Amazon. com Help Receive a Refund for a Kindle Book Order
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Amazon Refund Methods 2015 + Ins >
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Quote:Let us start from the basics, and NO! NO skipping ahead. If you won't read the basics, you will not have any understanding of the advanced methods.
Method #1 - " I didn't receive the package "
The most common method or excuse that will get you whatever you want if it's below $100 - $300. Go to chat or phone (phone is overkill if you use this method), tell them "hey rep, I have a problem with this order. I didn't receive it" The rep will most likely refund it right away or send a replacement, or maybe after asking you if you checked with your neighbours and family members, which in this case just say you already did, or you don't have family members.
Pros: Easy and basic.
Cons: You can't really use these on large items (by size) or expensive items starting from $700+ without getting into an investigation.
Method # 2 - " I receive nothing inside the package "
Only use this method when in the tracking, or when you receive it, the item was "SIGNED" upon receiving. This will get you from $100 - $500 or depending upon the level of the rep. The rep will ask for an investigation WITH the carrier, but before he can do that, tell the rep that you "already called the carrier, and they told me it they didn't do anything and it was already like that when they delivered it" When they ask if the package was tampered or not, tell them it is perfectly sealed and no tampering.
Pros: If method #1 doesn't work for you, this will.
Cons: They will most likely attempt to do an investigation, depending upon the price and the rep.
Method #3 --- [Improved Method for Method #2]
Just say basically the same thing, except, mention that you receive the package, with your name and labels on it, your address, the item name, etc. But when you opened you only got the packaging paper and the INVOICE.
Pros: More believable method than method #2, as the rep will think that this must be a problem in the warehouse and the packaging department forgot to put the item inside.
Cons: same, but less likely to be investigated compared to method #2.
Method #4 --- " I didn't receive my item, but received a wrong one in the package"
NEVER screw this up since it's difficult to backtrack your mistake. Only do this when you know what you are doing. If you tell them you received a wrong item, THEY WILL MOST LIKELY ask you to return that item. You don't want that do you?
So how will this method work? Tell them you received an item that is not allowable or prohibited to be shipped by a carrier and accepted by Amazon. What are those? Dangerous stuff but realistic stuff.
[These are the list of items prohibited by Amazon in 2010, just before I quit working there. This may be updated already and the list might be outdated but its still the basics. Most of these are also prohibited by the carrier]
Broken glasses - say you received a perfume bottle but its broken and shattered. Also, you could say you got wine bottles or anything.
Liquid fuel - say you got a small canister of butane, or lighter fluid. You asked the carrier for it to be sent back, but they refuse.
Flares/explosive stuff - say you got these and the carrier refused to ship them back.
A bunch of batteries - same thing
Etc. I know you get what I mean now. SHARP, POISONOUS, EXPLOSIVE, FLAMMABLE materials. These are classified as HAZMAT. ACT worried and pissed off.
Also, your son/daughter OPENED the package and you are really worried with what might have happened.
Bottomline, convince them that the item cannot be returned, and you disposed them immediately. Tell them that you have already reported this to amazon too that they endangered your family. You can also say you received a few bricks (proceed to method #5)
Pros: worked for me most of the time when all methods fail.
Cons: ahhh most of the time too, the reps will replace the item BUT forget to switch of the "Item needs to be returned" trigger. If that happens, just call back and explain. Sometimes they just tell you to ignore that message and assure you that you wont be charged on your card.
Method #5 --- "Return Method / Box method"
You get the label for returns, ship them an empty box, or a few bricks.
Pros: will work, most likely.
Cons: the hassle of the process.
Method #6 --- "Trade-in method"
I haven't tried this one yet. But it looks promising.
Trade-in an item for money, when you get the shipping address,
Buy something off of ebay. Send it to amazon address.
Pros: might work
Cons: haven't really tried.
Method #7 --- "Liquid leak method"
Personally, I think this method is shit. Say you ordered 2 items, a nail polish, or alcohol, etc. And the other one, electronic gadget. Then say the liquid leaked and broke the electronic gadget. say xbox or kindle etc.
THE REP WILL ASK YOU TO RETURN THE ITEM. So I don't know but its not worth trying this.
Pros: by luck you will succeed.
Method #8 --- "Acid leak method"
This has been patched already [with exception] and the rep will ask you to return the xbox, ps4 or anything that has battery. Once you say you threw it out, they will refuse to refund you unless you talk to a supervisor and ask for exception. The only way this would work is when you say your kid opened the packaged and tasted the battery acid. Tell them he is in the hospital now and you are really pissed off. Tell them you already threw the item away and you demand for the refund and if possible for the damages.
Pros: with the exception its good, just make you story straight
Cons: if you don't do it properly, you're screwed.
MOST orders in Amazon. com that are more than 3 months ago will have their tracking removed. That's right. You usually see a "Track Package" in an orange button beside the order in the orders page. But that is removed if its made after 3 months or 6 months. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!
Note that there are TWO kinds of SEing here:
Internal - which the blame would be on the warehouse of amazon
External - the blame would be on the CARRIER (UPS, FEDEX, USPS etc)
And UNLESS you want an ANGRY DELIVERY MAN knocking down your door and beating the shit out of you, ALWAYS put the blame on Amazon, not the carrier.
When you SE, always try your best to have a great relationship with the carrier in your place. Delivery men also work hard to earn money and feed their family. STUPID SKID refunders/ SE'rs who put the blame on the carriers should not be allowed to SE. Delivery guys lose their jobs after a couple of reports saying the package was tampered. So please do not do that. You are a Social Engineer, not a scam artist. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Be creative. Do not use the same methods again and again. Use different methods and reasons relative to the order.
If it is signed by you when you receive it, of course you cant say you didn't receive the package.
If an order is made a long time ago, you can't always say you were in prison or you were in a hospital when you made lots of orders after that.
Personally I tell them "I order things for my company, and upon checking the inventory listing, I noticed that we haven't really received this order. can you please help me out with this, once I pass this report to my boss and he sees this I will get fired from my job"
My Kindle Fun
This page tells about my experiences, good or bad, with Amazon's amazingly-popular best-seller e-book reader, the "Kindle."
I wanted one mainly to see how easy it would be to download "A Million or so Kindle books" from the internet.
In my "Database" website I had been listing e-book resources and making notes about e-books for some time so it was time to check out those resources.
Plus, I wanted to see if I could make my own writings suitable to work with a Kindle.
With its reputed long battery life, it would be much nicer to use at the cabin than my laptop which does not have long battery-life.
I am in northern Canada where winters can be long and chilly.
This website is both for my own benefit and for others who may be wondering if they should get one, and those who just got one and are struggling with a few questions. It seems to be working; I got this very nice email from R. H. in Gold River, California:
I found your website to be extremely helpful, as I plan to buy a Kindle tomorrow.
Thanks for answering some questions I had and giving me some information I hadn't even thought of.
Just to give you an idea of how terribly EASY my Kindle 3 is to use: the Kindle was laying on the coffee table, turned OFF. I was searching the WWW for free books. Most that I found were at Amazon in a long list so I went down that list, looking at the "rating" readers had given for each book. If I thought I might like to read it, TWO clicks was all it needed. NOTHING more at that point. A few were at other websites, and I downloaded those to my 'puter's desktop. Later, I turned off the computer and watched some TV. I noted the Kindle on the coffee table so picked it up and turned it back on. It was not hooked up nor plugged in to ANYTHING. Immediately I saw the "book count" number rise from 29 to 38 in about 15 seconds. That meant that in about 15 seconds Amazon's wonderful system has sent those 9 books to my Kindle automatically with NOTHING for me to do AND, nothing to PAY! Next morning when I turned on the 'puter again, I copied the other books from 'puter to Kindle with the USB cable. Truly amazing!
Ordering my Kindle
You've seen the ad on TV; me too. So I went to Amazon online and placed an order on Feb. 19, 2011, for the $139. unit.
1 "Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology [Includes USB Cable for Charging. For International Shipment]"
Accessory; $139.00
Sold by: Amazon Export Sales, Inc.
1 "M-Edge Latitude Kindle Jacket, Navy Blue (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)"
Accessory; $29.99
They did tack on another $20.28 for possible customs duties; I may get that back. Amazon expected it to arrive here between March 4 and March 16 but, surprisingly, it came on Feb. 24.
Later I got an email saying that they were crediting me $11.79 for "Export Charge Refund."
Immediately I emailed a few people this message: "The Kindle has Landed. That's one small step for Amazon; a giant leap for This ol' Man."
To order YOURS, simply click the link further down this page. And Thanks!
The User's Guide:
Be sure to REGISTER your new Kindle:
As soon as you get your Kindle, no doubt it will register itself as soon as you let it access your wireless Local Area Network but if it does not, you'll probably have some problems with it. Once it is registered at Amazon, you'll see in the top-left corner "Ken's Kindle" (or whatever name YOU have!) If it says "My Kindle" it probably is not yet registered.
While you *can* register it using the Kindle itself, I found it MUCH easier to do that little job on the computer. Just be sure to have your credit card handy.
Software Update:
Then they told me:
We have a new, free software update for your Kindle that will be delivered via a Wi-Fi connection over the next few days. To receive the update, please turn your wireless on and connect to an available Wi-Fi network (learn how to set up Wi-Fi on your Kindle). The software update will automatically download in the background and install when your Kindle goes into sleep mode. The update should take less than 10 minutes to complete. If a Wi-Fi connection is not available or you would prefer to transfer the update via USB, please view these instructions.
Charging my Kindle:
It came with a USB cable so immediately I plugged it into my Asus lappy to charge the battery.
The wee manual says "A charging icon in the upper-right corner of your Kindle screen indicates that the battery is charging. When your battery is fully charged, the charge indicater light will turn green."
Well, after charging for awhile, this window popped up but the light on the Kindle was still not green and there WAS NO icon in the upper-right corner at all! A bit later the green light came on.
How many books can my Kindle 3 Hold?
Of course that depends. See notes on this page for ways to NOT WASTE storage space on your Kindle. I asked this question on the forum and "JeremyR" replied: "It really depends on what sorts of books you read. A novel can be anywhere from about 200kb to several megabytes if it's full of pictures.
Books from Amazon itself tend to be bigger than ones gotten elsewhere. Almost a megabyte on average. So that would be 3000 books at that rate. Probably half as much again, but 3000 seems about the minimum you can expect. (If you are using mobi files, anyway, not PDF)" Thanks, JeremyR!
SO, if you can get even 3,000 books on a Kindle 3, and if a book is an average of one inch thick, that means a pile of books about 250 feet or 76 meters! That's a LOT of space on a bookshelf!
Another half hour of bumbling around and I had it wirelessly connected to my lappy and it soon told me to stand back, it was updating itself. No instructions on how I could update MYSELF though.
Is it OFF or ON?
Turning it OFF was something I had to READ about in the guide. When I slide the power switch and release it, it SEEMS to turn off but a picture shows on it; every time you do this you get a different picture. This means the Kindle has gone to SLEEP. Even though there is that picture, it is no longer using power, unless the WIFI is on. To really turn it OFF, you need to HOLD the power switch for seven seconds. Then, it will turn OFF and the screen will be white. Had me fooled!
"Mark" told me: "By its very nature e-ink only uses power when the page is being rendered, once the ink is in its layout page for reading or any other screen no power is consumed. There is no need to switch off a Kindle properly to save power. Your instructions for turning it completely off are indeed true but unnecessary, Amazon themselves even state it should be left in sleep mode as opposed to turning it right off. Whenever you push the menu button the top option should be to either "Turn Wireless On" or "Turn Wireless Off", select turn it off to do so. I am not sure if having wireless on when in sleep mode drains the battery, I suspect not, but if it's on when you are reading, even if you are not using the WiFi, it will drain power quicker. THANKS, MARK!
