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Amazon Best Sellers — авторы книг

Белла Форрест — любительница фантастических, романтических и загадочных историй с непредсказуемыми поворотами сюжета. С момента публикации первого романа в 2012 году она продала уже более семи миллионов книг.

Белла Форрест — любительница фантастических, романтических и загадочных историй с непредсказуемыми поворотами сюжета. С момента публикации первого романа в 2012 году она… Развернуть

Лиана (Лиан) Мориарти – австралийская писательница, работающая в жанре современной прозы. За десять лет своей творческой деятельности она написала три книги для детей в жанре сказочного фэнтези, а также шесть романов для взрослых, которые стали международными бестселлерами. Ей роман " Тайна моего мужа" (The Husband's Secret) , вышедший в 2013 г., был переведен на 35 языков и продан миллионным тиражом. CBS Films приобрели права на экранизацию книги.

Лиана Мориарти родилась в ноябре 1966 года. Она была первым ребенком, и мать старательно записывала в дневник все, что происходило с ее дочерью в ранние годы; а поскольку затем в семье появилось еще четыре девочки и один мальчик, то чести иметь собственные хронологические записи удостоилась только Лиана. Согласно семейной хронике, девочка улыбнулась отцу через несколько часов после своего рождения, первое слово, которое она произнесла, было 'буль', а ее любовь к чтению была настолько велика, что подружки, приглашавшие Лиану в гости, заранее прятали все книги. Первый свой писательский гонорар девочка получила еще в школьном возрасте. Отец поощрял занятия детей сочинением рассказов. Однажды он попросил Лиану написать для него что-нибудь и в качестве аванса уплатил доллар. В ответ Лиана написала эпос из трех частей под интригующим заглавием 'Тайна острова Мертвеца'. Однако литературное творчество рассматривалось и Лианой, и ее семьей как своего рода хобби, и после окончания школы девушка решила заняться рекламным и маркетинговым бизнесом. Дойдя до должности менеджера по маркетингу в крупной издательской компании, она решила попытать счастья и открыть собственную компанию. Бизнес оказался не слишком успешным, и Лиана стала работать фрилансером, успешно продавая рекламные тексты, вебсайты, сценарии для видеороликов. Иногда она писала короткие рассказы - просто для собственного удовольствия, и складывала их в рабочий стол. Лиане казалось, что писатели – это особенная порода людей, к которой она не относится.

Все изменилось, когда в один прекрасный день Лиану навестила младшая сестра Жаклин. К этому времени она уже была магистром английской филологии и даже защитила диссертацию по правоведению в Кембриджском Университете, к чему Лиана относилась совершенно спокойно. Но оказалось, что у сестры только что вышел из печати первый роман! После ухода сестры Лиана сразу же бросилась к компьютеру. В скором времени ее первая книга для детей была отправлена во все издательства Австралии – и везде получила дружный отказ.

Лиана отнеслась к неудаче конструктивно и поступила в магистратуру Университета Маккуэри в Сиднее. В 2004 году для сдачи магистерского экзамена она написала роман 'Three Wishes' ('Три желания'). На этот раз забавный и интригующий сюжет вызвал одобрение не только преподавателей и однокурсников, но и редакторов издательства 'Pan Macmillan'. В 2004 году первая книга Лианы Мориарти вышла из печати, и сразу же вошла в список национальных бестселлеров. Впоследствии этот роман был переведен на многие языки и многократно переиздавался.

Лиана Мориарти оставила работу копирайтера и принялась за нелегкий труд писательницы. В 2006 году вышел ее следующий роман 'The Last Anniversary', который также стал бестселлером. После этого Лиана решила попробовать себя в когда-то любимом жанре детской литературы. 'The Petrifying Problem with Princess Petronella' ('Ужасающая проблема принцессы Петронеллы', 2007) – веселая история об обычной девочке, спасающей всю планету от страшных бедствий - очень понравилась читателям. Лиана Мориарти написала еще две книги, продолжающих эту тему, после чего возвратилась к привычной тематике, написав три новых бестселлера. Из них наиболее успешным стал последний - 'The Husband's Secret' ('Секрет мужа', 2013).

