sexually transmitted HPV varieties are dangerous, but in some cases an infection can lead to cervical cancer. Since the virus can take many shapes and forms, it is important to get the correct information about HPV.

Facts about HPV

HPV usually enters the body through tiny lesions in your skin. The HPV varieties that cause warts and verrucas can be transmitted both through direct skin-to-skin contact with a person who is infected and through indirect contact via an inanimate object. Genital warts are passed on through sexual contact. Some types of HPV are transferred more easily than others, and children and people who have a weak immune system are more vulnerable to infection than healthy adults.

HPV is very difficult to detect as it has a long incubation period. After you become infected it could take anywhere from two to six months before you notice any wart symptoms. It is not possible to prevent warts completely, but you can minimise your risk of a HPV infection by washing your hands frequently, not walking barefoot in public areas, taking care of your skin and staying healthy to keep your immune system strong.

HPV and removal of warts

In order to avoid spreading the HPV virus, it is important to treat warts as soon as they appear. The HPV varieties that cause warts can be treated successfully at home with an over the counter solution like EndWarts ® PEN or EndWarts ® FREEZE

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