Using the Kindle WHILE charging:
When you have your Kindle connected to the 'puter's USB port, and it is charging, you'll see the screen which tells you ". but eject your Kindle. " and that has a lot of people confused. See the thread at http://www. kindleboards. com/index. php/topic,54997.0.html for that discussion.
The bottom line here is that you should NOT use the little icon in your Windows computer's Systray to "Safely Eject" certain hardware connected to the computer.
INSTEAD, click START, then "Computer" and then in the left frame, RIGHT-click "Kindle" and choose "eject" as you see on the right here.
Alternately, in the right frame, do your clicking there instead, as you see on the left here.
Adding a "Collection:"
The guide explains at 2.2 how you can create a new "Collection" and do all kinds of cool things with it. I wondered why my new collection did not show anywhere when I viewed the folders and files in Windows Explorer. The reply I got in the forum was "A collection is not technically a folder. You are not going to see it amongst the folders on the Kindle device when it is attached to your computer via USB." My new collection DOES appear as it should, in the "Home" list.
Another added "Yeah, collections are really more like "tags" than folders. The location of the file isn't changed (it's not put in some new folder) and you can give books multiple "tags" (i. e., have them in multiple collections).
And yet one more helpful soul added this: "Think of a Collection like a Shortcut you create in Windows. It is a pointer to the actual file location but it is a Kindle-type shortcut and does not affect what you see in Windows. And like a shortcut, you can have a book (or its shortcuts) in more than one collection. So, if the book is Fiction it can be referenced in a Fiction collection but also, if you have a CurrentReading Collection, it could be there, too. And, no, the file is NOT duplicated but, again, only a shortcut or reference to it occurs in Collections.
Now some people do create Folders that mirror their collection but it is not necessary. All the books can remain in the Documents folder or folders UNDER Documents such as
Go back to the Beginning of a Book:
If you are in a book and want to return to the start, rather than pressing the "Next Page" button many times, you can go back to the start much faster. The Manual explains how in 3.3. Press the Menu button and choose "Go to. " and pick an option there.
Surfing the DUB-DUB-DUB, a. k.a. the WWW:
It was nice to see how quickly and easily it would go onto the WWW and I typed in my own URL and brought up my site very nicely, from http://www. sticksite. com/.
To do that, I clicked "Menu" and went down to "Search" and typed in my URL and then clicked "go to web." It was likewise very easy to type a search term, e. g. "dreaming" into the "Search" bar and then click "search google" and find websites dealing with that subject, BUT it would NOT play Flash videos.
Reading in the dark:
The Kindle itself does not provide any light, any more than do the books you just gave away. Some prefer a light that fastens to the Kindle. I use one that has a head-band. This one can also clip onto a hat but I don't wear my hat in the house.
Taking a Screenshot:
You can "take a picture" of what the Kindle is displaying.
Hold down "Alt" and "Shift" (the 'up' arrow next to it) and press "G." That will take a picture of whatever is on the Kindle screen and store it as a GIF in the "documents" folder and you can display it with Windows Explorer as you see here.
The actual size of this image was 600x800. The file name will be "screen_shot-xxxxx. gif" where the xx's represent a number.
You cannot take a screenshot this way of the screen when the Kindle is in "charging mode."
Showing your Screenshot ON the Kindle:
You can't. I suppose you could take the GIF screenshot and save it with Irfanview as a JPG and save that with your other images though.
Showing your pictures:
First, you need a FOLDER on the Kindle for your pictures:
Plug the Kindle into your computer and show the 4 folders (see "Folders in the Kindle" above) and then make a new folder, NOT inside one of the existing folders; call it "Pictures." Now, INSIDE THAT NEW FOLDER, make another folder called, for example, "my pix."
Now you can drag the pictures from the relevant folder in your computer into that second folder you just made. When done, safely eject the Kindle from the computer and in the Kindle, at the "Home" window, press ALT + Z to make the pictures folder show somewhere in your list of documents/books. You can then view them as you would a book, even rotate to "landscape" format.
Note that to save storage space on the Kindle, you can, using a program such as the FREE Irfanview, do quite a lot; here is what works for me, using Irfanview. The original, color image was 3.85Mb and measured 3264 x 1832 pixels. Much too big for the Kindle.
You can get the FREE Irfanview AND Plugins at http://www. irfanview. com/.
Open the image (best work with a COPY of the original!)
IF necessary, fix the colors: Image | Auto adjust colors (or use "Color corrections")
1. Edit | Create custom crop selection (or Shift/C) see the window ------>
2. Width: 800 and Height 600, "pixels" and "None" for "Width : Height ratio" and Image DPI of 167
3. "Save and apply to image" and note the rectangle on your image; Look HARD!
4. Now, click anywhere in the rectangle with the RIGHT mouse button and drag it to where you want it.
5. Edit | Crop selection
NOW. if you have too small a part left, you will need to resize the original image first:
Edit | Undo (to get back to where you started)
Resize the image to the size you think will be about right and repeat the above steps
Finally, Image | Convert to Grayscale
Save your image with a new file name and move it to the Kindle.
When viewing your photos on your Kindle, you can manipulate them:
Q will zoom in, W will zoom out, R will rotate, E will reset, F will toggle full screen, and you can use the 5-way to move the image.
To remove any of your pictures from the Kindle, do so in Windows Explorer.
Storing your own documents on the Kindle:
The easiest way is to download "SendToKindleForPC-installer. exe" and there will be a Mac version "soon." You can get it at http://www. kindlepost. com/2012/01/send-to-kindle-for-pc. html.
Kindle-compatible file types:
There are numerous formats for e-books and not every e-book is compatible with every e-book reader. If you need to convert an e-book from one format to another, the free Calibre tool might help; get it from Calibre at http://calibre-ebook. com/.
The Kindle can handle PDF, MOBI, PRC, AZW, TPZ and TXT files as well as MP3 and audible files. Some others can be converted to Kindle-compatible format with Calibre. Another resource for converting epub files to work on the Kindle is to convert them with the free service from RetroRead. You can find these good folks at http://www. retroread. com.
Video playback is not supported by Kindle.
One more free tool for converting documents to the Kindle-friendly. mobi format comes to us from http://download. cnet. com/Auto-Kindle-eBook-Converter/3000-10743_4-10907625.html
Wrong File Types:
I made the mistake of dragging/dropping an EPUB file (NOT supported by the Kindle, unfortunately) into the Kindle's "documents" folder. It did NOT show up on the HOME page list of books in the Kindle. I went back into Windows Explorer and deleted the EPUB file from the documents.
Deleting a document (book) from your Kindle:
Very easy; in "Home" scroll to the file you want to delete, press the left arrow key on the 5-way controller and when "remove from device" comes up, press the middle button.
This can be awkward. I had my books in the Kindle in alphabetic order. I finished reading a book with the title starting with "R" so it was far from the start of the list produced by the "Home" button and by the time I'd gone through many pages of the list of books, I could not find that book to delete it. The solution to this is to sort the books "By Most Recent First" and you do that at the start of the list you get when you press the "Home" button. Move to the very top of that list and click to change the sort order.
Playing music on your Kindle:
If you have dragged some MP3 files from your 'puter to your Kindle, you can play them. At the HOME screen, click the Menu button and go down to "Experimental." Then click "Play MP3." Note that the speakers are on the back of the Kindle. To skip to the next song, hold the Alt key and press the F key. Don't forget there is a volume button on the front of the Kindle. When music is playing you can press "Home" and go back to reading your book. You will never see a list of your MP3 files ON your Kindle; to see them, you need to use your computer.
How much Storage Space in my Kindle?
Windows tells me that my Kindle has only 3.05 Gb of storage space for books etc. That agrees with what the Kindle "Specs" says.
Set the Time and date:
Time: on my Kindle 3 Wifi, here is what I did: "Home" and "Menu" and go to Page 2 of 3 and down to "Device Time" and there change the hour, the minutes, the am/pm and then the right-arrow of the 5-way so that "Save" turned black; then click that.
The time will appear when you are in the "Home" list and press "Menu."
Date: to see the date, in "Home" click "Menu" and then "Search." Type DATE and click "Search my items." Click the 5-way there and you'll find more info e. g. time zone.
I tried to get one to test this, and went to audible. com but that got to be quite a hairy performance so after I had installed their software and apparently downloaded a test file, I deleted the whole works. Not impressed. Will try it again sometime and probably have better luck. I found more audio books at "BooksShouldBeFree (link below) BUT take care; if you download an AUDIO book, it may be a HUGE file and take a LOT of space on your Kindle. For example, I downloaded "Buccaneers" from this site; it was a 199Mb ZIP file and UNzipped it was a staggering 208Mb; it plays for more than 7 hours! This is not very suitable for a Kindle with 3.05Gb of space so I burned it to CDs; it took SIX!
A case to protect your Kindle:
I got a case with mine from Amazon and it is VERY nice; cost me about $30. You can make your own if you prefer; one person did that and put the instructions on "Instructables" for you at http://www. instructables. com/id/Moleskine-nook-color-case/ . At the bottom of this page you'll see pictures of the HARD-SIDE case I made from an old textbook; after I made it, I added a bit of Velcro as a fastener so the book will not fall open.
The Kindle Forum is a great place to get answers to your Kindle questions and read other users' questions and answers. You can find the Forum at http://www. mobileread. com/forums/forumdisplay. php? f=140.
Be sure to check out the "Sticky" by "koland" entitled "FREE (and bargain books for the Kindle - . "
There is another EXCELLENT forum at KindleBoards: http://www. kindleboards. com/. One hint: when you post a question on any forum, you might like to put a checkmark beside "Instant Notification" so that as soon as anyone replies, you'll get an email to advise you of it. DO NOT mention in any of your posts the serial number of your Kindle.
In the forums you may see the term "side-loading" as I did, and wonder what that means. I understand now that it refers to moving documents to the Kindle via the USB cable, rather than downloading the wirelessly from the WWW. Thanks Harry!
Folders in the Kindle:
The Kindle has (until you create more) four folders: (see & create them on your computer, in Windows Explorer)
1. .active-content-data. (is a hidden system folder. Don't touch it.)
2. audible. (Audible AA, AAX you can listen to)
3. documents. (for all your reading materials: PDF, MOBI, PRC, AZW, TPZ and TXT)
4. music. (for your music, MP3 files)
Battery light won't turn green:
If this is a problem, check out the postings in this thread: http://www. kindleboards. com/index. php? topic=55161.0. Sometimes, though, it just seems to take a lot longer than you expect, to turn green. No problem.
Reset the Kindle:
If "everything seems to be wrong" then you might want to "RESET" the Kindle. To do that, simply HOLD the "off button" on the front of the Kindle in the "Off" position for 15 seconds. Wait for the progress bar to finish.
Kindle Jokes:
I hope nobody minds if I copy the ones that "turn my crank" and paste them here.
Someone asked me: "How many books can you fit on it?"
I replied, "Over a thousand, but it tends to start getting heavy after a couple hundred."
Their response. "Oh."
Two bookworms over lunch, "Have you ever tried one of those ereaders?"
Second worm, "Yes, once, but it tasted funny"
First worm, "Could have been a joke book?"
Fred: Doesn't your wife get tired of you bowling and drinking every night?
Bill: No, she never even misses me, I got her a Kindle.
Question: How do you charge a Kindle?
Answer: Call Amazon, they take Visa, Mastercard. . .
Guy says to his friend; "I *used to* have a Kindle; not no more."
"Why don't you have a Kindle anymore?"
"We were at the cabin and it was getting cold; wife suggested she should fire up the stove and I told here 'Yeah; use the kindling' and she thought I said "Kindle."
Print a list of all your books:
I was not able to find a quick & easy way to do this so I did this. Used "Directory Printer" (in Win 7) and that made a txt file in Notepad. Then I had to clean it up by removing the duplicates for every book, the date, time, ".pdf" and "asi" ".mobi" etc etc. LOTTA work! When done, I used BigNotePad to alphabetize the list. You can get these two free tools at:
Verts/software/software. html and to alphabetize a list: "Tools | Select All" and then "Tools | Lines and Line Breaks | Sort selected lines in ascending order."