Лиана Мориарти вместе с мужем и двумя детьми проживает в Сиднее. Среди ее любимых увлечений – подводное плавание, водные лыжи и другие занятия, способствующие подъему адреналина.

Лиана (Лиан) Мориарти – австралийская писательница, работающая в жанре современной прозы. За десять лет своей творческой деятельности она написала три книги для детей в жанре… Развернуть

Amazon Store Review – Winkie’s Toys & Hobby

Click here for this week’s specials at Winkie’s Toys & Hobby

Winkie’s Toys & Hobby on Amazon is a store selling tools, toys, games, arts and crafts, drones, and more. Click the blue link above to check out what deals and promotions they are currently offering in a variety of products. At the moment, they do have a Save 25% Off of Select Items promotion.

Feedback History

Winkie’s Toys & Hobby has earned about 3,200 positive feedback ratings, with a current 99% positive overall score. Winkie’s Toys & Hobby is also rated as a #1 Best Seller in many of the categories that they sell on Amazon. This basically means that they offer both a competitive price, as well as a history of customer satisfaction in those categories.

Winkie’s Toys & Hobby mainly sells items like tools, toys, games, arts and crafts, drones, and more. They sell brands like Elenco, Insect Lore, OWI, Dremel, Elmer’s, Matchbox, Mattel, Winning Moves, Walnut Hollow, Estes, Testors, Ideal, Royal & Langnickel, Bounty Hunter, Weller, and others.

This is one of those Amazon stores to visit when you want the retail experience. If you’ve been to a department store lately, or even any electronics store in general, you should be familiar with the brands and styles that they carry.

Items like Snap Circuits Jr. SC-100 Electronics Discovery Kit, Estes 1469 Tandem-X Launch Set, Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector, Celestron 21035 70mm Travel Scope, etc.

Winkie’s Toys & Hobby sells brand new merchandise, and does offer a 100% Authentic guarantee, as well as a 100% money back guarantee.

When you sell name brand electronics, etc., especially at a discount, a popular question is always going to be if the items are authentic, fake, or knock-offs. To answer that question…

Let’s take a close look at their recent feedback history. Amazon buyers have a really good way of weeding out the good sellers from the bad. If an item even SLIGHTLY looks like it might be a counterfeit or knock-off, they will leave you bad feedback. And any and all flaws will usually be reflected in a seller’s feedback. With that being said, over the past 12 months, Winkie’s Toys & Hobby has received about 1,800 positive feedback ratings, compared to just 1% negative feedback comments. With that sort of lop-sided ratio, it definitely appears as though Winkie’s Toys & Hobby is an honestly run business, selling authentic merchandise.

Click Here to View Recent Feedback For Winkie’s Toys & Hobby

All items are guaranteed to be 100% authentic, and come with all the manufacturer paper work, in their original authentic boxes as provided by the manufacturers.

What I like or don’t like

Their storefront is very organized. You have a product menu on the left side with all of the brand categories available, as well as top menu with store categories. So you just find your desired category, and go from there. Once you get into a listing page, you get a left hand menu with all of the brands available. So this store is very easy to navigate.

Another thing I appreciate is their attention to detail in their listings. Each listing has multiple clear and large pictures, so you can clearly see what is included in the listing. Their descriptions go into a lot of detail, and provide all the specifications that you might be looking for like the model they work for, size, color, etc. The quality of their listings is about as good as it gets on Amazon. You get all sorts of pictures, sizes, weights, package contents, etc.

Their attention to detail, and their excellent feedback really makes you feel secure in shopping from this Amazon store. As does their 30-day hassle free returns policy. No need to email back for a return authorization, or deal with with annoying emails back and forth. You just click on return, and send it back. And having a month to do so is quite convenient.

Have you shopped at this store before? If you have, leave a comment below and share your experience.

Individual vs. Professional Amazon Seller Account (How to Choose)

A common question I get asked from new sellers is about what type of Amazon seller account they should set up. Specifically, they ask if they should set up an individual seller account or a professional seller account.

