Amazon. com Amazon Fresh
Fresh. amazon. com доставка из интернет-магазина
Налог магазина | 0.00 % |
Доставка от | 0.00 $ |
Время доставки | 16 дней |
Налог магазина взимается при пересылке из штата в штат. Будьте внимательны.
Доставка из магазина — это доставка по стране до нашего склада
Как купить товар
Перейти на официальный сайт магазина — fresh. amazon. com Скопировать на нём ссылку на выбранный вами товар и вставить в поле ниже
Мы выкупим для вас любую вещь и возьмем на себя все трудности общения с продавцом. В среднем на выкуп товара уходит от 2 до 7 дней.
После оформления заказа по ссылке товар добавится в Корзину, где вы сможете оплатить его выкуп.
Amazon. com займется продуктами: Amazon Fresh
Крупнейший онлайн-магазин Amazon. com открывает отдел под названием Amazon Fresh, который будет предлагать пользователям пищевые продукты, сообщает ITWire. Новый сервис находится в тестовой фазе и доступен только жителям города Сиэтл.
Представители компании сообщают, что провели тщательные исследования перед запуском нового сервиса, а также подготовили инфраструктуру для быстрой доставки заказанных продуктов. Пользователи могут оформить заказ на веб-странице Amazon Fresh и получить продукты на следующий день.
Аналитики считают, что работа с пищевыми продуктами маловыгодна для онлайн-магазина и приводят примеры всплеска популярности такого рода распространителей в 1999-2000 гг. и их последующее банкротство.
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About AmazonFresh
AmazonFresh is a grocery delivery and pickup service in select cities. Prime members can get the benefits of AmazonFresh for an additional monthly membership fee of $14.99.
How to sign up for the Fresh Add-on
AmazonFresh customers in select cities can shop for groceries, everyday essentials, favorites from local shops and restaurants, and more with AmazonFresh. AmazonFresh offers Attended Delivery and Unattended Delivery, with Pickup options in select cities.
Visit Amazon. com/AmazonFresh to see if delivery or pickup is available in your area.
Go to Sign-up for AmazonFresh. Select Start your 30-day free trial. Follow the on-screen instructions, if prompted.
Prime membership requirements
Both free trial and paid members of Amazon Prime and Amazon Prime Student can sign up for the Fresh Add-on. Members of the Prime Video monthly membership cannot sign up for the Fresh Add-on. Invited guests of other members, as well as Prime household members, can sign up for Fresh Add-on benefits if one of the primary owners has a Prime membership. Customers with a valid SNAP EBT card issued by a participating state receive free access to the AmazonFresh selection without monthly membership fees. Free shipping thresholds vary.
Signing up for the Fresh Add-on
AmazonFresh is available exclusively to Amazon Prime members.
Eligible customers who are not Prime members can sign up for a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime and a 30-day free trial of the Fresh Add-on. You'll be automatically upgraded to a paid Amazon Prime membership and the paid monthly Fresh Add-on at the end of your free trial periods.
Sign up for Prime here and sign up for AmazonFreshhere.
Signing up for current Prime members
Current Prime members can sign up for a 30-day free trial of the Fresh Add-on. You'll be automatically upgraded to a paid monthly add-on at an additional cost of $14.99 per month at the end of your Fresh trial period.
You can end your Fresh Add-on at any time. If you end your membership during your free trial you will not be charged. You can find more information on ending your membership here.
Paying for your Fresh Add-on
Your Fresh Add-on is billed separately from your Prime membership, but your preferred Prime payment method will be used to pay for both. You can set or update your payment method here.
Customers using a valid SNAP EBT card in a participating state receive free access to the AmazonFresh selection without a Prime membership or monthly membership fees. For more information, please visit www. amazon. com/SNAP.
Note: AmazonFresh does not deliver to dorms.
Note: Delivery fees vary depending on your cart total and the delivery method you choose. Total fees will be displayed when you place your order. Delivery is free for 2-hour delivery windows on orders over either $35 or $50 before tax, depending on your region. When your cart exceeds the local free shipping threshold, free delivery will automatically apply during checkout.
End Your AmazonFresh Subscription
When you sign up for AmazonFresh, your subscription is set to renew automatically on an annual or monthly basis. You can turn off this automatic renewal at any time including during a free trial period.
Go to Your Account. Select "Manage Prime Membership." Select "Manage Fresh Add-on" under the Fresh section.
- To end a paid membership select End Membership on the left side.
Note: Paid members who haven't used the AmazonFresh benefits are eligible for a full refund. If any of the household members have placed an AmazonFresh order, you will not receive a refund.
To cancel an AmazonFresh free trial select Do not continue.
Note: If you do not cancel your free trial, you will automatically continue to a paid monthly subscription. You can find the next payment date listed on the left-hand side of the Manage Your Prime Membership page.
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