The problem with this is that the file names in Windows Explorer are not necessarily the same as the name displayed in the Kindle's "Home" list.
I'm told you can make a list with Calibre; they call it a "Catalog" but I found that horribly complicated and gave up on it.
Now, when I find books to download, I grab (Ctrl-C) the name of the book and author and paste (Ctrl-V) that into my text file to add it to the list.
When you have a lot of books in your Kindle, there probably is not much point in printing out a list.
Searching for a phrase:
You can search across all the books on your Kindle for a certain phrase; no need for me to copy the content of the User Manual here; you can find it all in Chapter 4, "Searching on Kindle." BUT, note: The 'exact' term would be included but there would be other instances too because, probably, most people would not know to use the quotation marks.
It seems they look for exact words but also give pages where all the words do show up in a form or another and not necessarily close together.
If you are tired of the "dead old authors" screen-saver pictures that Amazon feeds you, you can use your own pictures. I will NOT recommend it because it involves a "hack." But if you want to try it, instructions can be found at http://www. ebookworm. us/2010/07/07/updated-screensaver-hack/.
Book will not show up on my Kindle 3:
I downloaded a file "Dante's Infirno. prc" of 6.87Mb and saved it on my 'puter's desktop along with some other downloads.
I plugged in the Kindle and dragged all of them to the "documents" folder and ejected the kindle.
Nowhere in my "Home" list did Dante's appear.
If I plugged the Kindle into the 'puter again, and viewed the Kindle's folders, it clearly showed in the "documents" folder correctly with file size.
If I then safely ejected the Kindle, I could not find that book in the "Home" list.
ANSWER thanks to the Good Folks in the Forum:
"Remember that the book will show up on the Kindle sorted either by its author or its title. The author should be "Dante Alighieri" (so it will show up listed under "A", not "D"!) and the title may well be "The Divine Comedy". Are you sure you're looking for it in the right place?"
For sure, it was in the Kindle as "THE DIVINE COMEDY, Complete" and not at all as it showed up in Windows Explorer. This seemed weird to me (and still seems very user-UNfriendly) and somebody explained:
"The file name is entirely irrelevant. The Kindle reads and displays the "metadata" (title, author, etc) from within the book."
This, of course led me to wonder how to alphabetize my files in the Kindle; see next item.
Sorting the files (books etc) in your Kindle's "Home" list:
The preceding point brought up this issue. I wanted to show all my books in alphabetical order, not in whatever order they happened to be at the time.
On the left, here, you will see the top part of my "Home" screen. Note the dark bar under "books I have read(1)." I used the "up" button on the "5-way" to move that dark bar to show below "Showing All 52. " and then pressed the right-button on the 5-way and that brought up the "Sort Options" of "Most Recent First. Title. Author. Collections" so I moved to "Title" and clicked the center of the 5-way.
Done. See the pic on the right here, which shows it just BEFORE I pressed the m >
Games on the Kindle:
There are games built INTO the Kindle 3 too but the Manual does not mention them. Alt + SHIFT + M from Home screen = Minesweeper; Menu for options, GoMoku: G from Minesweeper.
Bookmarks in the Book you are Reading:
The Kindle will automatically remember where you are in a book but you can do it yourself too. Press Menu and select "Add a Bookmark." Note how the top-right corner of the page changes. You can also "View Notes & Marks." You can also set a bookmark by holding down the ALT key and pressing B. See the Manual at page 46 for more.
Amazon has indicated that the airport security machines will NOT hurt your Kindle.
Dead Kindle Battery:
Apparently, you can get a new battery here but if you mess with this, you'll vo >
Free books:
I was checking out the Forum and noted this thread: http://www. mobileread. com/forums/showthread. php? t=119540, "FREE (and bargain) books for the Kindle - February" so I went down that long list of free books and clicked one at random. Immediately I was on the Amazon site and after one click on the "Buy now with 1-click" (the price was $0.00) got the message that I could turn on my Kindle and read it. The "Deliver to" already had "Ken's Kindle" in it. WOW!! I turned on my Kindle, waited a moment, and the new book appeared on my "Home" page. It was there, free, ready to read. VERY VERY impressive.
If your Kindle is not turned on, any books which you have arranged to download will be downloaded by Amazon to your Kindle next time you turn it on. More below on this.
Be CAREFUL with your downloading:
It might be easy to "go grab tons of books" all over the WWW but be a bit careful with websites you are not sure about. I downloaded a "book" and had a minor problem with it. I went to the forum at KindleBoards and asked about it. "evrose" gave me this warning:
"As a general rule, downloading unknown files from the internet and loading those files on a variety of electronic devices is not a great idea. At best, the file could corrupt your computer and/or your Kindle. At worst, it could lead to a complete breakdown of society when you accidentally activate the triggering code for the start-up of the Skynet Artificial Intelligence - and nothing good can come from that. Nothing."
Free Kindle Application for your computer:
Some e-books are in formats which the Kindle cannot handle; maybe this FREE application will be able to. You can download it at http://amzn. to/hLt6DI.
Saving a website on the Kindle:
I had a very long website which was all text; NO IMAGES but a LOT of information (http://www. sticksite. com/database. html) and wanted that on the Kindle. All I did: Open the site in my browser (Firefox) and "File | Save Page as" and for "File name" I removed the ".html" and in "Save as type:" chose "Text Files." Then I saved it on the desktop and in Windows Explorer, dragged the text file into the Kindle's "documents" folder. Simple! BUT, again, NO IMAGES.
Let Kindle read to you:
This is a very nice feature; when reading a book, press the Text Key, go down to "Text-to-Speech" and click to turn it on. Sit back and listen to your Kindle read the book to you.
Long Books vs Short Books:
When you press the "Home" button, not only does a list of all your books appear, but a dotted line under each title shows its relative length! Also shown under the title is a "Progress Bar showing how far into that book you are; this is not working for me though.
What Format to Download:
In some cases, a book will be in, for example, PDF format but it will not be "in text" in the sense that the pages of the book have been scanned as IMAGES and not converted into text. The result is that the book is a huge file. I found one book which, in PDF format, was 6.7Mb so instead I downloaded it "directly to my Kindle" and the resulting AZW file was only 459Mb; that saved a lot of storage space.
Amazon cannot send a Free book to Canada:
SOMEtimes you try to download a free book from the amazon site and are told that this particular book cannot be downloaded to Canada due to copyright restrictions. An example is: http://www. amazon. com/Great-Expectations-ebook/dp/B002RKSUBC/ref=zg_bstf_digital-text_56. I asked in the forum and bookscanning. co was good enough to suggest that I visit http://www. archive. org/ and download it there, to my desktop and then move it to my Kindle. There were numerous versions of the book at Archive so I went down the list until I found one suitable for the Kindle.
Weird file/book Names:
You might download a book as I did, with the title "The Everlasting Whisper" but when I found it on my desktop, it was entitled "10211021310213-8kindle. azw" instead. This would not be very enlightening so in Windows Explorer, I renamed it to the correct title.
Saving a Clipping:
Sometimes you are reading some kind of document and find some text that you really "need" to share with somebody. You can do this easily with a Kindle; here is how I did it: (note, you can't do this with PDF files).
Kindle is not connected with any cable and I am "in" a book at some text which I want to email.
Press the "Menu" button
Use the 5-way controller to navigate down to "Add a Note or Highlight"
(this option won't show if you are in a PDF file)
A flashing cursor will appear in front of the last line of the page.
With the 5-way to move that cursor up to where you want your clip to start.
Press the 5-way; the cursor changes from vertical, to slanted.
Move the cursor with right and down 5-way buttons; when done, press the middle again.
The text you selected is now underlined. The text is instantly saved.
To view your clippings, in the "Home" list, select "My Clippings"
If you now plug the Kindle into the computer, in Windows Explorer you will see, in the Kindle's "documents" folder, a file "My Clippings. mbp" and another "My Clippings. txt" and you can open the latter in Notepad or similar Text Editor.
To remove a highlight from a book:
While "in" the book:
Choose "View notes and marks"
Press the "Del" button on the keyboard to delete that underlined text.
Move down to "Close Note & Marks" and click there.
Feedback TO Amazon and Customer Support:
Amazon invites you (and me too!) to give them your feedback. Email them at kindle-feedback@amazon. com.
If you need to contact them regarding your Kindle, email them at kindle-cs-support@amazon. com
Your booklists at Amazon:
You can log in at https://kindle. amazon. com/your_reading and see all your Amazon books in categories; you can "rate" them there too.
Get a second-hand Kindle?
If you got a Kindle from somebody else who had registered it (and no doubt DID so!) then you will have to DE-register it and then register it in your own name. In the Kindle: Menu/Settings/Registration/deregister when the Kindle is online. If you don't have an account with Amazon, you'll need to set up an account; there is no cost for this. Then, go to http://www. amazon. com/ and click "Your Account" and then under "Digital Content, click "Manage Your Kindle." There, you can register it. You will get an Amazon email account which will look something like this: (yourname)@Kindle. com. Then you need to go to the Amazon "Manage your Kindle" page and set the valid email addresses which will be allowed to send emails to that address.
Free "Kindle for PC:"
If you are not quite ready to get a Kindle you can get a "simulated" one free, to run on your computer.
You can get it here: Kindle for PC 1.8.3 Build 36179 http://www. filehippo. com/download_kindle_for_pc/.
How to GET your own KINDLE from Amazon:
This $139 unit is the one I have. Specs:
Model Number - D00901, mine is the Kindle 3.
Display - 6" diagonal display, 600 x 800 pixel resolution, 16-level gray scale.
Size - 7.48 inches by 4.84 inches by 0.34 inches (190 mm by 123 mm by 8.5 mm).
Weight - Kindle Wi-Fi: 8.5 ounces (240 g); Kindle 3G+Wi-Fi: 8.7 ounces (247 g)
Storage - 4GB internal storage, with approximately 3GB available to the user.
Audio - 3.5mm stereo headphone jack, built-in stereo speakers, built-in microphone. The microphone is not enabled but is provided for future use.
Power - AC power adapter and rechargeable lithium polymer battery.
Connectivity - USB 2.0 (micro-B connector). HSDPA/GSM wireless modem in Kindle with international wireless.
Operating temperature - 32F to 95F (0C to 35C).
Storage temperature - 14F to 113F (-10C to 45C).
Wi-Fi - 802.11b or 802.11g
For those with poor eyesight:
You might do better with the Kindle DX which has a larger screen and can make text much larger.
Quick Notes to Carry in your Kindle Case:
I made a very short summary of the above notes, including only the kinds of notes you might need when you are away from the computer and don't want to dig into the manual in the Kindle. It is a very small ".rtf" file of 4.67Kb and it prints out in small font very nicely in Wordpad. Download it HERE.
Which VERSION of Kindle do you have?
Nothing on my Kindle nor on the invoice nor in the Amazon emails indicated which Kindle I was getting. On the forums, people keep referring to their "Kindle 1" or "Kindle 2" etc etc and I felt "left out" so asked in the forum; I was told to look at my Serial Number and look for:
(this was Feb. 28, 2011:)
B001 = Kindle 1
B002 = Kindle 2 U. S. (Sprint)
B003 = Kindle 2 International (AT&T)
B004 = Kindle DX U. S.
B005 = Kindle DX International
B006 = Kindle 3 3G + WiFi Graphite/White (U. S. and Canada) NOTE: Some European cities may receive this serial number as well.