Each type of selling account has its respective benefits, and it really depends on your specific needs. To figure out what type of Amazon seller account you need, let’s start by looking at how Amazon describes each account type:

The Amazon Individual Seller Account

Here’s how Amazon describes the individual seller account option:

“The Individual selling plan is for sellers who don’t need access to inventory tools and reports for volume selling. Under the Individual selling plan, you don’t pay a monthly subscription fee. You pay a per-item fee in addition to applicable fees.”

The Amazon Professional Seller Account

Here’s how Amazon describes the professional seller account option:

“In the Professional selling plan, you pay a nonrefundable monthly subscription fee regardless of whether you list or sell anything. You don’t pay a per-item fee when an item sells. All other fees are charged as applicable. The Professional selling plan gives you access to inventory tools to upload batch files and manage your orders through feeds and reports. These tools are beneficial to most medium - to large-size businesses.”

Key Differences between the Amazon Individual Seller Account and the Amazon Professional Seller Account

Below is a chart that shows the key differences between the 2 account types:

The above chart is directly from Amazon and does a nice job of comparing the two account types. That said, there’s a lot here, and it’s important to drill down to the details that are most important:

    The Amazon professional seller fee rings in at $39.99 per month. However, that $39.99 monthly fee removes the individual seller fee of $0.99 per item. So, if you are selling more than 40 items it almost always makes sense to get the professional seller account. Only Amazon professional sellers are eligible to have their items featured in the “buy box.” The buy box is the featured seller on a listing within Amazon. For example, on this listing “Windy Castle Gift Shop” is the seller in the buy box:

This means that if the seller clicks the “add to cart” or “buy now” buttons (red arrow), they will be purchasing from Windy Castle Gift Shop, as they are the seller in the buy box. If you are selling this item and are not in the buy box, you will show up as one of the sellers featured below the buy box, or in the list where it says used & new (37) by the blue arrow. As you can see if you aren’t in the buy box it’s a bit more difficult for customers to buy from you.

    Only professional seller accounts have the ability to have sales tax collected on items they sell. Sales tax for FBA sellers is a bit of a tricky issue, but if you want to collect sales tax you need the professional seller account. Amazon requires an additional level of approval to sell in certain categories on the platform. Below are examples of categories that require you to have a professional seller account to seek approval:
      Automotive & Powersports Jewelry Watches Sports Collectibles Video, DVD, & Blu-ray Collectible Coins Entertainment Collectibles Fine Art

    The final major difference that I will point out is the ability to use product data feeds, and granting access to other users. These features are only available on the professional selling plan. If you want to use 3rd party apps and tools, then you will need a professional seller account. In my case, the tools that I use to help run my business require me to be signed up through a professional seller account.

Which Amazon seller account type is best for you?

The individual Amazon seller account is best for someone who:

    Wants to get their feet wet selling on Amazon and keep costs as low as possible at the beginning Is selling less than 40 items per month Doesn’t have the need for the additional features of the professional seller account

The professional seller account is best for:

    Any sellers selling over 40 items per month Any seller wanting to collect sales tax on their items Any sellers who want to use 3rd party apps and tools Sellers who want to be displayed in the buy box Sellers who want to sell in certain restricted categories

Can I start off as an individual seller account and then switch to a professional seller account later?

Yes, you can switch at any time you would like.

This is the route I took when I first started selling on Amazon. When I was doing it part-time as a hobby I used an individual seller account. Then, once I was selling over 40 items per month, I upgraded to the professional seller account.

Here’s how to upgrade your Amazon seller account:

Login to your Amazon Seller Account Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Account Info under Settings In the Your Services section click Manage Click Upgrade next to the account type

Note: If you want to switch from a professional seller account to an individual seller account, steps 1 to 3 are the same, and in step 4 click downgrade.


This post walks through the main decision factors that I would look at when determining which account type is right for you. If you are in doubt as to which option is right for you, and you are selling less than 40 items per month, I’d start off with the individual seller account. Then, once you are selling 40 items per month or need additional features, upgrade to the professional seller account.

Want to learn more about getting started selling on Amazon? Here’s a general overview of my recommendations for getting started selling on Amazon.

You can also take my free email course where I share some of the tips I’ve learned from operating my own multi-million dollar business to help you get your first sale on Amazon.