B008 = Kindle 3 WiFi (mine)
B009 = Kindle DX Graphite
B00A = Kindle 3 3G + WiFi Graphite (Europe)
To find YOUR s/n: Menu and then Settings
More resources for FREE books:
Personally, I subscribe to EreaderiQ and they email me daily to tell me of the new, FREE books available at Amazon. You can find them and subscribe, free, at http://www. ereaderiq. com/newsletter/ BUT notice that a book which is FREE today, may NOT be free any longer, tomorrow!
*Google is listed above but many folks are finding Google to be UNfriendly toward Kindle for various reasons and so I must suggest NOT trying to get free books for your Kindle there. Too bad.
This one lists the same books as Amazon, in fact, TAKES you there, but lists the newest ones on the top of their page which is handy. They also send out emails to advise re new, free books: http://www. ereaderiq. com/free/.
If you read PDF books on your e-reader, then the FREE tool "Briss" might be a very useful item; more about it and a download link at http://sourceforge. net/projects/briss/files/release%200.0.12/. "This project aims to offer a simple cross-platform application for cropping PDF files. A simple user interface lets you define exactly the crop-region by fitting a rectangle on the visually overlaid pages.
AND see the book which I scanned, converted with OCR to text, then to PDF and EPUB as well as TXT; you can download it from http://www. sticksite. com/golden/.
Teachers will, I think, appreciate these pages: (I'll make these into clickable links if I find enough good resources.)
Http://www. techlearning. com/blogs/35766
Http://www. coursesmart. com/
Http://www. theorangegrove. org/open_textbooks. asp
Http://www. universityaffairs. ca/electronic-textbooks-set-to-take-over. aspx
Http://www. amazon. com/The-Free-Textbook-Collection/lm/R2O8QJ3SDADND6/ref=cm_lmt_srch_f_1_rsrsrs0
Http://www. edukindle. com/
P. S. If you are an "old-fashioned" person (and I mean that in a NICE way BECAUSE I am one!) and you prefer PAPER books, then you might find my page here interesting: http://www. sticksite. com/books/.
Some Screenshots:
The main, "Home" screen where everything starts:
Pressing the "Menu" button on the keyboard, while in the "Home" screen:
When "in" a book, pressing the "Menu" button on the keyboard:
Continued from the previous screenshot, pressing "cover:"
After pressing "Home" and "Menu" and "Experimental" and "launch browser" and "Menu" again, then "Bookmarks:"
After pressing "Home" and "Menu" and "Experimental" and "launch browser" and typing "http://www. google. ca/" and pressing "go to:"
Continued from the above, and entering "diamond willow sticks" into the Search box:
The resulting website when clicking where the hand icon shows in the previous screenshot
The resulting website when entering the url you can see here:
Same as the previous one, but here I've used the "Aa" key to turn it to "landscape:
This is NOT a website; this is a pic I took at my cabin and stored in my "pictures" (see above) folder and used "landscape" format and "full screen" option as explained above. This is an actual screenshot from the Kindle.
If bucks such as this one turn your crank, see my v >
This shows better how a full-size image looks on the Kindle. It is a photo of the Kindle so the quality is not as good as the deer.
A Home-Made Hard-Cover Case for your Kindle:
Here is one way to make one out of an old book. And what is more "suitable" for a Kindle case than a BOOK!?
Another idea is to use cardboard and duct-tape:
Just a note to thank you for your helpfull webpage on the kindle 3, would like to inform you of some usefull links that you may or may not have heard about.
Set your kindle browser to either http://www. anysubjects. com/ or http://kinstant. com/
(check out both on your pc to see which you prefer)
To organise your kindle ebooks on your pc and much more use http://calibre-ebook. com/
For those that are sadly visually impaired use free audio ebooks http://www. calibre. org. uk/Default. aspx To organise your kindle collections use http://colegate. indefero. net/p/kindlecollectionmanager/ (when i tried not as good a calibre)
A mobi file of kindle hidden tips and shortcuts which you can place on kindle
Http://blog. diannegorman. net/2010/09/kindle-3-keyboard-shortcuts-et-al/#files
Once again thank you
John from Wales U. K.
Other e-book readers vs Kindle:
When I told my cousin about THIS website, he told me:
"A couple of months ago I bought a Sony ebook reader, I brought it back after week, as it was hard to use. I brought it back before I got too frustrated by it. At least I got all my money back. One of the problems was the availability and assortment of free books. It looked that you still have to pay for them when you download if you chose one particular book."
The Nook e-book reader from Barnes and Noble has color which is nice but keep in mind that it is about 2x as heavy as a Kindle and it does not use the "e-ink" technology that the Kindle does so the Nook might cause eye-strain when reading from it for any length of time. It does have some other neat tools such as touch screen and larger screen than the Kindle 3. The Nook's battery life is only a fraction of the Kindle's battery life. The price of the Nook is very similar to that of the Kindle 3. If you want to read in sunlight, probably the Kindle would be the e-reader of choice.
The Literati from Kobo:
I saw the Kobo "Literati" e-book reader at a very good price so I bought two of those. They are nice in that they have COLOR and that it came with 25 books installed. I thought I was not going to like this unit until I asked Customer Service a few questions. They gave me good, clear answers and now I am VERY impressed with the Kobo Literati. I gave one away as a gift and am filling the other with free books; at last count I'm at 89. This one is for lending out.
Kobo is a Canadian company, with corporate, support and retail organizations based primarily out of Ontario. The device itself, however, is manufactured in Taiwan.
Kobo Inc.
135 Liberty St.
Suite 101
Toronto, ON M6K 1A7
Attn: Lee Akins - Director, Customer Care
I like this Kobo so much that I'm making some notes about using it; here they are so far:
Kobo Literati Notes (e-book reader)
Kobo is a Canadian company, with corporate, support and retail organizations based primarily out of Ontario. The device itself, however, is manufactured in Taiwan.
Kobo Inc.
135 Liberty St.
Suite 101
Toronto, ON M6K 1A7
Attn: Lee Akins - Director, Customer Care
The Literati comes with 25 books pre-loaded and hundreds more free books can be downloaded from Kobo.
Download Books: You *CAN* use ONLY the reader to download books but that is rather slow and frustrating; far better to use your computer.
Before you start, make a note of how many books are in your total library.
Go to www. kobobooks. com and sign into your account, then click on the 'Free eBooks' link at the top of the page. BE CAREFUL: In the "FREE books" there are SOME which are NOT free! Good instructions at the forum: http://goodereader. com/forum/forumdisplay. php/206-The-Kobo-E-Reader-forum
Now once again, see how many books are in your library to make sure you got them all.
Removing books: see manual, page 7
Get help at http://kobo. zendesk. com/forums or email them at help@kobobooks. com
You can insert an SD card (maximum 8Gb) to provide more storage.
Save Battery Life - How to turn daily downloads on and off on the Kobo Wireless eReader By default it automatically connects to Kobo each day to download your latest newspapers and magazines. It also updates your library and bookmarks in the process. If you have no newspapers or magazine subscriptions, or if you want to maximize your eReader's battery life, you may want to turn this off. To do this you need to change the Download Daily setting:
- Press Menu.
- Select Settings.
- Press Menu again, and select General.
- In the Newspapers & Magazines area, select Set News and Mags.
- Press left or right on the navigation pad to change the Download Daily setting. Select No to disable daily updates.
- Select APPLY.
Turn Kobo OFF: press power button and hold for 3 - 6 seconds
Turn Kobo ON: Press and hold the power button on the top of your eReader until you see a light come on; then wait a minute
Refresh your Library: Press Menu and tap Refresh
"Now Reading" If a book shows as one you are currently reading, and you are NOT, and want to reset that: open the book, press the menu button and go to the Table of Contents. In the table of contents, choose the last chapter. If you see, at the bottom, e. g. "Page 1 of 8" then use the right arrow on the Directional Pad to go to the end of the last chapter. Go to the last chapter and go to the last page of that chapter. There you will see "PRESS 'NEXT PAGE' TO CLOSE BOOK AND RETURN TO LIBRARY." At the moment, that is the only way to close a book that has been opened but a future firmware update should add a 'Close this Book' option to the menu.
The "Home" button takes you back to the book you were reading.
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Amazon kindle support
Amazon kindle Support Number
Amazon kindle-best gift for Booklovers!
There was a time when the book lovers had to carry the heavy books. And really it is touch to purchase books, make a room for books and keep all books safely. Those who are fond of reading books can understand how it feels when they lost their favorite book even they care for that. This is the reason Amazon has launched best device for readers known as “Amazon kindle.” There is also an Amazon kindle app for e-book reader which has been used by android users. If you want to know more about Amazon kindle then you can have a call on Amazon kindle customer care number. Beside all you will find some important info like features, version, issues and their solution over here.
What’s new in Amazon Kindle for e-book reader?
The Amazon has developed and marketed a tablet like device on which users can read tons of e-books. The Amazon Kindle is one of the best platform in the world where you can purchase, download and read the e-books. If you have some confusion to read books or want to know that how you can read e-books on Amazon Kindle then get in touch with customer care team via Amazon Kindle customer support number. Via this toll-free number you will get proper assistance of the technical experts.
- You can browser your favorite author on this device. Purchase e-books and keep them safe. You can either read e-books online or download to read later. The latest version of Amazon kindle device has light weight. You can read e-books in quick manner The Book you want to keep safe will be saved on your account.
Versions of Amazon Kindle:-
The Amazon Technologies Inc. has developed its various generations and at the last the most widely used versions are Amazon Kindle Fire HD and Amazon Kindle Paper white. You can choose the versions as per your requirement. If you’re fond of reading books then Amazon Kindle Paper white will be best choice for you and if you want to browse, download e-books, have email app then you can choose Amazon Kindle Fire HD. Now you can have a look on the Amazon kindle versions.
- Kindle Kindle touch Kindle 5 Kindle Voyage Kindle Paperwhite Kindle Oasis Kindle 8 Kindle Oasis 2nd generation Kindle Fire HD
Cons of Amazon kindle:-
As you have experienced that the there is no any electronic device which is hitches less. The same thing is with Amazon Kindle. Although Amazon has given its best to develop this device but yet sometime its users face troubles. Therefore the customer support experts of Amazon Kindle are here all the time by which you can resolve your hitches. You can dial Amazon Kindle helpline number to get in touch with dexterous techies and tell them to resolve your issues. Well, the common issues of Amazon Kindle are given as:-
- Amazon Kindle login error. Trouble to convert Kindle Book to PDF. Not able to update the Kindle. The device has Wi-Fi connectivity problem. Getting trouble download e-Books on Kindle Fire HD. Trouble to transfer files from old Kindle to new Kindle Fire. The Kindle Fire HD is not responding. The Kindle device is not turning on. The screen of Kindle device is black. Error to connect Kindle with PC via USB port. Unable to change the font size of Kindle Fire device. Error to register & set up the Kindle. The Kindle Paperwhite screen get freezed. The home screen of Kindle is blank. Kindle Fire HD battery is not getting charged. Not able to find My Kindle books. Trouble to change the format of Kindle Fire HD.
Best way to fix error of Amazon Kindle:
Although there are so many hitches appears with Amazon Kindle yet this is popular device for e-book readers. In order to get complete solution for the Amazon Kindle you can ring Amazon Kindle technical support number number. This is a toll-free number which is 24×7 available by which you can resolve all kind of hiccups Amazon Kindle & its other versions. The executive of Amazon customer support are skilled and trained to fix all kind of technical hitches.
Kindle Support
“The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read” aptly quoted by the great writer, Mark Twain. How wonderful it is to sink yourself to the magically beautiful and fanatic world of books. No matter what the plot is, a good book leaves the reader with so many unwavering experiences, knowledge and a chance to live altogether a different character once you dig yourself into it. Books have been a great companion since ages and those who are passionate about reading make keen efforts to find out the book that they might fancy.
With the change in time, where technology has overshadowed almost everything, books as well could not defend for long. With the advancement in technology, the bookshelves have been replaced by beautiful compact equipment called Kindle. It is an e-book which allows the reader to have the delight of reading the book of his/her choice though it comes with a subscription. We may certainly term Kindle as a boon for all the voracious readers who mull over books as their soul partner.
So for everyone who is fond of reading, a kindle is an answer to feed their hunger for an enthralling set of books. Amazon has been a saviour for all the tech savvy by providing class one technology in various forms. This time, the company has launched Amazon Kindle which is a series of e-readers designed and marketed by Amazon to give a wonderful experience to the book lovers. Amazon Kindle devices enable users to browse, buy, download, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines and other digital media via wireless networking to the Kindle Store. The hardware platform, developed by Amazon subsidiary, began as a single device and now comprises a range of devices, including e-readers with E Ink electronic paper displays. These days, we are constantly glued to screens — be it on our cell phones or desktop computers and sitting in front of these illuminated colour displays for long hours takes a toll on our eyes. In this digital era, how can one give the required rest to their eyes? E-ink displays are the solution to this problem as they look and behave just like paper and don’t cause as much strain as others.
So far, Amazon Kindle has launched various models. From its first generation, launched in 19th November 2007 till its 9th generation which has recently been launched on 31st Oct 2017, Amazon Kindle is enjoying its success story. In the span of almost 10 years, Amazon Kindle has done wonders. Amazon has also introduced Kindle apps for use on various devices and platforms, including Microsoft Windows, MacOs, Android, iOs, Blackberry10 and Windows Phone. Amazon also has a cloud reader to allow users to read e-books using modern web browsers. Owing to all these innovations, Kindle takes the joy of reading to altogether another level.
Amazon Kindle Customer Support
Kindle itself is a very user-friendly device however for any hitch we have Kindle Support. Amazon has always been up for its customers and firmly moving towards the finest customer care services.
At Kindle Support, the users are provided with a solution for their various issues that they may encounter while using Kindle. A few of them are enlisted hereunder:
Deliver Items to Your Fire or Kindle
- From your Computer: Go to Manage Your Content and Devices. Select the title, click the Action button, and then select the option to deliver the content to your Default Device or Others. If you selected others, select the device(s) or Kindle reading app(s) from the drop-down menu and then select Deliver. Select Deliver. Your content will automatically be delivered to your device or reading app once it’s connected to a wireless network.
Return Kindle Books:
You may be able to return books and comics that you bought from the Kindle Store for a refund. We will consider your return if we receive your request within seven days of the date of purchase.
Remove Items from Your Content Library:
Permanently remove books and personal documents by deleting them from Manage Your Content and Devices.
Turn Automatic Book Updates On or Off:
You can choose whether or not to receive updates automatically for your Kindle books. With this setting enabled, books on your devices will receive the latest version with corrections and improvements when it becomes available from the publisher or author.
Clear the Furthest Page Read
The Furthest Page Read feature allows you to stop reading your book and pick up where you left off on another Fire tablet, Kindle e-reader, or Kindle reading app that is registered to the same Amazon account.
Apart from the above, there are numerous issues that may get fixed without giving any call at the customer care and waiting to get it resolved. The virtual assistant at Amazon Kindle Support has made life easier in many ways.
Amazon kindle contact number
Do some mind storming and try to remember the time when books were your best friends, no doubt they still are for many people. But with the change in technology and advancement in innovation, books started being replaced by the e-books or gadgets like Kindle. You might have seen that smart looking device in the hands of people, yes that is Kindle! The new dear friend of many people who love delving into books. It is a compact device that lets you read millions of books. Wait! You just can’t read but save them too in your library.
Kindle is just like a handy tablet device but with extra features for the ease of users. You can have access to countless books according to your preference. Special emphasis is paid to take care of the eyes of users. But as a coin has two sides, so has Kindle. With brilliant benefits, there are some snags involved which can be resolved by getting in touch with third party Kindle tech support that stays active round the clock.
Reasons to avail Kindle support
Amazon kept on adding new versions of Kindle from time to time with upgraded features and thus it became the most loved gadget especially among the people who are fond of reading. But the fact is even the best devices have the downsides too.
Yet Kindle is liked by many avid readers worldwide but it has some glitches involved with it. Some of the complications that users face while using the exceptional device ‘Kindle’ are mentioned below:
- My kindle is not turning on How can I fix Kindle battery problems How to fix Kindle overheating How to transfer my old Kindle stuff to the new one I can’t register Kindle with Amazon How to exchange files between Kindle and PC I am unable to login to Kindle My kindle screen is broken How to fix charging issues of Kindle I have connectivity problems with Kindle How to resolve audio issues related to Kindle My Kindle keeps on rebooting Unable to open a book on Kindle How to reset Kindle passcode My Kindle battery won’t stay charged How do I reset my Kindle Unable to download content on Kindle How to reset my Kindle
How to reset Kindle?
Resetting the Kindle is the solution to many problems like slow processing, delayed response and much more. Kindle can be reset in two ways. Soft and default factory reset. To do the latter reset, follow the steps.
- Swipe down from the top of the screen Tap on settings option Choose device options Select the reset to factory defaults Tap on reset to confirm The device will restart after a while
How to fix charging issues of Kindle?
An electronic gadget required charging to run. But in case your Kindle is not charging then you can make it work by doing the under given troubleshooting.
- First of all, restart the Kindle Make sure you are using the correct power cable See if the battery is broken and get it replaced Lower the brightness and try to charge the device
How to transfer files from Kindle to PC through USB?
In order to manage your bulk data, you can opt for transferring files from Kindle to your computer. Here is how you can do the needful.
- Connect the PC and Kindle when both are turned on You will see a message saying ‘you can now transfer files from kindle to computer’ Choose the destination Use the drag and drop method to send files to the PC Once done safely eject the Kindle
How to resolve audio issues related to kindle?
You would have surely encountered the issue related to audio while using Kindle. Be it no sound or improper sound, you can fix the glitch by these points:
- Go to settings > display & sounds Try plugging your headphones, if there is no sound from speakers Reboot the Kindle by pressing the power button for 20 seconds Check for any physical fault or defect in speakers & headphones
Getting guidance from Professionals:
Kindle 1-806-516-0102 Guide Service Fix Customer Issues Faster:
If you are a kindle fire user and getting some issues with your device, don’t worry. Here in this article, you will get the best answer to your queries, alongside knowing the worthiness of fire phone number, which is the easiest way to contact the customer support.
You may already know that kindle fire is a very well-known device that is manufactured and also marketed by Amazon. Since it’s a tech device, it can face several technical errors too. However, you are not the single person who can have technical issues on your device and are looking for instant solutions to solve your problem.
Why you should call Support Phone Number:
It is really annoying to find technical errors in your device. Users spend many hours on their devices to find out the real issue with it. Well, if you get in touch with the customer service representative, you can get an instant solution to your issue. By contacting the tech support number, you can get:
- Satisfactory and reliable services Dedicated and instant support Round-the-clock availability
Hence, if you are seeking Fire customer support, it’s high time to call the support number for expert assistance.
You can also contact customer for any kind of repair you need in your kindle fire device. The service providers available online will resolve your problem over the phone number. Some kindle fire users have complained regarding their problems while signing in with their device.
This can be really irritating, particularly when it frequently happens. This can be fixed if you avail help from the service team.
Although it does not possess many technical issues in a while people using this product have been facing technical problems and that is the reason people have been using support. For proper functioning of your devices, getting appropriate service is important.
There are thousands of customers who are engaged with our services as a customer feel satisfied with services. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who are experts in handling a different kind of technical problems. Our main objective is to serve the customers with better service experience so that the user will be able to continue a hassle-free reading anytime and anywhere.
Technical support can assist users to troubleshoot some of the following issues.
- Unable to download a particular book or the downloading is running very slowly. The blank page is showing in the browser. The device failed to convert a particular file. The internet is running very slowly on the Kindle device. Unable to turn on the Kindle device. The particular Kindle application is not working on the device. Unable to sign in to the account. How to recover & reset Kindle Account.
You don’t need to worry about your device’s safety because the experts can resolve even the most difficult of problems. Even phone number is available for you round the clock. You are free to call us anytime you need help.
Avail Kindle Fire to Solve Issues While Signing In With Kindle Fire:
With different models of kindle fire, there are different problems and users look for troubleshooting guide on issues which are not restricted to:
- Retrieving the kindle in the case of stolen or lost. Kindle black/blank screen, display or frozen screen. Kindle device Wi-Fi, wireless or 3G connectivity issues. Whether there is any battery charging related problems. Running audio and video file problems in Kindle Downloading problems with eBooks or content. Kindle device registering problems Kindle online account login problem.
Some kindle fire users have complained regarding their problems while signing in with their device. This can be really irritating, particularly when it frequently happens. This can be fixed if you avail fire help from the customer service team.
If you are facing issues while signing in, follow the steps mentioned below:
Wrong email address – Be assured to put the correct email and don’t leave out any symbol, any special character, or any number in your email address; else users won’t be capable of signing in.
Wrong username or password entered by a user – If a user enters an incorrect user ID or password, he/she can face issues while signing in. so, ensure to check and put correct details for your particular account.
Create the username or password right way – Sometimes, users forget to check that the NUM Lock or Caps Lock is on. In case the password is case sensitive, then it can get rejected and you won’t be able to log in.
After checking all the points mentioned above and if you find everything is well in your user ID, email ID and password but still you are facing issues, you should get help directly by calling up the toll-free paperwhite support number which is available round-the-clock. The customer support representatives are always ready to give instant solutions.
The Importance of Contacting Customer Service
If you are a kindle device user and getting some issues with your gadget, you should not get worried about it. Whatever your issues are, you will get the best answer to your queries, if you call the Kindle customer service, which will be the most convenient and the easiest way to get the solutions to your problems of your device.
You may already be familiar with the fact that Kindle is a popular device which is manufactured as well as marketed by Amazon. Since it’s a technical device, it can face different kinds of technical errors as well. Nevertheless, you are not only one who can face technical errors on this device and are looking for immediate Kindle support to solve the issues.
Quintessential facts of availing Kindle support:
It would be really annoying for any user if he or she experiences technical errors in his/her device. Usually, the users spend lots of hours on their devices, in order to find out the real issue with it. Well, in case you get in touch with the representative of
Fire customer service, you can get an immediate help for your problem. By calling up the technical support phone number, you can usually get:
- Satisfactory and reliable services Dedicated and instant support Round-the-clock availability
So, what are you waiting for? Is your device lagging while it is in use? Is it switching off repetitively and making you irritated? Well, all these issues have only one way to get solved and that is getting in touch with the Live Chat Support phone number as early as possible. Don’t take the issue of your device casually. Since buying a Kindle device is a worthy investment, you must look for Fire customer support for an immediate and expert assistance from the highly certified technicians.
Kindle is referred as the device that has been developed through Amazon. It is the hand held device used over large scale for downloading the books in such a way that the users could even read them through wireless technology. This specific device has got the popularity over the years but maybe there would some condition would arise where the users need the instant support from the kindle customer service team. Through contacting with the tech support team users could download the e-books more conveniently.
The latest one is the sixth generation Kindle fire HD 8 that was launched in September this year. Despite being the best services still there are several issues that are faced by the users. Some of the issues faced by the users and further solved by the Kindle tech support.
It is basically a tablet that is launched and developed by the Amazon for the infotainment purpose of the users. The first Kindle fire was launched in 2011 that had a 7 inch touch screen with the operating system of Google’s android.
Kindle Phone Number Helps in Rectifying the Following Sets of Issues-
- Problems with the Wi-Fi Problem in registering through kindle Screen got freeze in the m >For the above set of problems users could solve these on their own if their technical skills are good but if there would be any difficulty they could contact with the customer service team for instant support.
Therefore, the above mentioned issues can be solved by the Kindle tech support team members very smoothly. The tech support members are certified and experienced technicians who are available all day long to provide the best help and support to its users.
WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO CONTACT OVER THE KINDLE SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER?
For the support service team providing assistance to customers is over everything. When the users started to call upon the tech support number then most of the time and infect 99% times users would get the response over the first call only. Users would get the solution through using the remote access technique with certain time duration. The support would be available for the users even during the odd hours.
The users may found that Kindle chargers are not working. Some of the ways in which the users may get the best solution for their chargers which are not working:
- The users need to start by making sure that the battery of their kindle is completely charged. Thereafter the users need to try resetting the tablet by holding the power button for atleast 20 seconds and then the user needs to wait for a few seconds then and then again the user is required to press the power button. The user is required to hold down the power butoon continuously for the rest 40 seconds to force the kindle to restart again. In case there is a problem, in which the screen goes off,, then the user needs to go to the settings then to the display and then to the screen timeout. The user may find the process to be overheating and the user may find that it is very warm to touch the, then the user must wait for some time to let the kindle be cooled after a couple of time before the user requires to start it again. Then the user is required to use a different charger and then cable it to make sure that the battery is being properly charged. The user needs to make sure that all the files have a back up from beforehand and then the user needs to perform the factory reset again. The user is advised to go to the settitngs and then to the device section and then to the reset to the factory defaults option and then finally to the reset option available.
In case the users of the Kindle are not able to resolve the issue on their own, then the user might take help of the customer service which might help the users to talk to the technical experts who are qualified in their respective domains to get the problem solved in. a lesser time and that too in a quick manner.
Kindle is one of the most appreciated Amazon devices. The reason is to be the most desired device is that it was designed to look like a real book.
According to the customers, reviews it is the most realistic amazon device to date. The keyboard was the one which was earlier considered to be somewhat realistic but after the launch kindle in 2013, it has taken the topmost position as the most realistic amazon device.
Kindle Support Call:1-806-516-0102
It supports wireless connectivity or wifi and has the ability to connect to the Amazon account. Features like Whispers and many more are available on Amazon store. Customers who face difficulty in reading books on other digital devices or e-readers such as Nook are much more certified then other e-readers. Customer experience is defined by the ease with which customer is able to use the e-reader or utilize it to the full extent.
The major issues that customers face with the Amazon device are:
1. Kindle not connecting to WiFi.
2. kindle frozen screen.
3.Unable to register Kindle.
4. Kindle not downloading the books.
5. Unable to Synchronize kindle with Amazon account
6. Unable to charge
7. Disabling color background in Kindle.
For all the above-mentioned issues, a customer may directly contact Technical customer service or you may call kindle support at 1-806-516-0102. We provide technical assistance for all customers and make sure they are satisfied with their best e-readers
Amazon shipped tablet Kindle is the most popular device running on Android operating system among its competitors like Samsung and Nexus. Current scenario is if there is one player who is giving tough competition to mighty IT giants like Apple, it is the one and only sleek and powerful kindle Fire. Recently it has launched a bag full of new products with more strength. The collection ranges from e-reader tablet called “Voyage” to a tablet which is much lighter than the iPad Air. Though the company sticks to the same design i. e. an angular rear panel, but products now is nourished with more power with a thinner body.
The tablet has always been a device prominent for its less cost but handful of features. Though it is based on enhancing users reading experience, today the amazing device does way more than that. And all thanks to Android and its large collection of application. Some of its noticeable feature is large screen, powerful processor, kids friendly, and yeah a two-year warranty. You can connect to support team on Kindle Support Phone Number
We know how strong kindle fire reputation has been, which has result in supreme dominance in the tablet filed. Kindle Fire Support Number for amazon ebook reader device issues. However, some stats also show us that the major share of people using Kindle Fire comes from America. Globally this percentage falls deeply to 10 to 15 percent. Now the things which we want to enlighten here are the possible reason for such massive flow. One can never deny the fact that Kindle is the most inexpensive tablet with lots of functionalities, but there are few areas where the company needs to improve. Listing below, few such areas or issues which need changes in urgent basis.
No Home and Volume Button:
Buttons play an important role in mobile devices, though the generation is of touch screen. Still button has its own importance; same has been avoided by Amazon on their device with no home and volume button.
Poor Battery Life:
A big device like Kindle fire needs to have a powerful battery life. However it only provides user with a 4400 mAH battery, which is definitely not enough to enjoy an ever-lasting e-reading experience.
Hangs a lot:
Kindle fire is built on simple motive to give user an enhanced reading experience in a reasonable price. This has led company to use lighter hardware and software which on over usage can show issues like not responding.
Screens turn out black:
Over usage of the device can lead to show such faults.
No Google Play Store:
Kindle is built on “split” version of android; therefore users are not able to install application from Google Play store.
KINDLE SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER : WHAT ROLE DO WE PLAY?
We are a third party Kindle Fire support company providing support services for your device. We consist some of the experienced technicians in our team to give our customer an optimal support experience. Our service can be avail remotely by using our toll-free helpline number. We believe in customer satisfaction, therefore we don’t leave our customer hands until they are satisfied with our solution.
The support phone number is available for you 24*7 without any breakage in the line. The reliable number is backed with highly experienced support executive which will give you a call back in case the call cuts in the middle. So if you’re in utmost hurry to fix your troubles simply pick your phone and enjoy the renowned service directly from your home.
Kindle Support Phone Number
Call: 1-806-516-0102
Amazon has introduced Kindle for the new generation to utilize their leisure time in reading. kindle has all the material which assists the readers with all the material and books they want it sitting at their place. It has progressed and is an electronic device which came into existence on 19th November 2007.
Kindle is launched in America. The issues are easily resolved by is accessible to all the people. It has all the devices including Headphones pack, a speaker, sd card which helps in storing all types of information.
America was the first country to have the Kindle, which is a kind of ebook. Only American people got access to this device in its own country. It was the device which has all the ebooks n easily download different books sitting at home. overall it is a successful device with all the necessary things a person by sitting at home, can make use of this device. it is a movable device.
For Troubleshooting: 1-806-516-0102
Kindle Support Phone Number
It is a kind of library which every person to read and learn whether he is young or old a movable device could be carried anywhere then it was a new innovation by the Amazon with the coming of Kindle 2, which had all the salient features and more advanced with new techniques and latest android.
The international Kindle 2. Its storage was more as compared to the Kindle 1. it was in demand in the market which had more storage, more eBooks, and had an ability downloading e-books wireless which was another feature which added to its demand in around 100 countries another very important feature and necessity which was overlooked and was a flaw in the first Kindle was font. The font is the utmost important thing needed for convenient reading and understanding this new gadget after being reviewed has yielded a good business and solved all the problems which were faced by the first kindle. it’s new version, new features have given an outstanding response.
This new kindle two has the large screen, ample storage with a good memory, speed is very high, pdf is one of the best features which gives it a unique look. The support system is excellent. even the look of Kindle 2 is very different and attractive with new grey color which fascinates the customers to buy it. there are unending features in Kindle 2, another fascinating and helpful feature is the use of the keyboard and 3G the keyboard has added a new look to Kindle 2 which was missing in Kindle 1. Battery backup is fantastic which has differentiated it from other kindles. its screen is quite big as LCD. Kindle 2 has done a-big business and with the introduction of two versions on the keyboard, its demand in the market has increased another salient feature is touchscreen. that is the new model.
The Capacitive touch screen on the new Kindle is very much responsive. Kindle upholding its name, has hence become a thing in every household.
Amazon KindleCustomer Service Number, Corporate Office Address, Phone Number:
If you are looking Amazon Kindle customer service phone number toll free customer care number of Amazon with how to contact Amazon Kindle customer service and how to get a Amazon Kindle customer help and support by phone and email. So as this page, we are sharing contact information Amazon Kindle customer service department including registered head office, payment, and mailing / postal office address.
On this post, the customers can find the customer care contact details of Amazon Kindle. It is consisting customer service number, toll free phone number and support email IDs of Amazon. It will help the users to reach the Amazon Kindle customer support department regarding various kinds of inquiries.
Amazon Kindle Customer Service Contact Details
If you are willing to use the Amazon Kindle customer service number then can contact them using the one of these contact information listed below. Amazon Kindle customers can use below mentioned information for information, enquiries, complaints, questions, suggestion, feedback, reviews, problems, and troubleshooting regarding Amazon Kindle products and services.
Amazon Kindle Customer Service Helpline Number:
The all customer service contact options of Amazon Kindle can be used for various kinds of inquiries such as return, order, shipping, delivery, accounts, payments, offers, coupons, mobile app queries, etc.
Kindle Contact Phone Number | Kindle Technical Support:
Need support to fix kindle contact us through Kindle contact phone number or Kindle technical support.
Kindle contact phone number or Kindle technical support On the off chance that there’s anything which can make nervousness among Kindle gadget client, that must be a specialized issue-hampering the client’s life in whichever way that is available. Since there can be a few minor or significant specialized glitches in any Kindle gadget, we stand completely arranged to resolve any conceivable flaws whatsoever circumstances for you, so contact kindle Contact Phone Number @1-806-516-0102 to get your issues resolved. With our skill, you will undoubtedly get profited dependably. Our group of qualified experts works with add up to devotion to determine every last tech issue with abnormal state of desperation and at the most punctual conceivable. We are constantly arranged to get clients’ calls identified with their Kindle gadget issues and dole out one of a kind and simple approaches to unravel them in a period bound way.
Kindle Contact Phone Number
General issues that runs over while working fuel fire could be issues with enrollment, solidified screen issues, arouse wifi availability issues, time slack in touch, issues that are for the most part experienced including ignite video issues, encourage magazine kiosk issues, fuel music issues, encourage books issues and ignite network issues. As an Amazon Kindle Help organization we have a group of devoted experts to investigate issues identified with encourage. There are a few all the more usually confronted Kindle issues including Kindle Fire equipment issue, Kindle Fire won’t turn on, Kindle Fire HD solidified, languid speed, ignite wireless association, Kindle Fire won’t charge, fuel dark screen.
Kindle Technical Support:
Our affirmed encourage fire professionals are proficient to recognize the very reason for winning gadget issues to proffer prompt promotion best investigating strategies to our customers. Be it an equipment issue or with a product, our guarantee to keep your gadgets in finest working condition is a well kept guarantee. By thoroughly going into the foundation of the risky region, our specialists can offer snappiest and least demanding to process arrangements over telephone and in addition email to you. We altogether see how vital innovation is the present circumstances and we stay tenacious ceaselessly to give the clients a chance to appreciate an inconvenience free individual and expert life. So contact Kindle Technical Support to fix your kindle.
Kindle Support:
Contact us for Kindle Support and Kindle Customer Service. We work 24/7 to fix all the issues with kindle. At Kindle Support and Help you can take any issues that you face with kindle to us. We have specialized Kindle Support team of technicians. Get all kindle updates and other help.
What is Kindle Support:
Kindle is an E-Book Reader device. With kindle you can read almost every story, novel, poem, song of your choice. It is a new generation book. But as it is an electronic book, it sometimes creates some troubles. The trouble can be of any type. Sometimes its a WiFi problem, screen issues, kindle not turning on and many more. To fix all these issue we have Kindle Tech Support team. Contact Kindle Tech Support to get everything fixed related to kindle.
Kindle Fire Support:
Kindle Support and Kindle Fire Support slightly differ from each other. Technical Kindle Support covers all the issues related to any model of kindle. It covers kindle Keyboard, Kindle Touch, Kindle Fire and kindle Paperwhite. On the other hand, Kindle Fire Support takes care of all the issues related to Kindle Fire only. In that case we recommend you that if you have Kindle Fire please call Kindle Fire Support Number because it will save your big time. Kindle Fire also comes in several models. So we cover all models of kindle fire into Kindle Fire Support System.