[Step by Step Gu > Filed in Amazon, Case Studies, Niche Research by Chelsea Baldwin on April 14, 2016

There's two reasons why you'll be reading this post:

You have Picked your niche already and now need to know which (Amazon) affiliate products to sell that will make you money.

Or you're simply looking for hot selling Amazon affiliate products so you can then turn those products into your niche.

You're in the right place.

Simply by checking out your own personal Amazon book suggestions and researching how well their overall product rank is when it comes to Amazon sales.

And so if you're into selling books, you'd probably already have a few items to add to your site's product list.

Which is why in this post you'll uncover what the other Amazon's best-selling products in your discovered niche are.

Simply by following along with our step by step guide.

So you can maximize your profit, by selling the things that people are 100% interested in buying, instead of just guessing at it.

Because when you know the best selling Amazon products in your niche you can promote them and be sure they'll sell. (See more Niche research Posts here)

The first thing for you to do is go to Amazon. com right now.

So you can follow along step by step with me as you go through this post.

And at the end we'll both have found the best selling products in our niche.

Which we can start promoting on our sites and making affiliate commissions from.

Well if you've opened Amazon. com up already.

Then let's do it.

( RELATED : Discover the “secrets” to being a successful Amazon Affiliate in NicheHacks Insider)

What You'll Learn

    Where to find Amazon's best seller list and why it matters.

    How to narrow down the main list to your specific niche so you get the REAL products your audience want.

    How to double-check if the products listed are a good fit for your site.

    Where to find complementary products that also sell well so you can maximize your income.

To discover 200+ profitable niche markets click the image below now.

1. Start With the Best Sellers To Find Your Most Profitable Products

Amazon makes finding the best-selling products site-wide and across all their niches incredibly easy.

The first thing you need to do though, is open the Amazon Best Sellers Page. ( Accessories > Darkroom Supplies > Chemicals.

But when I click on the product to look at the description and read the reviews, I see this:

It's primarily listed as a hair dye and people are talking about using it to tint their eyebrows. not their pictures in a dark room.

Even if this chemical can be used in a dark room (I have no idea)

It's probably best to avoid listing on your site unless you're positive that 100% of your readers are total photo connoisseurs and already know what you're talking about.

In which case, such a tutorial probably wouldn't be necessary for them.

Product number two on Amazon's Best Seller List for this category though, is right on the money:

Beyond the few off-handed comments on how well this product also works as a cleaner for showers and gravestones (you never know what you'll find on the internet)

Everything about this product listing yells photography. which is what you want.

To discover 200+ profitable niche markets click the image below now.

5. Make Sure It Meets Certain "Easy-to-Buy" Criteria

This criteria may not apply if you're intentionally advocating an expensive product.

But if you're trying to get your readers to fill up their Amazon shopping carts and buy everything you suggest, try sticking to this criteria for the top-selling products you choose:

    A price of $50 or less Less than 3 pounds in weight

While these items may be important purchases, a lower price and smaller size make them easier to purchase on a whim and don't require a lot of thought towards the justification of their purchase.

( RELATED : Learn how to profit from the Amazon Affiliate Program with NicheHacks Insider)

6. Check Out the "Also Bought" Section

Amazon is really, really good at selling.

So every time a customer checks out a product, they have a section directly underneath the product description showing related products that make nice complements to the product currently being considered.

This encourages more shopping and higher checkout values.

For you, though, it can be a great way to Suggest product pairings in conjunction with the best-selling products you're talking about on your site.

Beyond the chemicals, this also bought section suggests lots of hardware needed for darkroom development. a goldmine if you're putting together a how-to tutorial on the subject.

And even though the products shown might not be "bestsellers" themselves, you know that they are good enough products that lots of people within your niche are still buying them anyway, so they're worth listing.

You've just found a selection of best selling Amazon products in your niche.

Find More Desirable Products to Sell

If you've got a niche site making money from Amazon already, I'm sure you've already found some decent products to promote.

(You can check out our Members area if you don't have a niche yet, and check out the 150+ niche reports we have there with 6 new being added every month)

But when go go the route of starting from Amazon's Best Seller list, do you find anything else that should be on your product promotion list?

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