Scope of Kindle Support:
Kindle Support certainly covers many issues related to kindle. Furthermore some issues are so new depending on kindle generations. we cover all issues as per our knowledgeable. Some of the major issues are described below.
- Kindle Support for not connection to WiFi Not turning on Support for Kindle Screen issue coverage under Kindle Tech Support Frozen Kindle Technical Support Kindle Game Support Facebook / Twitter and other app support for kindle Fire Data Sync support for kindle Book reading or downloading Kindle Support Similarly many more other issues
Those are just a few examples of the common issue faced by kindle users. We daily get hundreds of the new issues. It all depends on your usage. According to the usage of kindle you can come across several problems on kindle. Like the people who play more games faces different issues and who read books face different issues. So it all depends.
Contacting Kindle Support:
Its very easy to contact kindle Support. There are several methods. The most common one is
Kindle Support Phone Number:
This is the most common method to Contact Kindle Support. It is the direct way to talk to Kindle Tech Support Engineer. Calling Kindle Support Number saves your time and also delivers a piece of mind. As a result, this is only method where you get instant response to each of your concerns.
Kindle Live Chat Support
Live Chat Support for kindle is also a beautiful method do get live Kindle Help. Kindle Support tech Team basically divided into two parts, one for the Kindle Phone Number Support and other one is for the Kindle Email and Chat Support. Similarly as the Kindle Support Phone Number, you get the instant response in Kindle Chat Support. Moreover the benefit of the Kindle Chat Support is that your get everything in writing You can always send the transcript to you email with just a click of button for your records.
Kindle Support Number
We have a dedicated number for all the Customers seeking Kindle Support Number. Even there are lots of other ways to reach Kindle Tech Support but the classic method is calling. Calling the support is the broadly used. We do not have a wait time. So as soon as you call we pick your call at Kindle Support Number. This Kindle Tech Support Phone Number works always. So day or night, weekend or national holiday, you just call us. We will receive your call. Maintaining the industry standards we gave a negligible wait time. As soon as you call us, we answer your phone. Call Kindle Support Number to avail the best kindle tech support in industry.
Kindle Customer Service:
Never get confused between Kindle Support and Kindle Customer Service. Lets through some light on both.
Kindle Support:
All the technical issues are covered under Kindle Tech Support. So any problem that you face with kindle device is taken care at Support for Kindle. Let it be a WiFi problem, Sync problem, Downloading problem or anything, we cover everything in Kindle Technical Support.
Kindle Customer Service:
Kindle Customer Service also known as kindle Customer Support does not cover any technical problem with kindle. For all technical issues you need to got Kindle Support Number of the other ways to contact Kindle Tech Support. But for all other general quires you can get help from Kindle Customer Service. You can ask for any billing, warranty, sales purchase kind of questions to Kindle Customer Service Number.
Before calling Kindle Phone Number:
Before contacting Kindle Phone Number, make sure about the reason to call. Because if you have any technical issues call Technical Support for Kindle. For all other general quires, call Kindle Customer Service Phone Number. Calling a wrong number puts you in trouble and also eats your time, So we tell all the customer to call the right number. If you want to connect any cameras to kindle you can take even more help from Arlo Support Number.
Kindle Customer Service Support Phone Number:
The increase in the technology has changed the life and added lots of comfort. In the world of modernization, everyone is enjoying new created products from techies. In fact life has become almost impossible without these things. Sometimes You need help for the Devices. Then for your help Kindle Customer Service Support Phone Number is always available for your help.
Need Kindle Customer Service Support Phone Number
Wherever you turn around, technically advanced products are visible like mobile devices, computer machines, laptops, etc. Such products comprises of high resolution and thus suitable to work only for some limited hours. For sorting such time issue, Amazon has brought a device known as Kindle. It provides a facility to users read at its best without causing any sort of trouble to the eyes. Customers are always looking For “what is kindle customer service phone number?” to get help for their issues. We are 24*7 available to provide you support. Call at Kindle
Customer Service Support Phone Number
The Kindle is an amazing piece of technology, but it’s not perfect. From time to time, you might experience problems with your Kindle’s performance, or it may stop working altogether. Since Kindles don’t have an external keyboard or mouse like a computer, it’s tricky to know what to do when yours freezes up or stops responding. When that happens, it helps to have a Technology Adviser in your corner.
Kindle is like a tablet with extra features. You might be wondering how you are going to get the books and magazines on an electronic device.
Kindle has an advanced screen, which is easy on eyes as you can adjust the brightness of the screen accordingly. The device is packed with other features too. Besides books you can download magazines as well.
Some of the issues that kindle users come across are Wi-Fi connection issues, screen gets frozen, Books, music, app and video issues, downloading issues and so on. We at The Device Support are dedicated to receive your call and answer your question if you have some doubt. Every employe undergoes complete training in which they are made familiar with the key aspects of Kindle.
Call now at Amazon Kindle Customer Support Phone Number to be connected to a friendly, expert Technology Adviser who’s ready to help.
Amazon Kindle Support:
Our goal is to help you feel comfortable and condent with your computers and devices, so we always take the time to do it right. Amazon Kindle Support Always available for your help.
To ensure prompt and precise support to the Kindle users, we at Amazon Device Support took the challenge to live up to the expectations of the people who are facing issues in their Kindle devices.
We have mentioned the troubleshooting steps related to any issue befalling Kindle devices. We have accumulated the most suitable information, which we have also published on the website to help our readers.
We provide the best assistance for the below-mentioned issues:
1. How to get started with the Kindle tablet.
2. How to transfer eBooks from Old Kindle tablet to the new one.
3. Looking for How to get the Kindle for PC.
4. How to change the Kindle format for better reading.
5. How to x Kindle frozen issue
6. Unable to and My Kindle books.
7. Not able to understand the option of ‘Manage Your Kindle’
8. My Kindle was lost or stolen.
9. Unable to connect Kindle device to Wi-Fi network.
0. Unable to order books in foreign languages.
1. Not able to and Kindle tech support for Kindle repair.
2. Ocial Amazon Kindle help is not able to provide the right assistance to me.
3. Unable to transfer books, videos, audio les and other documents from Kindle to PC.
4. Kindle battery is not charging.
5. Back lighting is not working and Kindle tech support is unable to and the root cause for the issue.
6. Kindle not working after OS upgrade.
7. Pages with graphics and animations turn slowly.
8. Kindle home screen is blank.
What is need of Kindle Tech Support Contact Phone Number?
- Kindle battery is half charged or uncharged Content won’t download in kindle Kindle is unable to download any E-book Kindle books are getting synchronize errors repeatedly My Kindle re won’t turns on Kindle has software update issues; it is restarting itself Kindle has connectivity issue; it is not connecting to Wi-Fi Dictionary won’t work in kindle Kindle re pass code recovery issue Kindle has registration issues
We are discussing the common glitches of this E-device. Our list will tell you about the common issues you are likely to face during your Ereading. Here we are telling about ten issues which are leading the other issues in terms of occurrence. We believe that a user should know why support for Kindle is necessary. if you have any problem in kindle Device Call Kindle Tech Support Contact Number
You can connect with the suggested platform for the following reasons such as:
- When you are running short of Wi-Fi internet connectivity Solution for When Kindle Fire registration gets over When you come across Kindle Fire freezing troubles You can cons >Fix all the cumbersome situations in Kindle device via one and only highly supportive team. You will nd this team highly organized, systematic, and co-operative when it is to solve the above mentioned Kindle device. Call up at the Kindle customer service number anytime as there is round the clock assistance for all.
Kindle technical support Helps in the following issues:
Issues with the Wi-Fi on Kindle
- Inability in registering Kindle Frozen of the screen Slow book downloading Book not received Slow working of the Kindle Kindle fail to turn on Fail to purchase Kindle Kindle Fire does not respond Issues while signing in Kindle fail to receive a converted le Blank screen of Kindle web browser Wi issues in Kindle Kindle fails to Charge My Kindle YouTube app fail to work Kindle internet does not work
Looking for Amazon kindle customer support phone number:
We provide you amazon kindle customer support telephone number to deliver quick and accurate information regarding Kindle devices. They have the most advanced tools to rectify the issues in the Kindle devices, let it be Kindle rst edition or the latest one by the name of Kindle Oasis.
24/7 Help: With a team of vastly experienced and well-trained individuals, Tablet Helpline has always been able to provide the most eective support to its customers residing in all parts of the world. Customers can give the company a call anytime of the day at Amazon kindle customer support contact number and get expect prompt and accurate support.
Unmatched Kindle Help: Whatever the problem in Kindle is, Tablet Helpline has the most suitable information regarding the resolution, which promises that the issues will never appear again in the device. Call amazon kindle customer service phone number and get all solution regarding kindle from our technicians.
A quick&easy solution to all your Kindle Problems, Online Technical Support.
Kindle Support&Help for all versions:
- My Kindle tablet won’t turn on, or the Kindle battery won’t charge. Kindle won’t connect to Wi-Fi, or unable to download content. Acc >A complete troubleshooting for the following issues in Kindle devices:
1. Problem in transferring images, music les, videos and eBooks.
2. My Problem in downloading eBooks on Kindle devices.
3. Problem in viewing eBooks on Kindle devices.
4. Frozen screen.
5. Problem in connecting the Kindle device to the home/oce Wi-Fi network.
6. Unable to get Kindle Fire support.
7. Kindle com support is not able to provide the right resolution.
Kindle Paperwhite customer service phone number:
- Our Kindle Paper White is powered by one of the nest processor to read eBooks that provides you one of the best reading experience. It comes with high resolution 300 PPI screen to enhance the joy of reading eBooks. Kindle Paper White has 4 GB of internal storage to save thousands of your loved eBooks on it so that you can carry your world with you. Kindle Paper White is also one the cheapest Kindle device that you can buy in the market today. We also provide world class customer service to kindle users in case of any problem. you can Call at kindle technical support phone
Number and get instant solutions. One of the largest eCommerce companies in world has recently launched new models of their most awarded tablet Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire HDX. Kindle tablets are based on extremely customizable version of Andro >Kindle Fire won’t turn on, Kindle Fire HD screen issues, Kindle Fire won’t charge, Kindle Fire forgotten Passcode, Kindle Fire HD Online Support, Ocial Kindle Support, Toll Free Kindle Fire HD support, Kindle re HD synchronization.
Support for Kindle Paper white
Support for Kindle Paper white cellular, Kindle Paper white won’t connect to Wi-Fi, Kindle Paper white won’t stay charged, Kindle Paper white 3G support, Kindle Paper white free toll free support, Kindle Paper white corrupt data.
Kindle books customer service phone number:
Kindle won’t download data, Kindle books unreadable, Kindle books won’t synchronize, Kindle support online, Toll Free Kindle Support, Kindle toll free support, Kindle Help, Kindle Technical Help.
We also Provide Support for Kindle App:
- Looking for help for kindle App. Having problem in using Kindle app. Kindle App doesn’t Working Contact at Kindle app Customer Service Phone Number. Your comfort is above anything else to us thus we are very particular what our technicians are serving and how it is served. We have phone as a mode to advice and help users. Our clients spread into every corner of the continents, so calling us would be the best option. This will indeed save time and money in
Commuting. Our kindle customer service team has excellent skills to talk to you. They use their sharp listening skills and make out what exact problem is causing you issues in using Kindle. Therefore, take our excellent services
For all any of the Kindle models. You can chat with talented experts anytime of the day and night because of round the clock availability of the support team. Our experts respond to your calls on the spot. If issue is easy to resolve then we suggest the way instantly in case, if issue is too complicated to resolve then we take some time.
Without any further delays, it will be better for people to go through the website and know what features they are going to get while accessing Tablet Helpline. Moreover, for any issue in the Kindle devices, get in touch with one of the company’s rep and get the issue sorted out.
Call amazon kindle customer service phone number:
Where most Kindle users prefer to take our support to get all the help related to their Kindle devices. It has been often found that there are certain issues for which, it is not required to get in touch with the technical support.
The common problems can used by logging onto Tablet Helpline link. Because the company has got talented professionals. As that of the Kindle support website who are procient in working with a systematic approach.
The best thing about Tablet Helpline is that it is one of the few Kindle support companies that oers support for all the Kindle models. Whether it has obsoleted or currently in the market.
Call kindle warranty support number:
- Customer always Looking for the Kindle Warranty Support Number. As their kindle Device in warranty and They Need Direct number To Call Kindle Warranty Support Number. So this Number is for you. Where you get instant help. Starting from the registration of this E-device and download of E-books, kindle care for all intents and purposes deals with the connectivity issues, charging issues, sync issues, and much more. It is supported by the best technical minds of the sphere. Despite its utmost superiority, it is polite in welcoming the lovers of E-books. To know the actual shape of kindle customer service, you are supposed to ask for help for any of the E-reading issues you are facing these days. Even you will be welcomed for kindle frozen issues and the customer service will do that with the highest level of professionalism. It every time prov >Kindle is an Android portable e-book reader device which is developed by Amazon which helps users or customers to download the books, shop the books, and read electronic versions of books, Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs, Websites at any time anywhere Amazon’s Kindle devices compete with similar types of e-book devices like Barnes & Noble’s Nook.
A Kindle is a Small pocket electronic device specially designed for reading books, which is launched by online retailer Amazon. You can download EBooks’ on to a Kindle and read them on it later on whenever you get time.
Kindle devices also offer Wi-Fi capabilities for downloading e-books as well as apps and even Web browsing, and Kindle users can take advantage of free Wi-Fi access at T&T Hotspots.
If you get any problem while ordering the books, or managing the Kindle, you can go for online kindle Help Support
The Kindle types:-
- The Original Kindle The Kindle Touch The Kindle Keyboard The Kindle DX The Kindle Fire
- Kindle help support is convenient Books are a little cheaper in Kindle format rather than print. You can also surf the web, listen to mp3 recordings although its music or podcasts, and play games. Kindle has a special dictionary feature; it is a great way to increase your vocabulary. You can increase the font size according to your wish. You can get any type of book at any time you want.
You can carry an entire library with yourself at anyplace
If you are the reader who usually walks out of the library with books piled up to your chin, Kindle is definitely for you. Kindle helps you carry many numbers of books at a single time. You would not have to regret that you left your book at home because it was just too thick and heavy to take out.
And operating kindle and managing so many books in your Kindle might become complex for some people, so kindle help support is definitely going to help you to resolve your queries.
You can share it without even regretting:
An Amazon account enables the function that you can share what you are reading and Kindle allows you to join together two different types of accounts one is adult accounts and other is four different children profiles into a single household. It is a better way to inculcate the reading habits among the family members.
If you are not unable to joint different accounts together in Kindle, you can take Kindle Support at any time just by contacting kindle support phone number.
Any book anytime:
As you finish reading one book, you always have the option of ordering another book or even at midnight.
If you get any problem while ordering the books, or managing the Kindle, you can go for online Kindle Support
Kindle is In-built dictionary:
If you don’t know the meaning of any of the word that you just came across while reading. Kindle helps you by fetching a dictionary which will help you in completing the task, for which honestly most of us are very lazy. If you don’t know about an inbuilt dictionary, and operating it in the kindle you can contact the Kindle Help support.
You can read a series without a pause on Kindle:
If you are reading a series then it will definitely compel you to pick up the next book for reading, then you will have to be patient to head to a bookstore and grab the next series book. Kindle lets you to instantly download the next one. If you get into any kind of trouble while in downloading, we provide kindle Support to assist our customers or clients so that they can efficiently operate the Kindle.
Amazon Kindle Common Problems and Solutions
Just like every other consumer gadget out there, Amazon Kindle devices are prone to suffering from a whole host of problems, even if you handle and operate them as carefully and delicately as possible. It is worth taking a look at four of the most common issues associated with Kindle and what you can do to resolve them before calling Kindle Support Number to get help and assistance with these issues.
#1. Inexplicable drainage of the battery:
Problem: Hordes of Kindle Fire users have complained about their device abruptly running out of battery, and considering the grandiose claims Amazon makes concerning the Kindle’s battery life and efficiency, this is a significant issue.
Solution: Your first instinct should be to restart your device by pressing down the Power button for forty seconds or more; that generally solves the problem and isn’t particularly time-consuming as compared to holding time of Kindle Support Phone Number if you decide to call them. However, it is very likely that the issue will persist therefore there are a couple of paths you can take.
First off, you could try uninstalling certain apps since it is mostly apps which are responsible for sudden battery drainage. Secondly, you could just factory reset the whole thing, but do make sure to valuable backup data on kindle support such as photos, videos, etc.
Finally, there are always preventive measures that you can take to avoid having to come up against such a problem in the first place. For one, you should power off your Kindle device whenever it is not in use. If that sounds like too much for some reason, then the least you can do is switch to Low Power Mode.
#2. WiFi connectivity issue:
Problem: Your Kindle device simply refuses to connect to the WiFi network and allow you to download apps or browse the Internet. While this can be frustrating, you are not alone, and there are a few solutions available.
Solution: This may sound obvious, but ensure that you have not switched to Airplane Mode. If that is not the case, then you can try rebooting your device (press Power button for 40 seconds so that it powers off and then on again). Additionally, you should also download the Wi-fi Analyzer and similar apps from Amazon Kindle Support to better diagnose all Wi-Fi related problems. It may be that the problem lies not with your Kindle device but the router; it can’t hurt to check it as well.
#3. Device freezes up while in use
Problem: This is one of those problems that instantly induces panic in the user, but one must remain calm and take a deep breath.
Solutions: The best things you can do is to power off your Kindle device (press power button for 20 seconds) and then power it up again. That generally solves the problem.
#4. MicroSD card not working
Problem: Many Kindle users have complained about their device simply failing to recognize their MicroSD card.
Solutions: First off, you should turn off the Kindle device, remove the microSD card and then carefully replace it and see how that goes. In case it does not work out, you could access SD Card settings on your device via Settings -> Storage -> SD Card, and see if there is a discrepancy there. Also contact Kindle Support Phone Number to check if your Kindle device is compatible with that particular microSD card or not.
Get Help from Amazon Kindle Support
Every great organization doesn’t get to the top of its own accord; it owes a great deal to a loyal customer base. As a good rule of thumb, the best way to satisfy your customers and keep them is to cater to their needs and provide them all manner of support so that their experience with any of the products is always decent.
Amazon clearly understands that, which is why they have instituted an excellent system for providing customer support. Amazon has published lots of online Help Articles that could be utilized for basic troubleshooting for general issues. Furthermore, the Amazon Forum Posts allow people to talk about their problems with the Kindle products and receive troubleshooting advice or workarounds accordingly.
Moreover, you can call Amazon anytime on toll free Kindle Support Phone Number. This is their customer service line for any kind of issue with Kindle. You could also just visit the Amazon website and scroll to the bottom to access the “Help” option. Additionally, clicking on the “Customer Service” option will prompt you to send them an email whereby you can give a detailed rundown of your particular problem. If you have ample time and do not like to talk over the phone, Amazon does have the Live Chat option to deliver excellent support for Kindle devices which could be much more convenient some time.
About Kindle Support:
If you are you’re right here searching for Kindle customer service, you might already know who kindle customer care are. However, it helps you to get a proper picture of how big kindle customer support is and what their customer support procedure looks like if you are a customer. They are regarded as a section of the following areas and industries:
- Information Technology. Software & Services. Internet Software & Services. Internet.
Amazon Kindle is linked with terms like an e-reader, private books, internet knowledge base, new-technology, b2c by their customers and industry analysts.
Why Choose Tablet Support Service as your Customer Support prov >Tablet support is providing technical support service to Amazon Kindle for almost 5 years. We give technical Support to those users who reach us for help.
- We are giving a 24*7 (365 Days) premium technical support service. We help immediate a give solution to our user. Our mission is to give premium technical support service to our users and they have a smile because of us. We don’t want to see a face because their Kindle device is sick. We know how much important is kindle for you. Because all our customer or users have their own stories regarding their kindle. We gived more then 2000+ smiles on our customers face and we are very happy for them. We prov >Kindle Support is a service provider for Kindle tablets, regardless of model and operating system. The reason behind the Kindle support is due to the high usage of Kindle devices in the world. Kindle is used by millions of users, thus bringing a huge requirement for the technical support, which can fix any issue that is present in the device. With different models coming after every year, it becomes important for the company to have the Kindle Support that is necessary to fix all the issues in its devices. Call us at +1-806-516-0102
To ensure prompt and precise support to the Kindle users, we at Kindle Support took the challenge to live up to the expectations of the people who are facing different issues in their Kindle devices. We have mentioned the troubleshooting steps related to any issue befalling Kindle devices, regardless of how stubborn and complicated it is. We have accumulated the most suitable information, which we have also published on the website to help our readers.
Under our Kindle Support Service you can get the best assistance for the below-mentioned issues:
- Startup with Kindle tablet. Transfer eBooks from Old Kindle tablet to the new one. Kindle for PC. To change the Kindle format for better reading. Fix Kindle frozen issue Unable to find My Kindle books. Not able to understand the option of ‘Manage Your Kindle’. Kindle Misplaced Unable to connect Kindle device to Wi-Fi network. Unable to order books in foreign languages. Not able to find Kindle tech support for Kindle repair. Official Amazon Kindle help is not able to prov >The troubleshooting steps related to each and every issue of the Kindle devices are present on our website. Kindle Support assures to provide the best Kindle customer service whether it is the oldest Kindle model or the newest one.
Long-lasting Support:
We are proud that the support we offer is long-lasting. We make sure that the support we deliver to our customers keep their Kindle devices in the working condition for a long period of time.
Kindle Fire Support:
Get an excellent help and support for Kindle Fire tablets, which is a special series of Kindle. Where most tech support companies avoid providing support for Kindle Fire tablets, Kindle Support provides all the assistance for Kindle Fire tablets.
The help provided by Kindle Support can be compared to the one that people receive at support, so there is no need to feel doubtful because the troubleshooting steps given at Kindle Support can help you with any issue that you are facing in your Kindle device.
So, without any further delays, it’s time that you get in touch with the best Kindle com support to resolve the issues surrounding your Kindle device. Kindle Support is your one stop place to get the most accurate assistance for all the Kindle devices, regardless of their model and making date.
Call us +1-806-516-0102 for instant Kindle Support.
WelCome kindle help:
Kindle is an amazing innovative device introduced by Amazon which sinks the book lovers into a mesmerizing world of books. The device has a wonderful collection of different books which allow users to enjoy unwavering book reading experience. Books are considered to be the best companion of humans for decades. People who are passionate about reading give their best to get the book they want to read. Previously, the library was the only source where book readers are able to find a wide collection of amazing books, but with advancements, a new innovation has come into existence known as Kindle.
Welcome To Kindle Help:
This ebook reader allows the users to read the books of their choice just by sitting at their home with complete comfort. Yes! No more library visit, No more Book Store Visit, All you need a Kindle device and you can read any book you want.
So, if you are fond of reading books, novels, or magazines, the Kindle device is an answer to all your questions. Using a Kindle device can be an amazing experience for book lovers.
Till date, Amazon Kindle has launched the different models. From the Ist Generation to 9th Generation, each Kindle device supports some special features which are different from the other. Not only this, but Amazon has Also launched the Kindle application for the different platforms like MacOs, Windows, Android, iOS, Blackberry etc. So, if you are not comfortable with the Kindle device, you can just download the Kindle App and read your favorite books on the favorite device.
Kindle has taken the job of reading to the next level. But along with that, there are certain technical glitches also which can hamper the reading experience of users. Below, we are highlighting those technical defaults:
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